Project ddddr

Invoke with: import icecube.ddddr

C++ I3Modules


"I3MuonEnergy" (C++ I3Module)

This module estimates and fits the energy loss along a given track.

Param BadDomListName:

Default = 'BadDomsList', Name of the BadDomList frame object. Default is “BadDomList”.

Param BinWidth:

Default = 50.0, Bin width of the slant depth for the binned dEdX fit.

Param FixB:

Default = True, fix free parameter b in tomF’s function

Param FixGamma:

Default = True, fix free parameter gamma in tomF’s function

Param I3MCTree:

Default = '', I3MCTree to use in case Monte Carlo track is used for the reconstruction.

Param IceModelFileName:

Default = '/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/icetray/ddddr/resources/tables/implied.txt', name of the ice model file name

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputPulses:

Default = 'TWOfflinePulseSeriesReco', name of the input data

Param LevelDist:

Default = 19.0, For distances smaller than LevelDist, the light yield at the DOMs is assumed to scale linearly with the distance to the track.

Param MaxImpact:

Default = 100.0, Max. closest distance of a DOM to the muon track to be considered for the reconstruction

Param MaxIterations:

Default = 500, Maximum number of iterations for the fit.

Param Method:

Default = 0, -1: no fit, 0: expo; 1: tomF

Param MMCTrackList:

Default = '', MMCTrackList to use in case Monte Carlo track is used for the reconstruction

Param Prefix:

Default = '', Prefix for objects that are stored in the frame

Param PurityAdjust:

Default = 0.0, Scales the atten. length with a linear function of the depth, pos. values decrease the atten. length. Default is 0. (leaves atten. length unchanged).

Param SaveDomResults:

Default = False, If true, saves impact, slant depth and dEdX for each DOM to frame

Param Seed:

Default = '', Name of the seed track

Param SlantBinNumber:

Default = 20, Number of bins for slant depth. Only used together with Monte Carlo.

Param Tolerance:

Default = 1e-05, Tolerance to pass to the minimizer

Param UseMonteCarloTrack:

Default = False, Use Monte Carlo track instead of reconstructed track for the energy loss reco.


"I3TrueMuonEnergy" (C++ I3Module)

This module calculates the total energy of a muon bundle by summing up the contribution of each muon for each bin along the track of the whole bundle.

Param BinWidth:

Default = 50.0, the bin size of slant depth

Param EnergyLoss:

Default = True, true for fit energy loss; false for energy

Param I3MCTree:

Default = 'I3MCTree', name of the I3MCTree

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param MaxRadius:

Default = 800.0, Max. radius of the cylindric simulation volume used by MMC/Proposal.

Param MMCTrackList:

Default = 'MMCTrackList', name of the mmc track list

Param Prefix:

Default = 'I3TrueMuonEnergy', prefix for energy (loss) information stored in the frame

Param SaveEnergyLosses:

Default = False, If true, save the binned energy losses along the muon bundle to the frame.

Param SlantBinNo:

Default = 200, the bin number of slant depth

I3Tray segments


TrueAndRecoMuonEnergy (I3Tray segment)

This segment uses the I3TrueMuonEnergy module and the I3MuonEnergy module to compare the true and the reconstructed energy loss along the true Monte Carlo track.

Param BinWidth:

Default = 50,

Param I3MCTree:

Default = 'I3MCTree',

Param MMCTrackList:

Default = 'MMCTrackList',

Param InputPulses:

Default = 'TWOfflinePulsesHLC',

Param MaxImpact:

Default = 100,

Param Prefix:

Default = 'I3MuonEnergy',

Param SaveDomResults:

Default = False,

TableIO converters


icecube.ddddr.I3MuonEnergyParamsConverter (TableIO converter)



icecube.ddddr.I3MuonEnergyCascadeParamsConverter (TableIO converter)
