DOMLauncher C++ API Reference

class BufferedWaveformEvaluator
#include <domlauncherutils.h>

Public Functions

inline BufferedWaveformEvaluator(double timeBin = 25 * I3Units::ns, double padding = 200 * I3Units::ns, double cutoffTime = 500 * I3Units::microsecond, double bufferTime = 500 * I3Units::microsecond)
inline void SetPulses(const std::vector<I3MCPulse> &pulses)
inline double WaveFormAmplitude(double time, InterpolatedSPETemplate &templ)
inline void Buffer(double start_time)
inline void Clear()

Private Members

std::vector<I3MCPulse> pulseBuffer_
WaveformEvaluator currentWaveform_
WaveformEvaluator bufferedWaveform_
const std::vector<I3MCPulse> *currentPulses_
double bufferTime_
class CombinedSimulator : public I3ConditionalModule

A module that combines simulation of the detector response with the PMT response simulator.

class: CombinedSimulator (Gyllenstierna)






Copyright (c) 2011,2012 IceCube Collaboration


Matti Jansson

Public Functions

CombinedSimulator(const I3Context&)
inline ~CombinedSimulator()
void Configure()
void DAQ(I3FramePtr)
void Calibration(I3FramePtr)
void Geometry(I3FramePtr)
void DetectorStatus(I3FramePtr)
std::pair<std::vector<I3MCPulse>, ParticlePulseIndexMap> processHits(const std::vector<I3MCPE> &inputHits, OMKey dom, const I3DOMCalibration &cal, const I3DOMStatus &status, const ParticlePulseIndexMap &pePedigree)

Applies all transformations to a set of hits on a single DOM.

  • inputHits – The raw hits on the DOM

  • dom – The DOM on which the hits occur

  • cal – The current calibration information for this DOM

  • status – The current status information for this DOM

  • pePedigree – The particle parentage


A new set of time ordered hits with weighting applied, alternate pulse types generated, saturation applied, and time merging applied

void saturate(std::vector<I3MCPulse> &hits, double pmtVoltage, const I3DOMCalibration &cal)

Reweights the hits in the given series to mimic the effects of saturation in the PMT. The ‘inverse’ saturation parameterization from T. Waldenmeier is used.

  • hits – The hit series to be reweighted

  • pmtVoltage – The operating voltage of the PMT

  • cal – The calibration data for the DOM


The input hits must be time ordered

inline std::string getInputHitsName() const
inline void setInputHitsName(const std::string &in)
inline bool getUseSPEDistribution() const
inline void setUseSPEDistribution(bool use)
inline bool getUseJitter() const
inline void setUseJitter(bool use)
inline double getPrePulseProbability() const
inline void setPrePulseProbability(double prob)
inline double getLatePulseProbability() const
inline void setLatePulseProbability(double prob)
inline double getAfterPulseProbability() const
inline void setAfterPulseProbability(double prob)
inline bool getApplySaturation() const
inline void setApplySaturation(bool apply)
inline bool getMergeHits() const
inline void setMergeHits(bool merge)
inline bool getLowMem() const
inline void setLowMem(bool lowMem)
inline boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> getRandomService() const
inline void setRandomService(boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> randomService)

Public Static Functions

static void timeMergeHits(std::vector<I3MCPE> &hits)

Merges together pulses which are within some small time window, compacting the hit series if it is densely filled with hits. (Here, ‘small’ is intended to be relative to the resolution of the feature extractor.)


hits – The hit series to be compacted


The input hits must be time ordered

static void timeMergeHits(std::vector<I3MCPulse> &hits, ParticlePulseIndexMap &aux)

Private Functions

void DOTOutput(I3FramePtr, const domlauncherutils::DCStream&)

Extracts Discriminator Over Threshold (DOT) times from triggerStream_ and puts in Frame as an MCPulseSeriesMap.

This function provides Discriminator Over Threshold (DOT) output, a feature which was asked by the sn-wg group as they base their analysis on discriminator crossings.

void InitilizeDOMMap()
double normalHitWeight(unsigned int w, const boost::shared_ptr<I3SumGenerator> &speDistribution)

Computes the amount of charge, relative to the charge produced by an ideal, single photoelectron, produced by a hit whose weight is an integer number of initial photoelectrons.

  • w – The weight of the hit in photons

  • speDistribution – The amplification distribution from which to sample


The amount of charge produced by the PMT for this hit, in units of the ideal charge produced by a single photoelectron

double PMTJitter()

Generates a random time jitter value for a hit.

Fisher-Tippett variables for well behaved time distribtutions. These values were obtained by fits to Bricktop running at 1345 [V] during DFL studies by C. Wendt. The fits were performed by R. Porrata.


A random time offset, in nanoseconds

double prePulseTimeShift(double voltage)

Computes the amount by which prepulses are early at a given voltage.


voltage – The operating voltage of the DOM


A time offset, in nanoseconds

double prePulseWeight(double voltage)

Computes the charge of a prepulse, relative to an ideal s.p.e. at a given voltage.


voltage – The operating voltage of the DOM


The amount of charge produced by the PMT for a prepulse, in units of the ideal charge produced by a single photoelectron

double earlyAfterPulseWeight()

Computes the charge of an early afterpulse, relative to an ideal s.p.e. at a given voltage.


The amount of charge produced by the PMT for an early afterpulse, in units of the ideal charge produced by a single photoelectron

void createLatePulse(I3MCPulse &hit, const boost::shared_ptr<I3SumGenerator> &speDistribution, double voltage)

Alters the properies of the given hit to describe a late pulse.

  • hit – The existing raw hit to be turned into a late pulse hit

  • speDistribution – The speDistribution for the DOM on which the hit is being detected

  • voltage – The operating voltage of the PMT

void createAfterPulse(I3MCPulse &hit, const boost::shared_ptr<I3SumGenerator> &speDistribution, double voltage)

Alters the properies of the given hit to describe an afterpulse.

  • hit – The existing raw hit to be turned into an afterpulse hit

  • speDistribution – The speDistribution for the DOM on which the hit is being detected

  • voltage – The operating voltage of the PMT

double fisherTippett(double location, double scale, double logLowerBound, double logUpperBound)

Generate a Fisher-Tippet distributed (alias Gumbel distributed) random variate.

