Project dst

Invoke with: import icecube.dst

C++ I3Modules


"DSTTestGenerator" (C++ I3Module)


Param I3Reco1:

Default = 'PoleMuonLinefit', The First Reconstruction Info

Param I3Reco2:

Default = 'PoleMuonLlhFit', The Second Reconstruction Info

Param I3Reco2Params:

Default = 'PoleMuonLlhFitFitParams', The Second Reconstruction Reconstruction Parameters

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InIceRawDataName:

Default = 'CleanInIceRawData', The InIce DOMLaunch Series Map Name

Param NEvents:

Default = 10, number of QFrames to generate

Param NSubframes:

Default = 1, number of subframes to generate per QFrame

Param PhiBin:

Default = 0.017453292519943295, Size of zenith bin

Param RecoSeriesName:

Default = 'TWCMuonPulseSeriesReco', The Reco Hit Series Name

Param SubEventStreamName:

Default = '', The name of the SubEvent stream.

Param ThetaBin:

Default = 0.017453292519943295, Size of zenith bin

Param TriggerName:

Default = 'I3TriggerHierarchy', The Trigger Name


"I3DSTDAQModule13" (C++ I3Module)

I3DSTDAQModule13 is part of the dst project. I3DSTDAQModule13 extracts key information about physics events and generates an I3DST objec which is a very compact representation of an event.

Param DSTHeaderName:

Default = 'I3DSTHeader13', Name of I3DSTHeader13 object in frame

Param DSTHeaderPrescale:

Default = 1000, Number of events between DSTHeader13 in frame

Param DSTName:

Default = 'I3DST13', Name of I3DST13 object in frame

Param EventHeaderName:

Default = 'I3EventHeader', The Event Header Name

Param HealPixNSide:

Default = 1024, HealPix paramter for determining the skymap binsize

Param RecoList:

Default = ['PoleMuonLinefit', 'PoleMuonLlhFit'], Array of reconstructed I3Particle names to lookforin decreasing order of importance (max 8 entries)

Param TriggerIDList:

Default = [1006, 1011, 1007, 22001, 102], List of Trigger Config IDs to encode


"I3DSTExtractor13" (C++ I3Module)


Param Cut:

Default = True, Apply quality cuts

Param DetectorCenterX:

Default = 0.0, cartesian x-component of center of detector

Param DetectorCenterY:

Default = 0.0, cartesian y-component of center of detector

Param DetectorCenterZ:

Default = 0.0, cartesian z-component of center of detector

Param DSTHeaderName:

Default = 'I3DSTHeader13', Name of I3DSTHeader13 object in frame

Param DSTName:

Default = 'I3DST13', Name of I3DST13 object in frame

Param EventHeaderName:

Default = 'InIceEventHeader', The Event Header Name (to add)

Param ExtractToFrame:

Default = False, Should build I3 dataclasses in frame

Param FileName:

Default = '', Name of file to save DST to

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param KeepTriggers:

Default = [1006, 1007, 1011, 102, 21001, 23050, 24002], Keep events for which given triggers have fired

Param SubEventStreamName:

Default = '', The name of the SubEvent stream.

Param TriggerName:

Default = 'I3InIceTrigger', The Name of the trigger H. (to add)

Param WeightMapName:

Default = '', (optional) Name of weightmap for simulated events

Param ZenithHighCut:

Default = 3.121592653589793, Max zenith angle

Param ZenithLowCut:

Default = 0.02, Min zenith angle


"I3DSTExtractor16" (C++ I3Module)


Param Cut:

Default = True, Apply quality cuts

Param DetectorCenterX:

Default = 0.0, cartesian x-component of center of detector

Param DetectorCenterY:

Default = 0.0, cartesian y-component of center of detector

Param DetectorCenterZ:

Default = 0.0, cartesian z-component of center of detector

Param DSTHeaderName:

Default = 'I3DST16Header', Name of I3DSTHeader16 object in frame

Param DSTName:

Default = 'I3DST16', Name of I3DST16 object in frame

Param EventHeaderName:

Default = 'I3EventHeader', Event Header Name (to read)

Param ExtractToFrame:

Default = False, Should build I3 dataclasses in frame

Param FileName:

Default = '', Name of file to save DST to

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param KeepTriggers:

Default = [1006, 1007, 1011, 102, 21001, 23050, 24002], Keep events for which given triggers have fired

Param SubEventStreamName:

Default = '', The name of the SubEvent stream.

Param TriggerName:

Default = 'I3InIceTrigger', The Name of the trigger H. (to add)

Param WeightMapName:

Default = '', (optional) Name of weightmap for simulated events

Param ZenithHighCut:

Default = 3.121592653589793, Max zenith angle

Param ZenithLowCut:

Default = 0.02, Min zenith angle


"I3DSTModule13" (C++ I3Module)

I3DSTModule13 is part of the dst project. I3DSTModule13 extracts key information about physics events and generates an I3DST objec which is a very compact representation of an event.

