Project millipede

Invoke with: import icecube.millipede

C++ I3Modules


"MillipedeDataChecker" (C++ I3Module)

: Check pulses and binning thereof for crippling errors

Param BinSigma:

Default = nan, Signficance threshold for time bins. If set to a finite number, PhotonsPerBin will be ignored, and time bins will be combined using the Bayesian Blocks algorithm until the mean PE rate in each bin differs from its neighbors at this significance level.

Param CascadePhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for shower emissions

Param ExcludedDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList', 'CalibrationErrata', 'SaturationWindows'], Set of keys containing lists either of OMKeys or I3TimeWindowSeriesMaps describing potentially unreliable data that should be excluded from the fit

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param MinTimeWidth:

Default = 8.0, Minimum width of time bins. Implemented as a hard cutoff when using fixed binning and a prior for Bayesian Blocks. Timing structure less than this width should be ignored in the fit.

Param MuonPhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for Cerenkov emissions (muons)

Param MuonRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for ionization component of muon energy losses (0 to disable)

Param PartialExclusion:

Default = True, If true, exclude only marked time ranges from excluded DOMs. Otherwise, ignore entire readout from any DOM in one of the exclusion lists

Param PhotonsPerBin:

Default = 5, Number of photons to use per time bin. Smaller values use more timing information, but can bias the solution when solving for multiple sources. Setting PhotonsPerBin to -1 disables the use of timing.

Param Pulses:

Default = 'RecoPulseSeries', Name of pulse series to use

Param ReadoutWindow:

Default = '', Name of the I3TimeWindow in the frame giving the first and last possible time of a pulse. If blank (the default), will use the name of the pulse series with “TimeRange” appended to the end.

Param RelUncertainty:

Default = 0, Assign a relative uncertainty to the per-bin model expectations, as a fraction of the total expectation in that bin.

Param ShowerRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for stochastic energy losses (0 to disable)

Param UseUnhitDOMs:

Default = True, Take all DOMs into account in the matrix unfolding, which is much slower but potentially more accurate.


"MillipedeFisherMatrixCalculator" (C++ I3Module)


Param BinSigma:

Default = nan, Signficance threshold for time bins. If set to a finite number, PhotonsPerBin will be ignored, and time bins will be combined using the Bayesian Blocks algorithm until the mean PE rate in each bin differs from its neighbors at this significance level.

Param CascadePhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for shower emissions

Param ExcludedDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList', 'CalibrationErrata', 'SaturationWindows'], Set of keys containing lists either of OMKeys or I3TimeWindowSeriesMaps describing potentially unreliable data that should be excluded from the fit

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param MinTimeWidth:

Default = 8.0, Minimum width of time bins. Implemented as a hard cutoff when using fixed binning and a prior for Bayesian Blocks. Timing structure less than this width should be ignored in the fit.

Param MuonPhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for Cerenkov emissions (muons)

Param MuonRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for ionization component of muon energy losses (0 to disable)

Param Output:

Default = 'MillipededEdxFisherMatrix', Name of output I3Matrix in frame

Param PartialExclusion:

Default = True, If true, exclude only marked time ranges from excluded DOMs. Otherwise, ignore entire readout from any DOM in one of the exclusion lists

Param PhotonsPerBin:

Default = 5, Number of photons to use per time bin. Smaller values use more timing information, but can bias the solution when solving for multiple sources. Setting PhotonsPerBin to -1 disables the use of timing.

Param Pulses:

Default = 'RecoPulseSeries', Name of pulse series to use

Param ReadoutWindow:

Default = '', Name of the I3TimeWindow in the frame giving the first and last possible time of a pulse. If blank (the default), will use the name of the pulse series with “TimeRange” appended to the end.

Param RelUncertainty:

Default = 0, Assign a relative uncertainty to the per-bin model expectations, as a fraction of the total expectation in that bin.

Param Seed:

Default = 'MillipededEdx', Name of seed fit in frame

Param ShowerRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for stochastic energy losses (0 to disable)

Param UseUnhitDOMs:

Default = True, Take all DOMs into account in the matrix unfolding, which is much slower but potentially more accurate.