  • location – The location parameter of the distribution from which to sample (mean = location + scale * euler_mascheroni)

  • scale – The scale parameter of the distribution from which to sample (variance = (pi * scale)**2 / 6)

  • logLowerBound – Indirectly determines the lower cutoff of the distribution

  • logUpperBound – Indirectly determines the upper cutoff of the distribution

SET_LOGGER ("DOMLauncher")

Private Members

std::string inputHitsName_

The name of the I3MCPESeriesMap to process.

bool useSPEDistribution_

Whether the charges of hits should be randomized.

bool usePMTJitter_

Whether the times of hits should be randomly perturbed.

double prePulseProbability_

The probability that a pulse arrives early.

double latePulseProbability_

The probability that a pulse arrives late.

double afterPulseProbability_

The probability that a pulse produces an accompanying afterpulse.

bool applySaturation_

Whether the weights of the hits should be modified to account for saturation.

bool mergeHits_

Whether hits very close in time should be merged.

bool lowMem_

Whether to merge hits repeatedly during generation to attempt to limit transient memory use.

boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> randomService_

The random service fetched from the tray.

boost::shared_ptr<I3SumGenerator> genericChargeDistribution_

A generic distribution of charges produced by single photon hits.

std::map<OMKey, boost::shared_ptr<I3SumGenerator>> chargeDistributions_

The charge distributions to be used for each DOM for single photon hits.

boost::shared_ptr<const I3Calibration> lastCalibration_

The most recently seen calibration data.

bool domMapInitialized_

Is DOM Map initialized.

bool snMode_

SuperNova Mode : Outputs discriminator over threshold (DOT) times.

bool multiFrameEvents_

Does not reset the DOMs with each new frame.

bool tabulatePTs_

Pulse templates used in simulation are interpolated for better speed with the cost of worse precision and larger memory consumption.

bool mergePulses_

If pulses in the past should be merged. Speeds up considerably if the number of pulses to process per DOM and frame is large.

bool droopedPulseTemplates_

If drooped SPE pulse templates should be used.

bool beaconLaunches_

If beacon launches should be simulated.

double beaconLaunchRate_

Rate of beacon launches.

std::string domLaunchMapName_

The name of the DOMLaunchSeriesMaps to be produced.

std::string mcPulseSeriesName_

The name of the MCPulseSeriesMap to be processed.

I3Map<OMKey, I3OMGeo> domGeo_
std::map<OMKey, I3DOMCalibration> domCal_
std::map<OMKey, I3DOMStatus> domStatus_
std::map<OMKey, boost::shared_ptr<I3DOM>> domMap_
std::map<OMKey, boost::shared_ptr<I3DOM>> activeDOMsMap_
domlauncherutils::I3DOMGlobals globalSimState
std::string randomServiceName_

The ID of the random service to use.


friend class CombinedSimulatorTestSetup
struct DiscCross
#include <domlauncherutils.h>

The DiscCross is a representaion of a discriminator crossing.

Public Functions

inline DiscCross()
inline DiscCross(OMKey i, double s)
inline bool operator==(const domlauncherutils::detail::DiscCross &rhs)

Public Members


The DOM which the trigger belongs to.

double time

Trigger start time.

LaunchType type

Type of trigger.

struct DOM
#include <DOM.h>

This is the base class for for an DOM object used in DOMLauncher simulation. All different types of DOMs are derived from this class.

class: I3DOM






Copyright (c) 2012 IceCube Collaboration


Samuel Flis

Subclassed by I3DOM

Public Functions

inline virtual ~DOM()
struct DOMCalibration
#include <I3DOM.h>

Public Functions

void Configure(const I3DOMCalibration&)

Public Members

double frontEndImpedance
double atwdGains[3]
double atwdDeltaT[2]
double atwdBinCalib[2][3][128]
double atwdBeaconBaseline[2][128]
double fadcGain
double fadcDeltaT
double fadcBeaconBaseline
class DOMLauncher : public I3ConditionalModule
#include <DOMLauncher.h>

A module that simulates the detector response.

class: DOMLauncher (Gyllenstierna)






Copyright (c) 2011,2012 IceCube Collaboration


Samuel Flis

Public Functions

DOMLauncher(const I3Context&)
inline ~DOMLauncher()
void Configure()
void DAQ(I3FramePtr)
void Calibration(I3FramePtr)
void Geometry(I3FramePtr)
void DetectorStatus(I3FramePtr)

Private Functions

void DOTOutput(I3FramePtr, const domlauncherutils::DCStream&)

Extracts Discriminator Over Threshold (DOT) times from triggerStream_ and puts in Frame as an MCPulseSeriesMap.

This function provides Discriminator Over Threshold (DOT) output, a feature which was asked by the sn-wg group as they base their analysis on discriminator crossings.

void InitilizeDOMMap()
DOMLauncher(const DOMLauncher&)
DOMLauncher &operator=(const DOMLauncher&)
SET_LOGGER ("DOMLauncher")

Private Members

bool domMapInitialized_

Is DOM Map initialized.

bool snMode_

SuperNova Mode : Outputs discriminator over threshold (DOT) times.

bool multiFrameEvents_

Does not reset the DOMs with each new frame.

bool tabulatePTs_

Pulse templates used in simulation are interpolated for better speed with the cost of worse precision and larger memory consumption.

bool mergePulses_

If pulses in the past should be merged. Speeds up considerably if the number of pulses to process per DOM and frame is large.

bool droopedPulseTemplates_

If drooped SPE pulse templates should be used.

bool beaconLaunches_

If beacon launches should be simulated.

double beaconLaunchRate_

Rate of beacon launches.

std::string domLaunchMapName_

The name of the DOMLaunchSeriesMaps to be produced.

std::string mcPulseSeriesName_

The name of the MCPulseSeriesMap to be processed.

