ddddr C++ API Reference

struct BundleBin
#include <I3TrueMuonEnergy.h>

Struct that contains the energy of a muon bundle at a certain position along its track.

Public Members

double depth
double slant
double energy
double energyloss
struct Checkpoint
#include <MuonGunTrack.h>

A point at which the absolute energy of the particle is known.

Public Functions

inline Checkpoint(double l, double e = 0., size_t o = 0)

Public Members

double length
double energy
ptrdiff_t offset
struct DOMDATA

Struct that holds all data of a certain DOM needed for the energy loss distribution.

Public Members

double charge
double time
double depth
double slant
double lambda
double impact
double dEdX
double x
double y
double z
double eff
class ExpoFcn : public NoGradientFcn<ExpoFcn>
#include <ExpoFcn.h>

Minimizer function based on an exponential function (ExpoFunction).

Public Functions

inline ExpoFcn(const std::vector<double> &meas, const std::vector<double> &pos)

Constructs object for given set of measurements.

  • meas – Measured values (y-values)

  • pos – Position of the values (x-values)

inline ~ExpoFcn()
double operator()(const std::vector<double>&)

Returns the log likelihood for given set of parameters.

inline std::vector<double> measurements() const
inline std::vector<double> positions() const
double f(const std::vector<double>&, double) const

Returns function value for given set of parameters.

Not part of the Minuit2 standard, but here used as a convenience method so that the chi squared and the reduced log likelihood can be calculated easier in the I3MuonEnergy and I3TrueMuonEnergy modules.

  • par – Vector of parameters

  • X – Slant depth


ExpoFunction(X) for given parameters.

inline void setErrorDef(double def)

Private Members

std::vector<double> measurements_

Measured values (energy loss).

std::vector<double> positions_

Position of the values (slant depth).

double errorDef_
class ExpoFunction
#include <ExpoFunction.h>

Class that allows to call an exponential function for a given set of parameters.

Used by ExpoFcn.h.

Public Functions

inline ExpoFunction(double N, double b)
inline ~ExpoFunction()
inline double N() const
inline double b() const
inline double operator()(double x) const

Computes the exp. function.




exp(N - b*x)

Private Members

double norm_
double slope_
class I3MuonEnergy : public I3ConditionalModule
#include <I3MuonEnergy.h>

This module estimates and fits the energy loss along a given track.

The module is the implementation of the Data-Derived Differential Deposition Reconstruction (DDDDR) algorithm, described in detail in the IceCube wiki at https://wiki.icecube.wisc.edu/index.php/IC79_Atmospheric_Muons/DDDDR. It takes any kind of reconstructed track as input and estimates the energy loss around the track up to a specified impact parameter, using a table of depth-dependent values for the light attenuation coefficient lambda. The estimated (binned) energy loss for the individual DOMs along the track can be saved optionally, together with the result of the fit to the energy loss.

The result of the fit is saved together with some properties of the energy loss distribution in an object of the type I3MuonEnergyParams. More about the track parameters at https://wiki.icecube.wisc.edu/index.php/Muon_Bundle_Suppression#Stochasticity.

The parameters I3MuonEnergyParams::outputDOMs_ and I3MuonEnergyParams::saveDomResults_ can be used to save the full energy loss distribution used for the fit. OutputDOMsName+Slant/Impact/Depth are vectors with the slant depth, distance to the track or depth of each individual DOM while OutputDOMsName+(e)dEdX contain the (errors on the) energy losses. The OutputDOMsNamebinned vectors contain the same information for the binned energy loss distribution. In this case, the depth corresponds to the bincenters of the slant depth bins.

Public Functions

I3MuonEnergy(const I3Context&)
void Configure()
void Geometry(I3FramePtr)
void Calibration(I3FramePtr)
void DetectorStatus(I3FramePtr)
void Physics(I3FramePtr)
void Finish()
SET_LOGGER ("I3MuonEnergy")

Private Functions

I3ParticlePtr getSeedTrack(I3FramePtr&)

Determines the track for the energy loss estimation, either reconstructed track specified in I3MuonEnergy::trackName_ or true Monte Carlo track.

boost::shared_ptr<I3MuonEnergyProfile> getMuonEnergyProfile(I3FramePtr&, double, double, std::vector<DOMDATA>&)

Determines bins for the energy distribution through the DOMs along the track or the length of the Monte Carlo track and fills it with the estimated energy losses.