"Monopod" (C++ I3Module)


Param BinSigma:

Default = nan, Signficance threshold for time bins. If set to a finite number, PhotonsPerBin will be ignored, and time bins will be combined using the Bayesian Blocks algorithm until the mean PE rate in each bin differs from its neighbors at this significance level.

Param CascadePhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for shower emissions

Param ExcludedDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList', 'CalibrationErrata', 'SaturationWindows'], Set of keys containing lists either of OMKeys or I3TimeWindowSeriesMaps describing potentially unreliable data that should be excluded from the fit

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param MinTimeWidth:

Default = 8.0, Minimum width of time bins. Implemented as a hard cutoff when using fixed binning and a prior for Bayesian Blocks. Timing structure less than this width should be ignored in the fit.

Param MuonPhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for Cerenkov emissions (muons)

Param MuonRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for ionization component of muon energy losses (0 to disable)

Param Output:

Default = 'Monopod', Name of output particle in frame

Param PartialExclusion:

Default = True, If true, exclude only marked time ranges from excluded DOMs. Otherwise, ignore entire readout from any DOM in one of the exclusion lists

Param PhotonsPerBin:

Default = 5, Number of photons to use per time bin. Smaller values use more timing information, but can bias the solution when solving for multiple sources. Setting PhotonsPerBin to -1 disables the use of timing.

Param Pulses:

Default = 'RecoPulseSeries', Name of pulse series to use

Param ReadoutWindow:

Default = '', Name of the I3TimeWindow in the frame giving the first and last possible time of a pulse. If blank (the default), will use the name of the pulse series with “TimeRange” appended to the end.

Param RelUncertainty:

Default = 0, Assign a relative uncertainty to the per-bin model expectations, as a fraction of the total expectation in that bin.

Param Seed:

Default = '', Name of seed fit in frame

Param ShowerRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for stochastic energy losses (0 to disable)

Param UseUnhitDOMs:

Default = True, Take all DOMs into account in the matrix unfolding, which is much slower but potentially more accurate.


"MuMillipede" (C++ I3Module)


Param BinSigma:

Default = nan, Signficance threshold for time bins. If set to a finite number, PhotonsPerBin will be ignored, and time bins will be combined using the Bayesian Blocks algorithm until the mean PE rate in each bin differs from its neighbors at this significance level.

Param Boundary:

Default = 600, Segment boundary, in meters (fits segments in [-x,x] in x,y,z in detector coordinates)

Param CascadePhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for shower emissions

Param EndSlantDepth:

Default = -1, End of Segment boundary in slant depth bins (fits segments in [Xstart,Xend] in detector coordinates). If negative, boundary used instead.

Param ExcludedDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList', 'CalibrationErrata', 'SaturationWindows'], Set of keys containing lists either of OMKeys or I3TimeWindowSeriesMaps describing potentially unreliable data that should be excluded from the fit

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param MinTimeWidth:

Default = 8.0, Minimum width of time bins. Implemented as a hard cutoff when using fixed binning and a prior for Bayesian Blocks. Timing structure less than this width should be ignored in the fit.

Param MuonPhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for Cerenkov emissions (muons)

Param MuonRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for ionization component of muon energy losses (0 to disable)

Param MuonSpacing:

Default = 15, Spacing of muon (ionization) sources along the track, in meters. MUST match source extension in muon tables. Set to 0 to not include ionization sources.

Param Output:

Default = 'MillipededEdx', Name of output

Param PartialExclusion:

Default = True, If true, exclude only marked time ranges from excluded DOMs. Otherwise, ignore entire readout from any DOM in one of the exclusion lists

Param PhotonsPerBin:

Default = 5, Number of photons to use per time bin. Smaller values use more timing information, but can bias the solution when solving for multiple sources. Setting PhotonsPerBin to -1 disables the use of timing.

Param Pulses:

Default = 'RecoPulseSeries', Name of pulse series to use

Param ReadoutWindow:

Default = '', Name of the I3TimeWindow in the frame giving the first and last possible time of a pulse. If blank (the default), will use the name of the pulse series with “TimeRange” appended to the end.

Param RelUncertainty:

Default = 0, Assign a relative uncertainty to the per-bin model expectations, as a fraction of the total expectation in that bin.