I3Map<OMKey, I3OMGeo> domGeo_
std::map<OMKey, I3DOMCalibration> domCal_
std::map<OMKey, I3DOMStatus> domStatus_
I3RandomServicePtr randomService_
std::map<OMKey, boost::shared_ptr<I3DOM>> domMap_
std::map<OMKey, boost::shared_ptr<I3DOM>> activeDOMsMap_
I3Vector<OMKey> badDOMList_
domlauncherutils::I3DOMGlobals globalSimState
std::string randomServiceName_

The ID of the random service to use.

std::map<OMKey, bool> alreadyWarnedUnexpectedPulses_

Record of DOMs for which a warning message about unexpected pulses being ignored has already been issued.

struct DOMStatus
#include <I3DOM.h>

Public Functions

void Configure(const I3DOMStatus&)

Public Members

double lcWindowPre
double lcWindowPost
I3DOMStatus::OnOff statusATWDa
I3DOMStatus::OnOff statusATWDb
I3DOMStatus::LCMode lcMode
I3DOMStatus::LCMode txMode
unsigned lcSpan
I3DOMStatus::DOMGain domGainType
class genericLOM_PMT : public PMT
#include <PMT.h>

Public Functions

inline genericLOM_PMT(double prePulseProbability, double latePulseProbability, double afterPulseProbability, const I3RandomServicePtr &r, const I3DOMCalibration &calibration)
inline virtual double GetPrePulseTimeShift(double voltage)
inline virtual double GetPrePulseWeight(double voltage)
inline virtual const unsigned int GetNumLatePulseComponents()
inline virtual const pulseComponent *GetLatePulseComponents()
inline virtual const unsigned int GetNumAfterPulseComponents()
inline virtual const pulseComponent *GetAfterPulseComponents()
inline virtual double PMTJitter()
inline virtual void SetSaturationParams(double log10Gain)
inline virtual bool SkipSaturation()
inline virtual bool SkipMergeHits()
class HamamatsuR15458_02PMT : public PMT
#include <PMT.h>

Public Functions

inline HamamatsuR15458_02PMT(double prePulseProbability, double latePulseProbability, double afterPulseProbability, const I3RandomServicePtr &r, const I3DOMCalibration &calibration)
inline virtual double GetPrePulseTimeShift(double voltage)
inline virtual double GetPrePulseWeight(double voltage)
inline virtual const unsigned int GetNumLatePulseComponents()
inline virtual const pulseComponent *GetLatePulseComponents()
inline virtual const unsigned int GetNumAfterPulseComponents()
inline virtual const pulseComponent *GetAfterPulseComponents()
inline virtual double PMTJitter()
inline virtual void SetSaturationParams(double log10Gain)
inline virtual bool SkipSaturation()
inline virtual bool SkipMergeHits()
class HamamatsuR5912_100PMT : public PMT
#include <PMT.h>

Public Functions

inline HamamatsuR5912_100PMT(double prePulseProbability, double latePulseProbability, double afterPulseProbability, const I3RandomServicePtr &r, const I3DOMCalibration &calibration)
inline virtual double GetPrePulseTimeShift(double voltage)
inline virtual double GetPrePulseWeight(double voltage)
inline virtual const unsigned int GetNumLatePulseComponents()
inline virtual const pulseComponent *GetLatePulseComponents()
inline virtual const unsigned int GetNumAfterPulseComponents()
inline virtual const pulseComponent *GetAfterPulseComponents()
inline virtual void SetSaturationParams(double log10Gain)
inline virtual bool SkipSaturation()
inline virtual bool SkipMergeHits()
inline virtual double PMTJitter()
class HamamatsuR7081_02PMT : public PMT
#include <PMT.h>

Public Functions

inline HamamatsuR7081_02PMT(double prePulseProbability, double latePulseProbability, double afterPulseProbability, const I3RandomServicePtr &r, const I3DOMCalibration &calibration)
inline virtual double GetPrePulseTimeShift(double voltage)
inline virtual double GetPrePulseWeight(double voltage)
inline virtual const unsigned int GetNumLatePulseComponents()
inline virtual const pulseComponent *GetLatePulseComponents()
inline virtual const unsigned int GetNumAfterPulseComponents()
inline virtual const pulseComponent *GetAfterPulseComponents()
inline virtual void SetSaturationParams(double log10Gain)
inline virtual bool SkipSaturation()
inline virtual bool SkipMergeHits()
inline virtual double PMTJitter()

Fisher-Tippett variables for well behaved time distribtutions. These values were obtained by fits to Bricktop running at 1345 [V] during DFL studies by C. Wendt. The fits were performed by R. Porrata.

class I3DOM : private DOM
#include <I3DOM.h>

This is the base class for for an IceCube DOM used in DOMLauncher simulation. The InIce and IceTop DOMS are derived from this class.

class: I3DOM






Copyright (c) 2012 IceCube Collaboration


Samuel Flis

Subclassed by I3IceTopDOM, I3InIceDOM

Public Functions


Default constructor. Thread-unsafe. No random sercice is set.

I3DOM(I3RandomServicePtr rng, const OMKey &om)

Constructor mostly for python convenience. NOTE: It is thread-unsafe since the state of the simulation and the is static pulse template map are static. It will in particular not work if one wants two I3DOMs to be identical except one having tabulated pulse templates and the other non-tabulated pulse templates.

  • rng – a pointer to an I3RandomService

  • om – the OMKey/om number of the particular DOM.

I3DOM(boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> rng, const OMKey &om, double &globalTime, domlauncherutils::PulseTemplateMap &speTemplateMap)

This is the preferred constructor since it is threadsafe. The user have to provide references to the state variables.

  • rng – a pointer to an I3RandomService

  • om – the OMKey/om number of the particular DOM.

  • globalTime – a reference to a double that holds the globalTime state.

  • speTemplateMap – a reference to a PulseTemplateMap that stores the pulse templates.

inline virtual ~I3DOM()
bool Configure(const I3DOMCalibration&, const I3DOMStatus&, double)

This function provides a configuration method for an I3DOM. Here all internal properties and variables should be set using information from the G,C and D frames.

virtual void CreateLCLinks(const std::map<OMKey, boost::shared_ptr<I3DOM>> &domMap, const I3OMGeoMap &domGeo) = 0
virtual void MakeCoarseChargeStamp(const dlud::DiscCross&, int chip, I3DOMLaunch&) = 0
inline double GetDiscriminatorThreshold()
inline double GetDiscriminatorThresholdFraction()
inline double GetRapCalTimeShift()
inline void SetRapCalTimeShift(double shift)
inline void SetUseTabulation(bool tabulation)
inline void SetMergePulses(bool merge)
inline void SetUseDroopedTemplate(bool droop)
inline bool GetUseTabulation()
inline bool GetMergePulses()
inline bool GetUseDroopedTemplate()
void Discriminator(const std::vector<I3MCPulse>&, dlutils::DCStream &dcStream)

This function holds the discriminator simulation. From the input of I3MCPulses, discriminator crossings are determined. This can in general be done.

