csky documentation#
csky is an unbinned likelihood maximization library optimized for the sorts of analyses commonly performed by the IceCube Neutrino Sources working group. It tries to strike a balance between flexibility and ease-of-use within that domain. The user interface and most of the implementation are in Python, while some important bottlenecks are optimized in C++.
- About
- Installation
- Tutorials
- Getting started with csky
- TXS 0506+056 time-integrated and time-dependent
- Time-integrated stacking
- Working with arbitrary data
- Scaling up: analysis on a cluster
- Implementation Inspection
- Correlated analyses with MultiTrialRunner
- Spatial Priors
- Differential Sensitivity
- KDE PDFs Via GenericPDFRatio
- Effective Area
- Comparing csky vs SkyLLH vs Skylab
- Plotting analysis properties
- API Reference