Param DetectorCenterX:

Default = 0.0, cartesian x-component of center of detector

Param DetectorCenterY:

Default = 0.0, cartesian y-component of center of detector

Param DetectorCenterZ:

Default = 0.0, cartesian z-component of center of detector

Param DirectHitsTimeRange:

Default = [-15.0, 75.0],

Param DSTHeaderName:

Default = 'I3DSTHeader13', Name of I3DSTHeader13 object in frame

Param DSTHeaderPrescale:

Default = 1000, Number of events between DSTHeader13 in frame

Param DSTName:

Default = 'I3DST13', Name of I3DST13 object in frame

Param DSTRecoName:

Default = 'I3DSTReco13', Name of I3DSTReco13 object

Param EnergyEstimate:

Default = 'PoleMuonLlhFitMuE', Name of I3Particle where energy estimate is stored

Param EventHeaderName:

Default = 'I3EventHeader', The Event Header Name

Param HealPixNSide:

Default = 1024, HealPix paramter for determining the skymap binsize

Param I3DirectHitsName:

Default = 'PoleMuonLlhFitDirectHitsBaseC', Name of I3DirectHitValues object in frame to use

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param IgnoreDirectHits:

Default = False, Omit DirectHits info

Param LaunchMapSource:

Default = 'CleanInIceRawData', Name of DOMLaunchSeriesMaps

Param LLHFitParamsName:

Default = 'PoleMuonLlhFitFitParams', I3LogLikelihoodFitParams

Param RecoList:

Default = ['PoleMuonLinefit', 'PoleMuonLlhFit'], Array of reconstructed I3Particle names to lookfor in decreasing order of importance (max 8 entries)

Param RecoSeriesName:

Default = 'TWCMuonPulseSeriesReco', Name of recoseries map used to compute cut values

Param TriggerIDList:

Default = [1006, 1011, 1007, 22001, 102], List of Trigger Config IDs to encode

Param TriggerName:

Default = 'I3TriggerHierarchy', The Trigger Name

Param TriggerTimePrescaleServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before adding Trigger times to the DST object.


"I3DSTModule16" (C++ I3Module)

I3DSTModule16 is part of the dst project. I3DSTModule16 extracts key information about physics events and generates an I3DST objec which is a very compact representation of an event.

Param DetectorCenterX:

Default = 0.0, cartesian x-component of center of detector

Param DetectorCenterY:

Default = 0.0, cartesian y-component of center of detector

Param DetectorCenterZ:

Default = 0.0, cartesian z-component of center of detector

Param DirectHitsTimeRange:

Default = [-15.0, 75.0],

Param DSTHeaderName:

Default = 'I3DS16THeader', Name of I3DSTHeader16 object in frame

Param DSTHeaderPrescale:

Default = 1000, Number of events between DSTHeader16 in frame

Param DSTName:

Default = 'I3DST16', Name of I3DST16 object in frame

Param EnergyEstimate:

Default = 'PoleMuonLlhFitMuE', Name of I3Particle where energy estimate is stored

Param EventHeaderName:

Default = 'I3EventHeader', The Event Header Name

Param HealPixNSide:

Default = 1024, HealPix paramter for determining the skymap binsize

Param I3DirectHitsName:

Default = 'PoleMuonLlhFitDirectHitsBaseC', Name of I3DirectHitValues object in frame to use

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param IgnoreDirectHits:

Default = False, Omit DirectHits info

Param LaunchMapSource:

Default = 'CleanInIceRawData', Name of DOMLaunchSeriesMaps

Param LLHFitParamsName:

Default = 'PoleMuonLlhFitFitParams', I3LogLikelihoodFitParams

Param RecoList:

Default = ['PoleMuonLinefit', 'PoleMuonLlhFit'], Array of reconstructed I3Particle names to lookfor in decreasing order of importance (max 8 entries)

Param RecoSeriesName:

Default = 'TWCMuonPulseSeriesReco', Name of recoseries map used to compute cut values

Param TriggerIDList:

Default = [1006, 1011, 1007, 22001, 102], List of Trigger Config IDs to encode

Param TriggerName:

Default = 'I3TriggerHierarchy', The Trigger Name

Param TriggerTimePrescaleServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before adding Trigger times to the DST object.

Python I3Modules


CheckFrameIndex (Python I3Module)

Check that frame order is preserved after buffering

Param Check:

Default = False, Check existing indices

I3Tray segments


ExtractDST (I3Tray segment)

Record in compact form limited information from reconstructions, triggers and cut parameters for every triggered event.

Param dst_output_filename:

Default = 'I3DST.hdf5',

Param dstname:

Default = 'I3DST',

Param simulation:

Default = False,

Param extract_to_frame:

Default = False,

Param remove_filter_stream:

Default = True,

Param cut_data:

Default = False,

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x105625080>,


ExtractDST13 (I3Tray segment)

Record in compact form limited information from reconstructions, triggers and cut parameters for every triggered event.

Param dst_output_filename:

Default = 'I3DST13.hdf5',

Param dstname:

Default = 'I3DST13',

Param extract_to_frame:

Default = True,

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x105624cc0>,


DSTFilter (I3Tray segment)

Record in compact form limited information from reconstructions, triggers and cut parameters for every triggered event.

Param dstname:

Default = 'I3DST16',

Param pulses:

Default = 'CleanedMuonPulses',

Param llh_name:

Default = 'PoleMuonLlhFit',

Param linefit_name:

Default = 'PoleMuonLinefit',

Param trigger_name:

Default = 'I3TriggerHierarchy',

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x1056254e0>,

TableIO converters


icecube.dst.TDSTConverter (TableIO converter)