The I3DOM::Discriminator is responsible to simulate the discriminator by creating DiscCrosss for each clockCycle the input signal is above threshold. These are then put in a global discriminator crossings stream that defines the time evolution of the event.

void AddTrigger(dlud::DiscCross&)

A function to feed back triggers previuosly simulated by Discriminator().

To simulate inter-DOM behavior where the DOMs signal each other, local coincidence (LC) for instance, this function is used. Triggers are fed back to the I3DOMs in a time ordered stream.

inline void TriggerLaunch(bool force)

This function triggers DOMs that have potential triggers left which would cause a launch (only SLC). In general the launch decision can’t be made at the time when the trigger is received if no neighbor DOMs are in LC. If the I3DOM object doesn’t receive more triggers or LC signals in a frame, the trigger will not result in a DOM launch unless this function is called. If force is true all potential triggers will cause a launch given that the DOM isn’t busy.

bool AddBeaconLaunches(double startTime, double endTime, dlutils::DCStream &dcStream)

This function will add beacon launches between in a specified time window to the dc-stream according to the beacon launch rate which is set.

  • startTime – the start time of the window

  • endTime – the end time of the window

  • dcStream – the discriminator crossing stream

void Reset(bool full = true)

Resets all dynamic properties such as deadtimes, stored triggers and launches giving you a ‘fresh DOM. No DOM specific configuration settings are reset!


full – when true a full reset is done, i.e all properties are reset. Otherwise only the launches are cleared

inline bool IsActive()
inline const std::vector<dlud::DiscCross> &GetTriggers() const
inline const std::vector<I3DOMLaunch> &GetDOMLaunches() const
inline const std::vector<I3DOM*> &GetNeighbors() const
inline std::vector<dlud::DiscCross> &GetTriggers()
inline std::vector<I3DOMLaunch> &GetDOMLaunches()
inline std::vector<I3DOM*> &GetNeighbors()
inline const OMKey &GetOMKey() const

Returns the DOM id (an OMKey)

Public Members

double speMean_
double transitTime_
double atwdSamplingRate_[2]
DOMCalibration domCal_
DOMStatus domStat_
domlauncherutils::BufferedWaveformEvaluator waveform_

Public Static Attributes

static const double ATWDReadoutDigitizeTime = 29000 * I3Units::ns

The time it takes to readout and digitize one ATWD channel.

static const double HLCReadoutTime = 6400 * I3Units::ns

This is the time it takes the DOM to readout the FADC after an HLC launch. It is roughly the deadtime of the DOM after an HLC launch if in ping-pong mode.

static const double ATWDRestartTime = 225 * I3Units::ns

The time it takes to restart the ATWD after a recording.

static const double ATWDClearTime = 950 * I3Units::ns

The time it takes to reset one ATWD channel.

static const double clockCycle = 25 * I3Units::ns

Length of an FPGA clock cycle.

static const double delayLine = 75 * I3Units::ns

Length of the DOM delay line in ns.

static const double lcWait = 350 * I3Units::ns

Length of the dead time for LC signals.

static const unsigned int nFADCBins = 256

Number of samples/bins in FADC digitization.

static const unsigned int nATWDBins = 128

Number of samples/bins in ATWD digitization.

static const unsigned int nFADCCoarseChargeStampBins = 16

Number of samples/bins to compute coarse charge stamp.

static const unsigned int ATWDThreshold = 768

Threshold in number of counts to trigger digitization of the next ATWD channel.

static const unsigned int digitizerBits = 10

The number of bitswhich can be read out by digitizers.

static const unsigned int digitizerDynamicRange = (1u << I3DOM::digitizerBits) - 1

The dynamic range of the FADC and ATWD digitization in number of counts.

static const double FADCNoiseMean = 0

Mean of the gaussian electronic noise for the FADC, taken from DOMsimulator.

static const double FADCNoiseVariance = 0.5

Variance of the gaussian electronic noise for the FADC, taken from DOMsimulator.

static const double ATWDNoiseMean = 0

Mean of the gaussian electronic noise for the ATWD, taken from DOMsimulator.

static const double ATWDNoiseVariance = 0.8

Variance of the gaussian electronic noise for the ATWD, taken from DOMsimulator.

static double beaconLaunchRate = 0.6 * I3Units::hertz

Protected Functions

bool ATWDDigitization(const dlud::DiscCross &trigger, int channel, int chip, std::vector<int> &digitizedReadOut)

Simulates the ATWD digitization and readout.

  • trigger – The trigger which the launch is based on.

  • channel – The ATWD channel which is to be digitized

  • chip – The ATWD chip

  • digitizedReadOut – The vector in which to put the digitized waveform


returns a bool. If true the ATWD waveform crossed the 2/3 threshold which should initiate digitization of the next channel.

Protected Attributes

boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> rng_
OMKey domId_
double cableCorrection_

Stores the actual cable correction used by this particular I3InIceDOM.

bool mergePulses_
std::vector<I3DOM*> domNeighbors_

Vector containing pointers to DOMs that are physical DOM neighbors of this DOM.

InterpolatedSPETemplatePtr discSPETemplatePtr_

Pointer to discriminator pulse template.

InterpolatedSPETemplatePtr atwdSPETemplatePtr_[3]

Pointers to ATWD pulse templates.

InterpolatedSPETemplatePtr fadcSPETemplatePtr_

Pointer to FADC pulse template.

const std::vector<I3MCPulse> *pulses_

Stores I3MCPulses for FADC and ATWD digitization.

Private Functions

inline double CheckLCHigh()

This is where most of the launch decisions will be made. This function also returns the time of the last LC condition of that DOM. DOMs use this function to check their neighbors if they are in LC. While returning the LC status it will also go through the DiscCrosss to find out whether the I3InIceDOM can make any new launch decisions. Therefore DOMs also use this method on themselves when an added trigger results in LC with another DOMobject but older potential triggers still haven’t got a decision.


time of the last LC condition.

void EvaluateLaunchPossibility(bool dom, bool force)
void FetchSPETemplates(const I3DOMCalibration&)

Sets the DroopedSPETemplates and the interpolated templates of the I3InIceDOM.