The I3TrueMuonEnergy module also determines the energy loss in bins along the track of the primary particle. This method makes sure to use the same binning when using the Monte Carlo track as input track, e.g. when doing an comparison of true and reconstructed energy loss.

std::vector<I3FitParameterInitSpecs> getFitParameterSpecs(FitFunction&)

Creates parameter for the chosen fit function.

The fit function is either an exponential function or Tom Feusels’ function for muon energy loss (s. TomFFunction.h). In the case of the latter, an additional parameter is needed, and parameters are fixed of specified so in the module parameters.




Vector of FitParameterSpecs

I3MuonEnergyParamsPtr getMuonEnergyParams(boost::shared_ptr<I3MuonEnergyProfile>, std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>)

Saves results from fit into an object of type I3MuonEnergyParams.

In addition to the fit parameters, the chi^2 and the reduced log likelihood are determined, as well as peak energy and sigma, median and mean of the energy loss distribution.


eprofile – The histogram with the energy losses


I3MuonEnergyParamsPtr containing the results and the bundle suppression parameters (s. https://wiki.icecube.wisc.edu/index.php/Muon_Bundle_Suppression#Stochasticity).

I3ParticlePtr getWeightedPrimary(I3FramePtr&)
std::vector<std::vector<double>> readLambdaFile(std::string)
void saveDomResultsEnergyProfile(boost::shared_ptr<I3MuonEnergyProfile>, I3FramePtr&, boost::shared_ptr<I3Vector<double>>, boost::shared_ptr<I3Vector<double>>, boost::shared_ptr<I3Vector<double>>, I3Particle&)

Saves the binned energy profile and the individual DOMs considered for the profile in the frame.

I3MuonEnergyCascadeParamsPtr getCascadeEnergyParams(boost::shared_ptr<I3Vector<double>>, I3Position, I3Particle&)

Saves the results from the cascade energy reconstruction into an object of type I3MuonEnergyCascadeParams.

Private Members

std::string trackName_

input track for the reconstruction.

std::string inIcePulseName_

Pulses to use for the reconstruction.

std::string iceFileName_

Name of the file containing the attenuation length of the ice.

std::vector<std::vector<double>> lambdaFile_

the table containing the lambda table.

std::string mcTreeName_

Only needed if I3MuonEnergy::useMonteCarloTrack_ is true.

std::string mmcName_

Name of the MMCTracklist frame object. Only needed if I3MuonEnergy::useMonteCarloTrack_ is true.

std::string outputDOMs_

Name prefix for the frame objects containing the DOM data.

std::string outputPars_

Name for the I3MuonEnergyParams frame object.

std::string outputCascadePars_

Name for the I3MuonEnergyCascadeParams frame object.

std::string framePrefix_

Prefix for all frame objects.

double levelDist_

Coefficient resp. for flattening of the exponential function used to estimate the energy loss for a DOM.

FitFunction fitFunction_

Either exponential function or Tom Feusels’s function to fit the energy loss.

int fitFunctionInt_
bool fixB_

fix parameter b in fit with Tom Feusels’s function

bool fixGamma_

fix parameter gamma in fit with Tom Feusels’s function

bool saveDomResults_

Save energy loss, impact factor, depth and slant depth both per DOM and binned as vectors to the frame.

bool useMonteCarloTrack_

If set to true, I3MuonEnergy::trackName_ is ignored.

int slantBinNo_

Number of bins to divide the track into. Only needed if I3MuonEnergy::useMonteCarloTrack_ is true.

double purityAdjust_

Decrease in the atten. length at the top.

double maxImpact_

Max. distance between DOM and track.

double fitBinWidth_

Bin width of slant depth along the track. Only needed if module is used with reconstructed track as input.

int nDoF_

Number of degrees of freedom for the fit.

double tolerance_
unsigned int maxIterations_
I3GeometryConstPtr geometry_
I3OMGeoMapPtr omGeo_
I3DOMCalibrationMapPtr domCal_
std::string badDomListName_
I3VectorOMKeyConstPtr badDomList_
int tracksFitted_
int pulsemap_warned_
double surface_height_
class I3MuonEnergyCascadeParams : public I3FrameObject

Class to save the results of a fit of the energy loss distribution to an I3Frame.