Param SeedTrack:

Default = '', Track to fit

Param ShowerRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for stochastic energy losses (0 to disable)

Param ShowerSpacing:

Default = 15, Spacing of shower (radiative) sources along the track, in meters. Set to 0 to not include radiative losses.

Param StartSlantDepth:

Default = -1, Start of segment boundary in slant depth bins (fits segments in [Xstart,Xend] in detector coordinates). If negative, boundary used instead.

Param UseUnhitDOMs:

Default = True, Take all DOMs into account in the matrix unfolding, which is much slower but potentially more accurate.


"PyMillipede" (C++ I3Module)


Param BinSigma:

Default = nan, Signficance threshold for time bins. If set to a finite number, PhotonsPerBin will be ignored, and time bins will be combined using the Bayesian Blocks algorithm until the mean PE rate in each bin differs from its neighbors at this significance level.

Param Callback:

Default = 0, Python function to call with the event data and hypotheses

Param CascadePhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for shower emissions

Param ExcludedDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList', 'CalibrationErrata', 'SaturationWindows'], Set of keys containing lists either of OMKeys or I3TimeWindowSeriesMaps describing potentially unreliable data that should be excluded from the fit

Param Hypothesis:

Default = 0, Python function returning a source list

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param MinTimeWidth:

Default = 8.0, Minimum width of time bins. Implemented as a hard cutoff when using fixed binning and a prior for Bayesian Blocks. Timing structure less than this width should be ignored in the fit.

Param MuonPhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for Cerenkov emissions (muons)

Param MuonRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for ionization component of muon energy losses (0 to disable)

Param Output:

Default = 'MillipededEdx', Name of output

Param PartialExclusion:

Default = True, If true, exclude only marked time ranges from excluded DOMs. Otherwise, ignore entire readout from any DOM in one of the exclusion lists

Param PhotonsPerBin:

Default = 5, Number of photons to use per time bin. Smaller values use more timing information, but can bias the solution when solving for multiple sources. Setting PhotonsPerBin to -1 disables the use of timing.

Param Pulses:

Default = 'RecoPulseSeries', Name of pulse series to use

Param ReadoutWindow:

Default = '', Name of the I3TimeWindow in the frame giving the first and last possible time of a pulse. If blank (the default), will use the name of the pulse series with “TimeRange” appended to the end.

Param RelUncertainty:

Default = 0, Assign a relative uncertainty to the per-bin model expectations, as a fraction of the total expectation in that bin.

Param ShowerRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for stochastic energy losses (0 to disable)

Param UseUnhitDOMs:

Default = True, Take all DOMs into account in the matrix unfolding, which is much slower but potentially more accurate.


"TauMillipede" (C++ I3Module)


Param BinSigma:

Default = nan, Signficance threshold for time bins. If set to a finite number, PhotonsPerBin will be ignored, and time bins will be combined using the Bayesian Blocks algorithm until the mean PE rate in each bin differs from its neighbors at this significance level.

Param CascadePhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for shower emissions

Param ExcludedDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList', 'CalibrationErrata', 'SaturationWindows'], Set of keys containing lists either of OMKeys or I3TimeWindowSeriesMaps describing potentially unreliable data that should be excluded from the fit

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param MinTimeWidth:

Default = 8.0, Minimum width of time bins. Implemented as a hard cutoff when using fixed binning and a prior for Bayesian Blocks. Timing structure less than this width should be ignored in the fit.

Param MuonPhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for Cerenkov emissions (muons)

Param MuonRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for ionization component of muon energy losses (0 to disable)

Param Output:

Default = 'MillipedeTau', Name of output

Param PartialExclusion:

Default = True, If true, exclude only marked time ranges from excluded DOMs. Otherwise, ignore entire readout from any DOM in one of the exclusion lists

Param PhotonsPerBin:

Default = 5, Number of photons to use per time bin. Smaller values use more timing information, but can bias the solution when solving for multiple sources. Setting PhotonsPerBin to -1 disables the use of timing.

Param Pulses:

Default = 'RecoPulseSeries', Name of pulse series to use

Param ReadoutWindow:

Default = '', Name of the I3TimeWindow in the frame giving the first and last possible time of a pulse. If blank (the default), will use the name of the pulse series with “TimeRange” appended to the end.