To save memory when tabulating the DroopedSPETemplates each unique tabulation is only saved once in a static map: std::map<I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate, InterpolatedSPETemplate*> speTemplateMap, containing all unique DroopedSPETemplates. For each DroopedSPETemplate it checks if that template isn’t already in the map. If it isn’t, it’s added to the map and a pointer is set to it so the I3InIceDOM can utilize it, otherwise only the pointer is set.

void UpdateState(double t)

Update the state of the DOM with respect to time ‘t’.

Updates the state of the DOM by checking if the DOM is still busy doing with digitization or any other DOM operation with respect to the time t.

void Launch(const dlud::DiscCross &trigger)

This function is called when the DOM has taken the decision to launch. The function processes the launch by calling the appropriate digitization functions and also calculates how long the DOM and the specific ATWD chip will be busy.


trigger – the trigger which caused the launch. The type of launch (HLC,SLC) and which ATWD if(HLC) should be set in the trigger.


no return.

void FADCDigitization(const dlud::DiscCross &trigger, std::vector<int> &digitizedReadOut)

Simulates the FADC digitization and readout.

  • trigger – The trigger which the launch is based on.

  • digitizedReadOut – The vector in which to put the digitized waveform


no return

Private Members

std::map<I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate, InterpolatedSPETemplatePtr> &speTemplateMap_
double lcHighTime_

Time of the last LC signal.

double &globalTime_

This is the global time which is the time of the last added trigger from the trigger stream.

double domTime_

This is “local” time which is set with.

See also

UpdateState() when the DOM iterates through triggers.

bool ATWDa_alive_

Indicates if the ATWD-A chip is busy or not with respect to global or DOMtime.

bool ATWDb_alive_

Indicates if the ATWD-B chip is busy or not with respect to global or DOMtime.

bool busy_

If true the DOM (I3InIceDOM) is busy and cannot initiate another launch at this time.

double busyTo_

The time at which the I3InIceDOM gets idle. Is used to determine if the DOM can initiate a launch.

double ATWDaDeadTo_

ATWDa is busy/dead to time = ATWDaDeadTo_;.

double ATWDbDeadTo_

ATWDb is busy/dead to time = ATWDbDeadTo_;.

double timeOfPulseTemplatePeak_

The time at which the pulse template has it’s maximum.

double discriminatorThreshold_

The threshold of the discriminator. Should be given as a fraction of a PE.

double discriminatorThresholdFraction_
double discriminatorDelay_
double rapCalUncertainty_

The uncertainty of the RapCal time calibration for this DOM.

double rapCalShift_

The actual shift due to the RapCal uncertainty.

double currentClockPhase_
double beaconLaunchPhase_
std::vector<dlud::DiscCross> discrXings_

Stores discriminator crossing that which haven’t caused launch yet.

std::vector<I3DOMLaunch> domLaunches_

Stores DOMLaunches.

bool useTabulation_
bool droopedPulseTemplates_

Private Static Attributes

static std::map<I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate, InterpolatedSPETemplatePtr> speTemplateMapStatic_

If no pulse template map is provided it will fall back to the static one.

static double globalTimeStatic_ = NAN

If no global time object (double) is provided at construction it will fallback to this static one. NOTE: this is thread-unsafe.

struct I3DOMGlobals
#include <domlauncherutils.h>

A struct to store global state variable for the DOMLauncher simulation.

Public Members

PulseTemplateMap speTemplateMap_
double globalTime_
class I3IceTopDOM : public I3DOM
#include <I3IceTopDOM.h>

A class that provides a software representation of a DOM for the purpose of a detector response simulation. Copyright (c) 2011,2012 IceCube Collaboration.

class: I3IceTopDOM







Samuel Flis

Public Functions

I3IceTopDOM(I3RandomServicePtr, const OMKey&)
I3IceTopDOM(boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> rng, const OMKey &om, double &globlaTime, domlauncherutils::PulseTemplateMap &speTemplateMap)
bool Configure(const I3DOMCalibration&, const I3DOMStatus&)
void CreateLCLinks(const I3DOMMap&, const I3OMGeoMap&)

Public Static Attributes

static const double cableCorrectionIceTop = 1650 * I3Units::ns

Correction time of the LC time window due to finite LC signal speed for regular IceTop DOMs.

class: I3InIceDOMObject






Copyright (c) 2011,2012 IceCube Collaboration


Samuel Flis

Protected Functions

virtual void MakeCoarseChargeStamp(const dlud::DiscCross&, int chip, I3DOMLaunch&)
class I3InIceDOM : public I3DOM
#include <I3InIceDOM.h>

A class that provides a software representation of a DOM for the purpose of a detector response simulation. Copyright (c) 2011,2012 IceCube Collaboration.

class: I3InIceDOM







Samuel Flis

Public Functions

I3InIceDOM(I3RandomServicePtr, const OMKey &om)
I3InIceDOM(boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> rng, const OMKey &om, double &globlaTime, domlauncherutils::PulseTemplateMap &speTemplateMap)
bool Configure(const I3DOMCalibration&, const I3DOMStatus&)

Configures the I3InIceDOM with information from the GCD file.

void CreateLCLinks(const I3DOMMap&, const I3OMGeoMap&)

Public Static Attributes

static const double cableCorrectionInIce = 2325 * I3Units::ns

Correction time of the LC time window due to finite LC signal speed for regular InIce DOMs.

class: I3InIceDOMObject






Copyright (c) 2011,2012 IceCube Collaboration


Samuel Flis

static const double cableCorrectionDeepCore = 2250 * I3Units::ns

Correction time of the LC time window due to finite LC signal speed for DeepCore DOMs.

Protected Functions

virtual void MakeCoarseChargeStamp(const dlud::DiscCross&, int chip, I3DOMLaunch&)
class InterpolatedSPETemplate

This class provides an interpolation of an I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate which gives a significant speedup when evaluating DroopedSPETemplates.

class: InterpolatedSPETemplate






The InterpolatedSPETemplate class acts as a wrapper of an I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate and from the point of template evaluation has the same interface as an I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate. The class is initialized with an I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate.