Public Functions

std::string Dump()

Method for printing the Params.

inline I3MuonEnergyCascadeParams()
inline virtual ~I3MuonEnergyCascadeParams()

Public Members

double nDOMsCascade

Number of DOMs used to determine the cascade energy.

double cascade_energy

Reconstructed cascade energy.

double cascade_energy_sigma

Statistical error on the reconstructed cascade energy, calculated from the standard deviation of the distribution of the reconstructed energies for all DOMs used for the cascade energy reconstruction.

I3Position cascade_position

Position of the leading casascade on the track.

double cascade_slant_depth

Slant depth of the leading cascade.

Private Functions

template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned version)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class I3MuonEnergyParams : public I3FrameObject

Class to save the results of a fit of the energy loss distribution to an I3Frame.

Public Functions

std::string Dump()

Method for printing the Params.

inline I3MuonEnergyParams()
inline virtual ~I3MuonEnergyParams()

Public Members

double N

Normalization constant of Exp. or TomF function.

double N_err
double b

Slope of Exp. or TomF function.

double b_err
double gamma

Exponent for TomF function.

double gamma_err
double nDOMs

Number of DOMs used to determine energy distribution.

double rllh

Reduced log likelihood of the fit.

double chi2

Chi square of the fit.

double chi2ndof

Chi square per degree of freedom of the fit.

double peak_energy

Peak energy of the energy loss distribution.

double peak_sigma

Uncertainty of the peak energy.

double mean

Mean of the energy loss distribution.

double median

Median of the energy loss distribution.

double bin_width

Bin width of the energy loss distribution.

I3Particle::FitStatus status

Status of the fit.

Private Functions

template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned version)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, const I3MuonEnergyParams&)
class I3MuonEnergyProfile

A class used to create a binned energy loss distribution from the individual energy losses of all DOMs.

I3MuonEnergyProfile is a reimplementation of some basic features of ROOT’s TProfile class. Each bin holds the average value and statistical error of all data points in this bin. The binning is determined by the bin width and the min. and max. values for the slant. Instead of the limits of slant depth, data points of slant depth and energy loss can be given to the constructor to determine the limits automatically.

Public Functions

std::vector<double> GetBins()
I3MuonEnergyProfile(std::vector<DOMDATA>, double, const std::string errors = "default")
I3MuonEnergyProfile(std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>, double, const std::string errors = "default")
I3MuonEnergyProfile(double, double, double, const std::string errors = "default")
I3MuonEnergyProfile(std::vector<double>, double, const std::string errors = "default")
int Fill(double, double)

Fill a pair of slant depth and energy loss in the histogram.

int FindBin(double)

Find the bin that contains the input energy loss.

double GetBinCenter(int)

Get position of given bin center.

std::vector<double> GetBinCenters()

Get vector of all Bin Centers.

double GetBinContent(int)

Get content of given bin.

std::vector<double> GetBinContents()

Get vector of all Bin Contents.

double GetBinError(int)

Get error of given bin.

std::vector<double> GetBinEdges()

Get vector of all bin edges.

std::vector<int> GetBinEntries()

Get vector of bin entries.

double GetBinWidth()

Get bin width.

int GetMaxBin()

Get bin with max. energy loss.

double GetMeanEnergyLoss()

Get the mean energy loss.

The mean is calculated using the sum and number of all entries, not as average of the bins.


mean energy loss

double GetMedianEnergyLoss()

Get median energy loss.

