Project fill-ratio

Invoke with: import icecube.fill_ratio

C++ I3Modules


"I3FillRatio2StringDoubleMap" (C++ I3Module)


Param FillRatioOutputName:

Default = 'FRInfo', Name of Fill Ratio Object in the frame

Param ResultStringDoubleMap:

Default = 'FillRatioBox', Name of String Double Map Name


"I3FillRatioLite" (C++ I3Module)


Param AmplitudeWeightingPower:

Default = 0.0, Weight hits by the charge to this power

Param BadDOMListName:

Default = '', Name of the dynamic BadDOMList in the DetectorStatus frame

Param ExcludeDOMs:

Default = [], List of DOMs to exclude from the calculation (e.g. all DeepCore DOMs)

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param Output:

Default = '', Name of the I3Double to put in the frame

Param Pulses:

Default = '', Name of the pulse series in the frame

Param Scale:

Default = 1.0, Factor by which to scale the mean vertex-DOM distance

Param Vertex:

Default = '', Name of the particle to use as a vertex


"I3FillRatioModule" (C++ I3Module)

An instance of the fill-ratio algorithm.

Param AmplitudeWeightingPower:

Default = 0.0, The means and RMSs can be weighted by the charge of the hit. This parameter sets the power for the exponential wieghting.

Param BadDOMList:

Default = '', Name of the BadDOMList in the DetectorStatus frame

Param BadOMs:

Default = [], A user-defined vector of OMKeys that should not contribute to the calculation of the fill-ratio. This is especially useful for an IceCube-only analysis, as the presence of AMANDA geometry records can add a huge number of unhit OMs to the fill ratio.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param RecoPulseName:

Default = 'RecoPulses', The name of the recopulses to be used

Param ResultName:

Default = 'FillRatioInfo', The name that the resulting I3FillRatioInfo object will take in the frame

Param SphericalRadiusMean:

Default = 2.0, The radius (in units of the mean) of the sphere used to calculate the fill ratio.

Param SphericalRadiusMeanPlusRMS:

Default = 1.3, The radius (in units of the mean plus rms) of the sphere used to calculate the fill ratio.

Param SphericalRadiusNCh:

Default = 1.3, The radius (in units of the SPE Radius) of the sphere used to define the fill- ratio

Param SphericalRadiusRMS:

Default = 3.0, The radius (in units of the RMS) of the sphere to be used to calculate the fill ratio.

Param VertexName:

Default = 'CFirst', Name of the previous vertex reconstruction

I3Tray segments


FillRatioModule (I3Tray segment)

Algorithm to look for the fraction of hit DOMs to unhit DOMs within some distance to a given vertex.

Param VertexName:

Default = 'CFirst', Name of the previous vertex reconstruction

Param ResultName:

Default = 'FillRatioInfo', The name that the resulting I3FillRatioInfo object will take in the frame”

Param MapName:

Default = 'FillRatioMap', The name that the I3MapStringDouble object will take in the frame”

Param RecoPulseName:

Default = 'RecoPulses', The name of the recopulses to be used

Param SphericalRadiusRMS:

Default = 3.0, The radius (in units of the RMS) of the sphere to be used to calculate the fill ratio.

Param SphericalRadiusMean:

Default = 2.0, The radius (in units of the mean) of the sphere used to calculate the fill ratio.

Param SphericalRadiusMeanPlusRMS:

Default = 1.3, The radius (in units of the mean plus rms) of the sphere used to calculate the fill ratio.

Param SphericalRadiusNCh:

Default = 1.3, The radius (in units of the SPE Radius) of the sphere used to define the fill- ratio

Param AmplitudeWeightingPower:

Default = 0.0, The means and RMSs can be weighted by the charge of the hit. This parameter sets the power for the exponential wieghting.

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x106bd98a0>, the usual python function, makes the segment run conditionally frame by frame.