SiPMResponseSimulator C++ API Reference¶
struct I3RandomServiceBoostAdapter¶
- #include <discreteDistribution.h>
Helper code for generating discrete distributions with non-uniform probabilities, using an I3RandomService as the underlying random engine.
A simple wrapper for I3RandomService which provides the interface expected by Boost Random (and the standard C++11 library [rand.req.urng]).
Public Types
typedef unsigned int result_type¶
Public Functions
inline result_type min() const¶
inline result_type max() const¶
inline result_type operator()()¶
inline I3RandomServiceBoostAdapter(I3RandomService *s)¶
Public Members
I3RandomService *service¶
typedef unsigned int result_type¶
struct pulseComponent
class SiPMResponseSimulator : public I3ConditionalModule¶
- #include <SiPMResponseSimulator.h>
Public Functions
void Configure()¶
void DAQ(I3FramePtr frame)¶
std::pair<std::vector<I3MCPulse>, ParticlePulseIndexMap> processHits(const std::vector<I3MCPE> &inputHits, const ParticlePulseIndexMap &pePedigree)¶
std::vector<I3Waveform> processWaveforms(const std::vector<I3MCPulse> &inputPulse, int t_min, int t_max)¶
inline boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> getRandomService() const¶
Private Functions
double normalHitWeight(unsigned int w)¶
Computes the amount of charge, relative to the charge produced by an ideal, single photoelectron, produced by a hit whose weight is an integer number of initial photoelectrons.
void createAfterPulse(I3MCPulse &hit)¶
Alters the properties of the given hit to describe an afterpulse.
double SiPMJitter()¶
double fisherTippett(double_t location, double_t scale, double_t logLowerBound, double_t logUpperBound)¶
Generate a Fisher-Tippet distributed (alias Gumbel distributed) random variate.
- Parameters:
location – The location parameter of the distribution from which to sample (mean = location + scale * euler_mascheroni)
scale – The scale parameter of the distribution from which to sample (variance = (pi * scale)**2 / 6)
logLowerBound – Indirectly determines the lower cutoff of the distribution
logUpperBound – Indirectly determines the upper cutoff of the distribution
double SiPMPulseShape(int32_t t, int32_t t_hit, double_t g)¶
double SiPMIceActPulseShape(int32_t t, int32_t t_hit, double_t g)¶
double DEBUGSiPMIceActPulseShape(int32_t t, int32_t t_hit, double_t g)¶
- SET_LOGGER ("SiPMResponseSimulator")
Private Members
bool useIceAct_¶
Whether to use IceAct.
std::string iceActPulseShapeFile_¶
Specify Pulse Shape file location to be used for the waveform simulation.
bool useSiPMJitter_¶
Whether the times of hits should be randomly perturbed.
double numberOfCells_¶
Number of Sipm GAPD cells.
double nsbNoiseRate_¶
NSB noise rate in Hz.
double thermalNoiseRate_¶
Thermal noise rate in Hz.
double afterPulseProbability_¶
The probability that a pulse produces an accompanying afterpulse(short/long component)
double crosstalkProbability_¶
The probability that a pulse produces an accompanying crosstalk pulse.
int noisewindow_¶
noise window size
double sipmGainJitter_¶
The gain jitter of the SiPM.
double sipmAmp_¶
The pulse amplitude of the SiPM.
double sipmBaseline_¶
The SiPM baseline voltage in mV.
double sipmWhiteNoise_¶
boost::shared_ptr<I3RandomService> randomService_¶
The random service fetched from the tray.
boost::shared_ptr<I3SumGenerator> genericChargeDistribution_¶
A generic distribution of charges produced by single photon hits.
std::map<ScintKey, boost::shared_ptr<I3SumGenerator>> chargeDistributions_¶
The charge distributions to be used for each DOM for single photon hits.
boost::shared_ptr<const I3Calibration> lastCalibration_¶
The most recently seen calibration data.
- friend class SiPMResponseSimulatorTestSetup
namespace std
STL namespace.
- file discreteDistribution.h
- #include <boost/version.hpp>#include <boost/random/discrete_distribution.hpp>
typedef I3RandomServiceBoostAdapter random_adapter
typedef boost::random::discrete_distribution<unsigned int, double> discrete_distribution
typedef I3RandomServiceBoostAdapter random_adapter
- file SiPMResponseSimulator.cxx
#include <cmath>#include <cassert>#include <numeric>#include <limits>#include <algorithm>#include <stack>#include <fstream>#include <boost/assign.hpp>#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>#include <icetray/I3Units.h>#include <simclasses/I3MCPE.h>#include <simclasses/I3MCPulse.h>#include <dataclasses/I3Map.h>#include <dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h>#include <dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h>#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Waveform.h>#include <dataclasses/physics/I3IceActMaps.h>#include “discreteDistribution.h”
- file SiPMResponseSimulator.h
- #include “icetray/I3ConditionalModule.h”#include “dataclasses/ScintKey.h”#include “dataclasses/IceActKey.h”#include “phys-services/I3RandomService.h”#include “sim-services/I3SumGenerator.h”#include <simclasses/I3MCPE.h>#include <simclasses/I3MCPulse.h>#include <dataclasses/physics/I3ParticleID.h>#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Waveform.h>#include <dataclasses/physics/I3IceActMaps.h>#include <simclasses/I3ParticleIDMap.hpp>
- dir icetray
- dir private
- dir public
- dir SiPMResponseSimulator
- dir SiPMResponseSimulator
- dir SiPMResponseSimulator