The median of the energy content of all non-empty bins.


median energy loss

int GetNBins()
int GetNNonZeroBins()
int GetNEntries()
int GetNEnergyLosses()
double GetXMin()
double GetXMax()

Higher edge of the last bin.

Private Functions

void AddBinContent(int, double)
double medianOfVector(std::vector<double>)
void createEmptyBins(int)
void createEmptyBins(std::vector<double>)

Private Members

std::vector<double> binContent_

Sum of all entries per bin.

std::vector<double> binContent2_

Sum of the squares of the entries for each bin.

std::vector<int> binEntries_

Number of entries per bin.

std::vector<double> binEdges_

Bin edges.

std::string errors_

Type of error to be returned when calling I3MuonEnergyProfile::GetBinError.

double nBins_

Number of bins.

int nBinEntries_

Total number of bin entries.

double binWidth_

Bin width.

double sumWeightsy_

Total sum of all bin entries.

double xmax_

Upper limit for slant depth.

double xmin_

Lower limit for slant depth.

double nEnergyLosses_

Number of DOMs that had energy loss.

class I3TrueMuonEnergy : public I3ConditionalModule
#include <I3TrueMuonEnergy.h>

This module calculates the total energy of a muon bundle by summing up the contribution of each muon for each bin along the track of the whole bundle.

It also performs a fit of an exponential function to either the distribution of the total energy or the energy loss.

Public Functions

I3TrueMuonEnergy(const I3Context&)
void Configure()
void Physics(I3FramePtr)
SET_LOGGER ("I3TrueMuonEnergy")

Private Functions

I3MuonEnergyParamsPtr getBundleEnergyDistribution(std::vector<BundleBin>&)

Fits an exponential function to the energy (loss) distribution.

I3MuonEnergyCascadeParamsPtr getCascadeEnergyParams(I3ParticleConstPtr&, std::vector<BundleBin>)
double getMedianOfVector(std::vector<double>)

Private Members

std::string mcTreeName_

The I3MCTree containing the air shower.

std::string mmcName_

The MMCTrackList containing the muon bundle.

double slantBinWidth_

The bin width along the track.

int slantBinNo_

Number of bins to use.

bool energyLoss_

If true, the energy loss is used for the fit and saved to the frame.

bool saveEnergyLosses_

If true, save the energy losses as vectors in the frame.

double maxRadius_

Max radius of the cylinder around the detector. Muons outside of it will not be considered.

std::string framePrefix_

Prefix for the objects to be stored in the frame.

double tolerance_
unsigned int maxIterations_
struct LossSum
#include <MuonGunTrack.h>

The sum of stochastic energy losses since the last checkpoint.

Public Functions

inline LossSum(double l, double e = 0.)

Public Members

double length
double energy
template<typename Base>
class NoGradientFcn : public I3GulliverBase
#include <NoGradientFcn.h>

Public Functions

inline double operator()(const std::vector<double> &par, std::vector<double> &gradient)
inline double operator()(const std::vector<double> &par, std::vector<double> &grad, I3Matrix &hessian)
inline void operator()(const std::vector<double> &par, const std::vector<double> &arb_vector, std::vector<double> &hvp_result)
class TomFFcn : public NoGradientFcn<TomFFcn>
#include <TomFFcn.h>

Minimizer function based on an Tom Feusels’ function for muon bundle energy loss (TomFFunction.h).

Public Functions

inline TomFFcn(const std::vector<double> &meas, const std::vector<double> &pos)

Constructs object for given set of measurements.

  • meas – Measured values (y-values)

  • pos – Position of the values (x-values)

inline ~TomFFcn()
double operator()(const std::vector<double>&)

Returns the log likelihood for given set of parameters.

double f(const std::vector<double>&, double) const

Returns function value for given set of parameters.

Not part of the Minuit2 standard, but here used as a convenience method so that the chi squared and the reduced log likelihood can be calculated easier in the I3MuonEnergy and I3TrueMuonEnergy modules.