Param RelUncertainty:

Default = 0, Assign a relative uncertainty to the per-bin model expectations, as a fraction of the total expectation in that bin.

Param ShowerRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for stochastic energy losses (0 to disable)

Param Tau:

Default = '', Tau track for which the energy deposition of the CC tau neutrino interaction will be set to the vertex and the tau decay to the end of the track.

Param UseUnhitDOMs:

Default = True, Take all DOMs into account in the matrix unfolding, which is much slower but potentially more accurate.

Python I3Modules


Plotsy (Python I3Module)


Param CascadePhotonicsService:

Default = None,

Param ExcludedDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList', 'CalibrationErrata', 'SaturationWindows'], Set of keys containing lists of OMKeys

Param Hypothesis:

Default = None,

Param Pulses:

Default = None,


WaveformPlotsy (Python I3Module)

For more visual pop, plot refolded pulses instead of raw pulse times

Param CascadePhotonicsService:

Default = None,

Param DebugStore:

Default = None,

Param ExcludedDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList', 'CalibrationErrata', 'SaturationWindows'], Set of keys containing lists of OMKeys

Param FilenameBase:

Default = None,

Param Hypothesis:

Default = None,

Param NPlots:

Default = 30,

Param Pulses:

Default = None,

Param SaturationWindows:

Default = None,

Param Waveforms:

Default = None,

C++ ServiceFactorys


"MillipedeLikelihoodFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param BinSigma:

Default = nan, Signficance threshold for time bins. If set to a finite number, PhotonsPerBin will be ignored, and time bins will be combined using the Bayesian Blocks algorithm until the mean PE rate in each bin differs from its neighbors at this significance level.

Param CascadePhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for shower emissions

Param ExcludedDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList', 'CalibrationErrata', 'SaturationWindows'], Set of keys containing lists either of OMKeys or I3TimeWindowSeriesMaps describing potentially unreliable data that should be excluded from the fit

Param MinTimeWidth:

Default = 8.0, Minimum width of time bins. Implemented as a hard cutoff when using fixed binning and a prior for Bayesian Blocks. Timing structure less than this width should be ignored in the fit.

Param MuonPhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for Cerenkov emissions (muons)

Param MuonRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for ionization component of muon energy losses (0 to disable)

Param PartialExclusion:

Default = True, If true, exclude only marked time ranges from excluded DOMs. Otherwise, ignore entire readout from any DOM in one of the exclusion lists

Param PhotonsPerBin:

Default = 5, Number of photons to use per time bin. Smaller values use more timing information, but can bias the solution when solving for multiple sources. Setting PhotonsPerBin to -1 disables the use of timing.

Param Pulses:

Default = 'RecoPulseSeries', Name of pulse series to use

Param ReadoutWindow:

Default = '', Name of the I3TimeWindow in the frame giving the first and last possible time of a pulse. If blank (the default), will use the name of the pulse series with “TimeRange” appended to the end.

Param RelUncertainty:

Default = 0, Assign a relative uncertainty to the per-bin model expectations, as a fraction of the total expectation in that bin.

Param ShowerRegularization:

Default = 0, Coefficient for regularization term for stochastic energy losses (0 to disable)

Param UseUnhitDOMs:

Default = True, Take all DOMs into account in the matrix unfolding, which is much slower but potentially more accurate.


"MuMillipedeParametrizationFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param Boundary:

Default = 600.0, Segment boundary, in meters (fits segments within this number of meters of the vertex)

Param BoundsAzimuth:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the azimuth angle Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsAzimuth

Param BoundsLinE:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the energy (linear parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLinE

Param BoundsLinL:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the length (linear parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLinL

Param BoundsLogE:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the log10(energy/GeV) (logarithmic parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLogE

Param BoundsLogL:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the log10(length) (logarithmic parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLogL

Param BoundsSpeed:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the Speed (e.g. for relativistic monopoles) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsSpeed

Param BoundsT:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the vertex time Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsT

Param BoundsX:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the X coordinate of the vertex position Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsX

Param BoundsY:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the Y coordinate of the vertex position Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsY

Param BoundsZ:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the Z coordinate of the vertex position Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsZ

Param BoundsZenith:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the zenith angle Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsZenith

Param EndSlantDepth:

Default = -1, End of Segment boundary in slant depth bins (fits segments in [Xstart,Xend] in detector coordinates). If negative, boundary used instead.