Samuel Flis

Linear interpolation is used to interpolate the pulse because of its simple implementation and fast speed. To capture the pulse template with sufficient precision efficiently over the range of 1 s (1e9 ns) three different interpolation step lengths are used. A dense region of linear steps covering the pulse peak itself after which a coarse (sparse) region of linear steps comes where the droop recovery is still significant. At a couple of micro seconds after the pulse peak the interpolation uses quadratic steps until the end of the interpolation range. Copyright (c) 2012 IceCube Collaboration

Public Functions

inline InterpolatedSPETemplate()

Initializes pulseTemplate with made up numbers.

inline InterpolatedSPETemplate(const I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate &base)

A constructor that initializes the pulse template with base.

inline void SetTemplate(I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate pulseTemplate)

Provides a method to set the SPETemplate.


pulseTemplate – the I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate to be interpolated.

void Tabulate(int nDenseSteps, int nCoarseSteps, double startPoint, double changePointLinear, double changePointQuadratic, double endPoint)

Tabulates the DroopedSPETemplate which have been provided so it can be later interpolated. If this is not done a call to the ()-operator will just evaluate the pulse template directly.

  • nDenseSteps – the number of dense linear bins in the interpolation

  • nCoarseSteps – the number of coarse linear bins in the interpolation

  • startPoint – the time for the last bin in the interpolation.

  • changePointLinear – the time at which the bin size changes from dense to coarse

  • changePointQuadratic – the time at which the bin size changes from coarse to quadratic

  • endPoint – the time for the last bin in the interpolation. After this time the pulse template will be evaluated directly instead

inline double operator()(double t)

This member function returns the amplitude of the pulse at time.



double TabulationError()

A testing function that prints out the square sum of the difference between the interpolated pulse template and the real pulse template.

Private Functions

inline double Interpolate(double t)

This is the actual interpolation function which is called by double operator()(double t)

Private Members

std::vector<float> tabulatedPulse_

Stores the tabulated pulse template.

std::vector<float> tabulatedPulseDerivative_

Stores the derivatives of the tabulated pulse template (linear approx.)

I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate pulseTemplate_
double denseStepSize_
double invDenseStepSize_

The inverse (1/denseStepSize_) is also stored which eliminates unnecessary divisions and therefore speeds up the lookup in the interpolation.

double coarseStepSize_
double invCoarseStepSize_

The inverse (1/coarseStepSize_) is also stored which eliminates unnecessary divisions and therefore speeds up the lookup in the interpolation.

double quadraticStepScale_
double invQuadraticStepScale_
double startPoint_
double changePointLinear_
double changePointQuadratic_
double endPoint_
uint64_t nDenseSteps_
uint64_t nCoarseSteps_
uint64_t nQuadraticSteps_
bool hasTabulated_
struct MergedPulse : public I3MCPulse

Public Functions

inline MergedPulse()

Public Members

uint lastIndex
class PMT
#include <PMT.h>

Subclassed by genericLOM_PMT, HamamatsuR15458_02PMT, HamamatsuR5912_100PMT, HamamatsuR7081_02PMT

Public Functions

inline PMT(double prePulseProbability, double latePulseProbability, double afterPulseProbability, const I3RandomServicePtr &r)
inline double GetPrePulseProbability()
virtual double GetPrePulseTimeShift(double voltage) = 0
virtual double GetPrePulseWeight(double voltage) = 0
inline double GetLatePulseProbability()
virtual const unsigned int GetNumLatePulseComponents() = 0
virtual const pulseComponent *GetLatePulseComponents() = 0
inline double GetAfterPulseProbability()
virtual const unsigned int GetNumAfterPulseComponents() = 0
virtual const pulseComponent *GetAfterPulseComponents() = 0
virtual double PMTJitter() = 0
virtual bool SkipSaturation() = 0
virtual bool SkipMergeHits() = 0
virtual ~PMT() = default
virtual void SetSaturationParams(double log10Gain) = 0
inline double saturate(double I)
inline double SampleCharge(unsigned int npe) const

Public Members

double prePulseProbability_
double latePulseProbability_
double afterPulseProbability_
const I3RandomServicePtr random_
std::unique_ptr<SPEChargeDistribution> speDist_

Protected Attributes

double gain_
double A_
double B_
double Ap_
class PMTResponseSimulator : public I3ConditionalModule

A module which simulates the behaviour of a PMT.

This module converts ‘raw’ MC PEs (representing integer numbers of photoelectrons ejected from the photocathode of the PMT) into MC Pulses whose weights are proportional to the amount of current produced by the PMT at the anode and with times randomly shifted according to appropriate probability distributions. The hits produced by this module are sorted in time order.


Chris Weaver

The weights of the processed hits are still in units of photoelectrons, and so must be multiplied by the PMT gain when convolved with digitizer pulse templates to produce electronics readouts. Similarly, the times of the hits do not include the ‘transit time’ of the DOM (which includes both the PMT transit time and delays in the mainboard) so this time must be added when computing digitizer outputs.

Note: This module is intended for use with the I3PhotonicsHitMaker and DOMLauncher modules; it is not compatible with I3HitMaker and I3DOMsimulator.

Public Functions

PMTResponseSimulator(const I3Context &context)
void Configure()
void DAQ(I3FramePtr frame)
std::pair<std::vector<I3MCPulse>, ParticlePulseIndexMap> processHits(const std::vector<I3MCPE> &inputHits, OMKey dom, const I3DOMCalibration &cal, const I3DOMStatus &status, const ParticlePulseIndexMap &pePedigree, const I3OMGeo::OMType domType)

Applies all transformations to a set of hits on a single DOM.

  • inputHits – The raw hits on the DOM

  • dom – The DOM on which the hits occur

  • cal – The current calibration information for this DOM

  • status – The current status information for this DOM

  • pePedigree – The particle parantage

  • domTypeDOM type


A new set of time ordered hits with weighting applied, alternate pulse types generated, saturation applied, and time merging applied

void saturate(std::vector<I3MCPulse> &hits, double pmtVoltage, const I3DOMCalibration &cal)

Reweights the hits in the given series to mimic the effects of saturation in the PMT. The ‘inverse’ saturation parameterization from T. Waldenmeier is used.