  • par – Vector of parameters

  • X – Slant depth


TomFFunction(X) for given parameters.

inline std::vector<double> measurements() const
inline std::vector<double> positions() const
inline void setErrorDef(double def)

Private Members

std::vector<double> measurements_

Measured values (energy loss).

std::vector<double> positions_

Position of the values (slant depth).

double errorDef_
class TomFFunction
#include <TomFFunction.h>

Class that allows to call an Tom Feusels’ function for a given set of parameters.

Used by TomFFcn.h.

Public Functions

inline TomFFunction(double N, double b, double gamma)
inline ~TomFFunction()
inline double N() const
inline double b() const
inline double gamma() const
inline double operator()(double x) const

Computes the TomF function.

See https://arxiv.org/abs/0912.4668 for reference. Further information at https://srl.utu.fi/AuxDOC/kocharov/ICRC2009/pdf/icrc0518.pdf,

and in “Measurement of cosmic ray composition and energy spectrum between

1 PeV and 1 EeV with IceTop and IceCube”, PhD thesis Tom Feusels 2013, UGent.


Private Members

double norm_
double slope_
double gamma_
double const a_
class Track : public I3Particle
#include <MuonGunTrack.h>

A particle that moves in a straight line, and loses energy as it does so.

Public Functions

inline Track()
Track(const I3MMCTrack &mmctrack, const I3MCTree::sibling_const_iterator &secondaries_begin, const I3MCTree::sibling_const_iterator &secondaries_end)
double GetEnergy(double length) const

Get the energy of the particle at the given down-track distance, assuming that the “continuous” contribution to the energy loss is constant between measurement points.


length[in] distance from the track origin


an energy if 0 <= length < range; otherwise 0

I3Position GetPos(double length) const
double GetTime(double length) const
inline std::vector<Checkpoint> GetCheckpoints() const
inline std::vector<LossSum> GetLosses() const

Public Static Functions

static std::list<Track> Harvest(const I3MCTree&, const I3MMCTrackList&)

Extract energy losses from frame objects.

Find the stochastic energy losses associated with each I3MMCTrack in the I3MCTree, and store them together in a Track.

Private Members

std::vector<Checkpoint> checkpoints_
std::vector<LossSum> losses_
namespace I3MuonGun


namespace [anonymous]
namespace MuonEnergyFunctions

Contains set of static helper functions used in I3MuonEnergy and I3TrueMuonEnergy.


double eLoss(double, double, double, double, double domEff = 1., double levelDist = 25., double fscale = 0.02)

Energy loss measured by a given DOM.

  • charge – Charge measured by DOM

  • impact – Impact parameter of DOM relative to track

  • lambda – Attenuation parameter lambda at depth of the DOM

  • domEff – DOM efficiency

  • levelDist – Flattening parameter of the energy loss function

  • fscale – Scaling factor


Energy loss, s. https://wiki.icecube.wisc.edu/index.php/IC79_Atmospheric_Muons/DDDDR#Fit_Results

double eLossCascade(double, double, double, double, double domEff = 1., double levelDist = 25., double fscale = 0.02)

Energy loss around a certain DOM.

double getLambda(double, std::stringstream&)

Read attenuation parameter lambda for a given depth from a text stream.

  • depth – Depth in the ice

  • fin – String stream of the input file with the lambda table


Ice attenuation parameter lambda

double getLambda(double, std::vector<std::vector<double>>)

Read attenuation parameter lambda for a given depth from a table.

  • depth – Depth in the ice

  • lambdaFile – Vector of table rows (vectors of depth and lamdba) representing lambda vs. depth


Ice attenuation parameter lambda

double getSlantDepth(I3Particle&, I3Position&, double top = 1950.)

Get slant depth of a particle at a given position.

Slant depth of the muon (bundle) as seen from the position of a DOM at a given position.

  • track – Muon (bundle) track

  • po – Position of the DOM

  • top – Z position of the ice surface


Slant depth along the track at the closest approach position of the muon (bundle) relative to the position of the DOM

double getVerticalDepthZ(I3Particle&, double, double top = 1950.)

