Asynchronous Programming

Some Background

There has been a large movement in the python community for asynchronous programming. Examples include Twisted, Tornado, ZeroMQ, pyftpdlib, libevent, libev, pyev, libuv, wattle, etc. More officially, it has been accepted into the python standard library as asyncio as of python 3.4.

Brief Summary

Asynchronous programming refers to two related concepts:

  • I/O bound scalability, opening multiple socket connections with a single thread.

    This is relevant to the C10k problem, as a single thread can handle many connections if it does not wait for remote I/O operations to finish before moving to the next connection.

  • Explicit cooperative multi-threading, where yield points are visible and known.

    One relevant quote from Nick Coghlan:

    When writing implicitly asynchronous code, you have to assume that you may lose control of the execution at any point, since even something as innocuous as retrieving an attribute from an object may suspend the thread of control. By contrast, with explicitly asynchronous code, it is safe to assume that you have sole access to shared data structures between suspension points.

    Thus the focus on explicit yield points, which grants “locks” on data without worrying about the complexities of thread safety.

For IceProd, the first concept is the most important one. Scalability is one of the primary goals, so making sure servers can handle thousands of requests per second is important. The rest of this documentation will focus on that.

Whatever the method of getting asynchronous, the goal is to allow the main thread to continue processing additional requests while the current request is processed (or waiting) somewhere else. While this doesn’t work well for compute-bound applications, network I/O lends itself very well to this because of the high latencies between network events. Thus, as long as the main thread can check for a new request every few microseconds, it can also run a large number of shorter functions at the same time.

In practice, the main benefit comes when interacting with a filesystem or database. Both of these actions would normally spend a large number of clock cycles waiting for a return value, but can now do useful work in the meantime.


For some deeper reading, see Nick Coghlan’s thoughts.

Official PEP: 3156.

Documentation: asyncio.

Practical Usage


The traditional method of going asynchronous is by callback functions. Instead of waiting for a long function to return, it is instead given a callback and returns immediately. Eventually the original action will be finished and call the callback.


IceProd’s main access to asynchronous I/O is through Tornado. This is the basic framework for the website, and provides utility functions for asynchronous sockets that are used in several other places. Tornado also allows us to make http downloads asynchronously.

A basic Hello World example is:

from functools import partial
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop

def hello_world(loop):
    print('Hello World')

loop = IOLoop.instance()

# Schedule a call to hello_world()

# Blocking call interrupted by loop.stop()


Using the C API for the Globus Toolkit allows us to use GridFTP asynchronously as well. This has been integrated into Tornado’s callback mechanism in Python with mostly complete pybindings for ease of use.

Callback Details

Functions that accept callbacks generally take the form of:

def foo(arg1,arg2,callback):
    # do some work

The callback argument should be a function capable of handling the result it is given.

For I/O applications, it is often necessary to pass connection details to the callback function. There are two approaches:

  1. Quick and Dirty:

    def foo(arg1,callback,callback_args):
        # do work
    def cb(result,args):
        # handle result

This passes callback arguments through the worker function using a second argument. It is used often in lower level languages where things must be compiled to binary before running.
  1. Functional Programming:

    def foo(arg1,callback):
        # do work
    def cb(result,args={}):
        # handle result

In functional programming, function signatures can be changed by filling in only some of the arguments and treating that as a new function. Python allows this with the functools.partial() built-in.

Much of the code in the IceProd server uses the functional programming style, though there is some of the first style in the GridFTP python bindings.


Starting in python 3.2, and available as a backport with the futures package, asynchronous actions have more official support:

# Run slow operations in parallel using threads.
# Instead of taking 5 seconds, this should only take 1 second.

import time
import concurrent.futures

def slow_operation():

# make a futures executor that launches 5 worker threads
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
    # queue the operations
    queue_operations = [executor.submit(slow_operation) for _ in range(5)]
    for future in queue_operations:
            # wait for this one to finish
        except Exception:

IceProd already has Tornado to do the heavy lifting that the ThreadPoolExecutor would do. And in fact, it gets even easier.

In the Tornado request handler, where the get or post method is usually defined, tornado.gen.coroutine and tornado.concurrent.run_on_executor can be used to provide a yield-like syntax for callback functions:

# Using Tornado, run slow operations in parallel using threads.
# Instead of taking 5 seconds, this should only take 1 second.
import time
import concurrent.futures
import tornado.web
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.concurrent

class slow_op:
    def __init__(self):
        self.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5)
        self.io_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()

    # wrap this function such that it returns a Future
    def slow_operation(self):
        return True

class MyHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    # get the global slop_op instance
    def initialize(self,ops):
        self.ops = ops

    # handle Futures inline with yield
    def get(self):
        ret = yield self.ops.slow_operation()

# make a futures executor that launches 5 worker threads
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:

    # launch tornado
    app = tornado.web.Application([
        (r"/.*", MyHandler, {'ops':slow_op()}),

Test this with:

time (curl http://localhost:8888 & curl http://localhost:8888 & curl http://localhost:8888 & curl http://localhost:8888 & curl http://localhost:8888 & wait)

Or, if you already have an asynchronous function with a callback, you can use tornado.concurrent.return_future to make it return a Future. Note that the function should be truly asynchronous, with no blocking before the function returns. Good examples of this are network calls where you expect the result to be returned in the callback whenever it happens.


Starting in python 3.4 an asynchronous I/O library has been included in python. This takes the place of tornado in some of the previous examples. A basic Hello World example is:

import asyncio

def hello_world(loop):
    print('Hello World')

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

# Schedule a call to hello_world()
loop.call_soon(hello_world, loop)

# Blocking call interrupted by loop.stop()