  • hits – The hit series to be reweighted

  • pmtVoltage – The operating voltage of the PMT

  • cal – The calibration data for the DOM


The input hits must be time ordered

inline std::string getInputHitsName() const
inline void setInputHitsName(const std::string &in)
inline std::string getOutputHitsName() const
inline void setOutputHitsName(const std::string &out)
inline bool getUseSPEDistribution() const
inline void setUseSPEDistribution(bool use)
inline bool getUseJitter() const
inline void setUseJitter(bool use)
inline double getPrePulseProbability() const
inline void setPrePulseProbability(double prob)
inline double getLatePulseProbability() const
inline void setLatePulseProbability(double prob)
inline double getAfterPulseProbability() const
inline void setAfterPulseProbability(double prob)
inline bool getApplySaturation() const
inline void setApplySaturation(bool apply)
inline bool getMergeHits() const
inline void setMergeHits(bool merge)
inline bool getLowMem() const
inline void setLowMem(bool lowMem)
inline boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> getRandomService() const
inline void setRandomService(boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> randomService)

Public Static Functions

static void timeMergeHits(std::vector<I3MCPE> &hits)

Merges together pulses which are within some small time window, compacting the hit series if it is densely filled with hits. (Here, ‘small’ is intended to be relative to the resolution of the feature extractor.)


hits – The hit series to be compacted


The input hits must be time ordered

static void timeMergeHits(std::vector<I3MCPulse> &hits, ParticlePulseIndexMap &aux)

Private Functions

double normalHitWeight(unsigned int w)

Computes the amount of charge, relative to the charge produced by an ideal, single photoelectron, produced by a hit whose weight is an integer number of initial photoelectrons.


w – The weight of the hit in photons


The amount of charge produced by the PMT for this hit, in units of the ideal charge produced by a single photoelectron

double prePulseTimeShift(double voltage)

Computes the amount by which prepulses are early at a given voltage.


voltage – The operating voltage of the DOM


A time offset, in nanoseconds

double prePulseWeight(double voltage)

Computes the charge of a prepulse, relative to an ideal s.p.e. at a given voltage.


voltage – The operating voltage of the DOM


The amount of charge produced by the PMT for a prepulse, in units of the ideal charge produced by a single photoelectron

double earlyAfterPulseWeight()

Computes the charge of an early afterpulse, relative to an ideal s.p.e. at a given voltage.


The amount of charge produced by the PMT for an early afterpulse, in units of the ideal charge produced by a single photoelectron

void createLatePulse(I3MCPulse &hit, double voltage)

Alters the properties of the given hit to describe a late pulse.

  • hit – The existing raw hit to be turned into a late pulse hit

  • voltage – The operating voltage of the PMT

void createAfterPulse(I3MCPulse &hit, double voltage)

Alters the properties of the given hit to describe an afterpulse.

  • hit – The existing raw hit to be turned into an afterpulse hit

  • voltage – The operating voltage of the PMT

double fisherTippett(double location, double scale, double logLowerBound, double logUpperBound)

Generate a Fisher-Tippet distributed (alias Gumbel distributed) random variate.

  • location – The location parameter of the distribution from which to sample (mean = location + scale * euler_mascheroni)

  • scale – The scale parameter of the distribution from which to sample (variance = (pi * scale)**2 / 6)

  • logLowerBound – Indirectly determines the lower cutoff of the distribution

  • logUpperBound – Indirectly determines the upper cutoff of the distribution

SET_LOGGER ("PMTResponseSimulator")

Private Members

std::string inputHitsName_

The name of the I3MCPESeriesMap to process.

std::string outputHitsName_

The name of the I3MCPESeriesMap to be produced.

bool useSPEDistribution_

Whether the charges of hits should be randomized.

bool usePMTJitter_

Whether the times of hits should be randomly perturbed.

double prePulseProbability_

The probability that a pulse arrives early.

double latePulseProbability_

The probability that a pulse arrives late.

double afterPulseProbability_

The probability that a pulse produces an accompanying afterpulse.

bool applySaturation_

Whether the weights of the hits should be modified to account for saturation.

bool mergeHits_

Whether hits very close in time should be merged.

bool lowMem_

Whether to merge hits repeatedly during generation to attempt to limit transient memory use.

std::string randomServiceName_

The ID of the random service to use.

bool eheApproximation_

Whether to use an approximation for high weight hits.

boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> randomService_

The random service fetched from the tray.

boost::shared_ptr<const I3Calibration> lastCalibration_

The most recently seen calibration data.

boost::shared_ptr<PMT> pmt


friend class PMTResponseSimulatorTestSetup
struct pulseComponent
#include <PMT.h>

Public Functions

inline double weight() const
inline double weight() const

Public Members

I3MCPulse::PulseSource source
double amp
double scale
double location
struct saturationParams

Public Functions

inline saturationParams(double log10Gain, bool newParameterization = true)
inline double saturate(double I)

Private Members

double gain
double A
double B
double Ap
class WaveformEvaluator
#include <domlauncherutils.h>

A helper class that efficiantly evaluates the waveform composed out of a sereis of MCPulses. To speed up waveform evaluation, pulses in the past (default is set to 200 ns) are merged together.


Samuel Flis <

Public Functions

inline WaveformEvaluator(double timeBin = 25 * I3Units::ns, double padding = 200 * I3Units::ns, double cutoffTime = 500 * I3Units::microsecond)

Constructor that defines the properties of the WaveformEvaluator.

  • timeBin – the size of the bins for the merged pulses

  • padding – the time window in which pulses are directly evaluated (instead of merged)

  • cutoffTime – the time window in which pulses will be evaluated. Pulses further in the past will be discarded.

inline void SetPulses(const std::vector<I3MCPulse> &pulses)
inline void Clear()
inline double WaveFormAmplitude(double time, InterpolatedSPETemplate &templ)

Private Members

double timeBin_
double padding_
const std::vector<I3MCPulse> *currentPulses_
std::vector<MergedPulse> mergedPulses_
double cutoffTime_
uint64_t lastCutoffindex_
uint64_t pulsesSize_
class workaround_discrete_distribution

A really dumb implementation of a discrete distribution with given probabilities which takes time linear in the number of entries, rather than constant like the boost implementation.