Get vertical depth corresponding to given slant depth along a particle track.

  • track – Muon (bundle) track

  • slant – Sland depth along the track

  • top – Z position of the ice surface


Vertical depth in z

double ln_poisson(double, double, double min_exp = 1e-30)
std::vector<double> getBinEdges(I3MMCTrackListConstPtr&, double, double, double)
I3ParticlePtr getWeightedPrimary(I3FramePtr&, std::string)

Method that finds the primary particle of a simulated event. Code is taken from the weighting module https://github.com/icecube/icetray/blob/main/weighting/python/__init__.py.

  • frame – The frame containing the event

  • mcTreeName – The I3MCTree containing the primary particle


the weighted primary of the event

namespace std

STL namespace.

file ExpoFcn.cxx
#include “ddddr/ExpoFcn.h
#include “ddddr/ExpoFunction.h
#include “gulliver/I3GulliverBase.h”
#include <cassert>
file ExpoFcn.h
#include “gulliver/I3GulliverBase.h”
#include “NoGradientFcn.h
#include “MuonEnergyFunctions.h
#include <vector>

Declaration of ExpoFcn


Hans-Peter Bretz

file ExpoFunction.h
#include <math.h>

Implementation of ExpoFunction


Hans-Peter Bretz

file I3MuonEnergy.cxx
#include “limits.h”
#include “ddddr/ExpoFcn.h
#include “ddddr/TomFFcn.h
#include “ddddr/I3MuonEnergy.h
#include “ddddr/ExpoFunction.h
#include “ddddr/TomFFunction.h
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3EventHeader.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3TankGeo.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3OMGeo.h”
#include “dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3RecoPulse.h”
#include “phys-services/I3Calculator.h”
#include “icetray/OMKey.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Map.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Vector.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3MCTree.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h”
#include “simclasses/I3MMCTrack.h”

< Implementation of I3MuonEnergy (DDDDR)


$Date: 14/01/23


Hans-Peter Bretz (hbretz@icecube.wisc.edu)


Patrick Berghaus


bool EarlierThan(const DOMDATA &r1, const DOMDATA &r2)

Helper function that compares two DOMDATA structs by their position along the muon bundle track.

  • r1

  • r2


True if first DOMDATA is earlier than second.

bool smallerThan(const DOMDATA &r1, const DOMDATA &r2)

Helper function that compares the energy loss measured by two different DOMs, given in DOMDATA structs.

  • r1

  • r2


True if first DOMDATA contains energy loss smaller than the second one.

double geometricDistance(const DOMDATA r1, I3Position p1)
double medianOfVector(boost::shared_ptr<I3Vector<double>> vec)


static const double SURFACE_HEIGHT = 1948.07
static const bool FIXB = true
static const bool FIXGAMMA = true
static const double EXPO_NORM_INIT = 10
static const double EXPO_NORM_STEPS = 0.1
static const double EXPO_NORM_MINV = 0
static const double EXPO_NORM_MAXV = 15
static const double EXPO_EXP_INIT = 1e-3
static const double EXPO_EXP_STEPS = 1e-1
static const double EXPO_EXP_MINV = -1e-1
static const double EXPO_EXP_MAXV = 1e-1
static const double TOMF_NORM_INIT = 1e3
static const double TOMF_NORM_STEPS = 100
static const double TOMF_NORM_MINV = 1e-10
static const double TOMF_NORM_MAXV = 1e10
static const double TOMF_B_INIT = 3.3e-4
static const double TOMF_B_STEPS = 1e-3
static const double TOMF_B_MINV = 1e-4
static const double TOMF_B_MAXV = 1e-1
static const double TOMF_GAMMA_INIT = 1.757
static const double TOMF_GAMMA_STEPS = 1e-1
static const double TOMF_GAMMA_MINV = 1
static const double TOMF_GAMMA_MAXV = 4
file I3MuonEnergy.h
#include “icetray/I3ConditionalModule.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3DOMCalibration.h”
#include <icetray/serialization.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <icetray/I3Logging.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include “gulliver/I3FitParameterInitSpecs.h”
#include “gulliver/I3GulliverBase.h”
#include “lilliput/minimizer/I3GSLSimplex.h”
#include “ddddr/TomFFcn.h
#include “ddddr/ExpoFcn.h

