Project corsika-reader

Invoke with: import icecube.corsika_reader

C++ I3Modules


"CORSIKAResampler" (C++ I3Module)


Param CylinderHeight:

Default = 1600.0, Height of detector cylinder

Param CylinderRadius:

Default = 800.0, Radius of detector cylinder

Param InputMCTreeName:

Default = 'I3MCTree_preSampling', Name of mctree in frame

Param OutputMCTreeName:

Default = 'I3MCTree', Name of mctree in frame

Param OverSampling:

Default = 1, number of times to oversample showers

Param WeightMapName:

Default = 'CorsikaWeightMap', Name of weights map to store in frame

Param ZenithBias:

Default = True, True if CORSIKA was compiled with the VOLUMECORR option, False if the VOLUMEDET option was used. The default zenith bias (proportional to sin(theta) for surface detectors) is not supported.


"I3CORSIKAReader" (C++ I3Module)


Param CheckIntegrity:

Default = False, Check that each CORSIKA file is complete and contains the expected number of showers, but emit no frames.

Param EHistory:

Default = False, Read EHISTORY CORSIKA files.For proper rotation of Direction/PositionThis Parameter must be passed.

Param FilenameList:

Default = [], Paths to CORSIKA DAT files

Param LegacyOverSampling:

Default = 1, (deprecated) number of times to oversample showers

Param NEvents:

Default = 0, Number of CORSIKA showers per input file, required for older CORSIKA versions that do not write this into the run number. If value is wrong, will fail (with a useful message) at run time. Negative values disable weight checking.

Param ParticlesToWrite:

Default = [icecube._dataclasses.ParticleType.MuMinus, icecube._dataclasses.ParticleType.MuPlus, icecube._dataclasses.ParticleType.NuE, icecube._dataclasses.ParticleType.NuEBar, icecube._dataclasses.ParticleType.NuMu, icecube._dataclasses.ParticleType.NuMuBar, icecube._dataclasses.ParticleType.NuTau, icecube._dataclasses.ParticleType.NuTauBar], Types of particle to include in the output MC tree. If blank, include all particles present in the shower at ground level (this can be very large)

Param Prefix:

Default = '', Path to I3 file with frames to prefix to the stream (e.g. GCD information)

Param Thinned:

Default = False, Read thinned CORSIKA files

Param WeightMapName:

Default = 'CorsikaWeightMap', Name of weights map to store in frame

I3Tray segments


ReadCorsika (I3Tray segment)

Read CORSIKA files, simulate IceTop response, and populate I3MCTree with penetrating components (neutrinos and muons)

Param filenamelist:

Default = [],

Param GCDFile:

Default = '', path to GCD file to read first

Param NEvents:

Default = 1, passed to I3CORSIKAReader (and ignored for CORSIKA files >= v74000, where it is part of the run header)

Param OverSampling:

Default = 1, Number of times each shower will be read (each with a different impact location)

Param LegacyOverSampling:

Default = False,

Param CylinderHeight:

Default = 1200, height of IceCube-centered target cylinder

Param CylinderRadius:

Default = 600, radius of target cylinder

Param RandomService:

Default = 'I3RandomService', the name of a random service to be used by the tank response

Param TrimShower:

Default = True, remove surface particles from tree

Param DropEmptyShowers:

Default = True, drop showers where no particles reach the observation level

TableIO converters


icecube.corsika_reader.I3CorsikaWeightConverter (TableIO converter)