Public Functions

template<class Iterator>
inline workaround_discrete_distribution(Iterator first, Iterator last)
inline unsigned int operator()(random_adapter rand)

Private Types

typedef std::vector<std::pair<double, unsigned int>> tableType

Private Members

tableType table

The mapping of cumulative probabilities to result values.

namespace domlauncherutils

Provides tools and objects for DOMLauncher simulation. Copyright (c) 2012 IceCube Collaboration.

namespace: domlauncherutils







Samuel Flis


typedef std::map<I3DOMCalibration::DroopedSPETemplate, InterpolatedSPETemplatePtr> PulseTemplateMap
typedef std::vector<detail::DiscCross> DCStream
namespace detail


enum LaunchType

Trigger types for the DiscCross object.


enumerator HLC
enumerator SLC
enumerator Discriminator
enumerator CPU_REQUESTED
enum ATWDChip

ATWD chip selector.


enumerator ATWDa
enumerator ATWDb


inline bool dcCompare(DiscCross dc1, DiscCross dc2)

A helper function to sort DiscCrosss in ascending time (time ordered)

namespace std

STL namespace.

file CombinedSimulator.cxx
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <numeric>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include <icetray/I3Units.h>
#include <simclasses/I3MCPE.h>
#include <simclasses/I3MCPulse.h>
#include <sim-services/MCPEMCPulseTools.hpp>
#include <dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h>
#include <dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h>
#include “discreteDistribution.h
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <simclasses/I3ParticleIDMap.hpp>
#include “DOMLauncher/I3DOM.h
#include “DOMLauncher/I3InIceDOM.h




file CombinedSimulator.h
#include “icetray/I3ConditionalModule.h”
#include “icetray/OMKey.h”
#include “sim-services/I3SumGenerator.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h”
#include “dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3DOMLaunch.h”
#include “phys-services/I3GSLRandomService.h”
#include “simclasses/I3MCPulse.h”
#include <simclasses/I3MCPE.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3ParticleID.h>
#include <simclasses/I3ParticleIDMap.hpp>
#include “domlauncherutils.h
file discreteDistribution.h
#include <boost/version.hpp>



Helper code for generating discrete distributions with non-uniform probabilities, using an I3RandomService as the underlying random engine. With a new version of Boost,boost::random::discrete_distribution does all the work quite nicely. However, as long as icetray uses an old version where this isn’t available a simplistic work-around is used.


typedef I3RandomService *random_adapter
typedef workaround_discrete_distribution discrete_distribution


template<typename PairType>
bool compareFirst(PairType p1, PairType p2)
file DOM.h
file DOMLauncher.cxx
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <simclasses/I3ParticleIDMap.hpp>
#include “DOMLauncher/I3DOM.h
#include “DOMLauncher/I3InIceDOM.h


file DOMLauncher.h
#include “icetray/I3ConditionalModule.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h”
#include “dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3DOMLaunch.h”
#include “phys-services/I3GSLRandomService.h”
#include “simclasses/I3MCPulse.h”
#include “domlauncherutils.h
file domlauncherutils.h
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h”
#include “simclasses/I3MCPulse.h”
#include “icetray/OMKey.h”
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
file I3DOM.cxx
#include <cfloat>
#include <queue>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include “phys-services/I3RandomService.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3DOMFunctions.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3DOMLaunch.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3DOMCalibration.h”
#include “dataclasses/status/I3DOMStatus.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3OMGeo.h”
#include “DOMLauncher/I3DOM.h
file I3DOM.h
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3DOMLaunch.h”
#include “dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3OMGeo.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3DOMCalibration.h”
#include “phys-services/I3RandomService.h”
#include “simclasses/I3MCPulse.h”
#include <vector>
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
#include “domlauncherutils.h
#include “DOM.h


typedef boost::shared_ptr<I3DOM> I3DOMPtr
typedef std::vector<I3DOMPtr> I3DOMVector
typedef std::map<OMKey, I3DOMPtr> I3DOMMap
file I3IceTopDOM.cxx
#include <cfloat>
#include <queue>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include “phys-services/I3RandomService.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3DOMFunctions.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3DOMLaunch.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h”
#include “dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “I3IceTopDOM.h
file I3IceTopDOM.h
#include “DOMLauncher/I3DOM.h


typedef boost::shared_ptr<I3IceTopDOM> I3IceTopDOMPtr
file I3InIceDOM.cxx
#include <cfloat>
#include <queue>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include “phys-services/I3RandomService.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3DOMFunctions.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3DOMLaunch.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h”
#include “dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “I3InIceDOM.h
file I3InIceDOM.h
#include “DOMLauncher/I3DOM.h


typedef boost::shared_ptr<I3InIceDOM> I3InIceDOMPtr
file InterpolatedSPETemplate.cxx
file InterpolatedSPETemplate.h
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h”
#include “icetray/I3Units.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cfloat>


typedef boost::shared_ptr<InterpolatedSPETemplate> InterpolatedSPETemplatePtr
file PMT.h
#include <dataclasses/I3Constants.h>
#include <dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h>
#include <dataclasses/calibration/I3DOMCalibration.h>
#include <simclasses/I3MCPulse.h>
#include “phys-services/I3RandomService.h”
#include <chrono>
file PMTResponseSimulator.cxx
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <numeric>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include <icetray/I3Units.h>
#include <simclasses/I3MCPE.h>
#include <simclasses/I3MCPulse.h>
#include <sim-services/MCPEMCPulseTools.hpp>
#include <dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h>
#include <dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h>
#include <dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h>
#include “discreteDistribution.h
#include “PMT.h


bool earlierHit(const I3MCPE &h1, const I3MCPE &h2)
file PMTResponseSimulator.h
#include “icetray/I3ConditionalModule.h”
#include “icetray/OMKey.h”
#include “phys-services/I3RandomService.h”
#include <simclasses/I3MCPE.h>
#include <simclasses/I3MCPulse.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3ParticleID.h>
#include <simclasses/I3ParticleIDMap.hpp>
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3OMGeo.h”
#include “DOMLauncher/PMT.h
dir DOMLauncher
dir DOMLauncher
dir DOMLauncher
dir icetray
dir private
dir public