Implementation of I3MuonEnergy (DDDDR)


$Date: 14/01/23


Hans-Peter Bretz (hbretz@icecube.wisc.edu)


Patrick Berghaus


enum FitFunction


enumerator NOFCN
enumerator EXPOFCN
enumerator TOMFFCN
file I3MuonEnergyCascadeParams.cxx
#include <icetray/serialization.h>

Implementation of the I3MuonEnergyCascadeParams class.


file I3MuonEnergyCascadeParams.h
#include <icetray/I3FrameObject.h>
#include “dataclasses/Utility.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”

Definition of the I3MuonEnergyCascadeParams class.


file I3MuonEnergyParams.cxx
#include <icetray/serialization.h>

Implementation of the I3MuonEnergyParams class.


std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const I3MuonEnergyParams &params)
file I3MuonEnergyParams.h
#include <icetray/I3FrameObject.h>
#include “dataclasses/Utility.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”

Definition of the I3MuonEnergyParams class.


file I3MuonEnergyProfile.cxx
file I3MuonEnergyProfile.h
#include “dataclasses/I3Vector.h”
#include <icetray/I3Logging.h>

Definition of I3MuonEnergyProfile (DDDDR)


$Date: 14/01/23


Hans-Peter Bretz (hbretz@icecube.wisc.edu)

file I3TrueMuonEnergy.cxx
#include “ddddr/I3TrueMuonEnergy.h
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3EventHeader.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3TankGeo.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3OMGeo.h”
#include “dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3RecoPulse.h”
#include “phys-services/I3Calculator.h”
#include “icetray/OMKey.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Map.h”
#include “MuonGunTrack.h
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>




static const double SURFACE_HEIGHT = 1948.07
file I3TrueMuonEnergy.h
#include “icetray/I3ConditionalModule.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3MCTree.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h”
#include “simclasses/I3MMCTrack.h”
#include <icetray/I3Logging.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include “gulliver/I3FitParameterInitSpecs.h”
#include “gulliver/I3GulliverBase.h”
#include “lilliput/minimizer/I3GSLSimplex.h”
#include “ddddr/ExpoFcn.h

Implementation of I3MuonEnergy (DDDDR)


$Date: 14/01/23


Hans-Peter Bretz (hbretz@icecube.wisc.edu)


Patrick Berghaus

file MuonEnergyFunctions.cxx
#include “dataclasses/I3Map.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3RecoPulse.h”
#include “ddddr/I3MuonEnergy.h
#include “phys-services/I3Calculator.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3MCTree.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h”
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
file MuonEnergyFunctions.h
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”
#include “simclasses/I3MMCTrack.h”
file MuonGunTrack.cxx
#include <simclasses/I3MMCTrack.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>


Track.cxx 128654 2015-02-04 18:34:51Z jvansanten


Jakob van Santen vansanten@wisc.edu




2015-02-04 19:34:51 +0100 (Wed, 04 Feb 2015)

file MuonGunTrack.h
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTree.h>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>


Track.h 128654 2015-02-04 18:34:51Z jvansanten


Jakob van Santen vansanten@wisc.edu




2015-02-04 19:34:51 +0100 (Wed, 04 Feb 2015)


typedef I3Vector<I3MMCTrack> I3MMCTrackList


file NoGradientFcn.h
#include “gulliver/I3GulliverBase.h”
#include <vector>
file TomFFcn.cxx
#include “ddddr/TomFFcn.h
#include “ddddr/TomFFunction.h
#include <cassert>
file TomFFcn.h
#include “gulliver/I3GulliverBase.h”
#include “NoGradientFcn.h
#include <vector>
file TomFFunction.h
#include <math.h>
dir ddddr
dir ddddr
dir ddddr
dir icetray
dir private
dir public