Param MuonSpacing:

Default = 15.0, Spacing of muon (ionization) sources along the track, in meters. MUST match source extension in muon tables. Set to 0 to not include ionization sources.

Param ParticleTrace:

Default = False, If enabled, store the seed particle and the list of all I3Particle objects created during a fit (converted from parameter values generated by the minimizer) and make this available as ‘Diagnostics’ information. The generic fitter modules I3SimpleFitter and I3IterativeFitter will store this information. See resources/examples/ for an example. This functionality is complementary to gulliver’s lower level tracing.

Param RelativeBoundsAzimuth:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for azimuth angle, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsAzimuth) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-10*,+10*] here, and for some event the seed value is 135*, then the fit boundaries will be [125*,145*], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsLinE:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for energy (linear parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLinE) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-10*I3Units.TeV,+10*I3Units.TeV] here, and for some event the seed value is 25*I3Units.TeV, then the fit boundaries will be [15*I3Units.TeV,35*I3Units.TeV], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsLinL:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for length (linear parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLinL) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-100*I3Units.m,+100*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 250*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [150*I3Units.m,350*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsLogE:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for log10(energy/GeV) (logarithmic parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLogE) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-0.5,+0.5] here, and for some event the seed value is 3, then the fit boundaries will be [2.5,3.5], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsLogL:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for log10(length) (logarithmic parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLogL) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-0.5,+0.5] here, and for some event the seed value is 2, then the fit boundaries will be [1.5,2.5], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsSpeed:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for Speed (e.g. for relativistic monopoles), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsSpeed) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-0.0299792*I3Units.m/ns,+0.0299792*I3Units.m/ns] here, and for some event the seed value is 0.239834*I3Units.m/ns, then the fit boundaries will be [0.209855*I3Units.m/ns,0.269813*I3Units.m/ns], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsT:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for vertex time, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsT) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.ns,+200*I3Units.ns] here, and for some event the seed value is 10000*I3Units.ns, then the fit boundaries will be [9800*I3Units.ns,10200*I3Units.ns], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsX:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for X coordinate of the vertex position, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsX) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.m,+200*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 300*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [100*I3Units.m,500*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsY:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for Y coordinate of the vertex position, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsY) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.m,+200*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 300*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [100*I3Units.m,500*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsZ:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for Z coordinate of the vertex position, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsZ) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.m,+200*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 300*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [100*I3Units.m,500*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsZenith:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for zenith angle, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsZenith) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-10*,+10*] here, and for some event the seed value is 75*, then the fit boundaries will be [65*,85*], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param ShowerSpacing:

Default = 15.0, Spacing of shower (radiative) sources along the track, in meters. Set to 0 to not include radiative losses.

Param StartingCascadeStepSize:

Default = 0, Allow the initial cascade to point in a different direction than the track, moving it in steps this size (starting direction fixed if 0).

Param StartSlantDepth:

Default = -1, Start of segment boundary in slant depth bins (fits segments in [Xstart,Xend] in detector coordinates). If negative, boundary used instead.

Param StepAzimuth:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for azimuth angle

Param StepLinE:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for energy (linear parametrization)

Param StepLinL:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for length (linear parametrization)

Param StepLogE:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for log10(energy/GeV) (logarithmic parametrization)

Param StepLogL:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for log10(length) (logarithmic parametrization)

Param StepSpeed:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for Speed (e.g. for relativistic monopoles)

Param StepT:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for vertex time

Param StepX:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for X coordinate of the vertex position

Param StepY:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for Y coordinate of the vertex position

Param StepZ:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for Z coordinate of the vertex position

Param StepZenith:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for zenith angle

Param VertexMode:

Default = '', For contained tracks, the xyz parameters are by default associated with the starting point position, but in some cases you might want to prefer that it is the stopping position. One use case is is to fit the length (and/or direction) with a fixed stop point (rather than a fixed start point). In that case you would configure “Stop” here, and choose the xyz stepsizes zero and the stepsize of length (and/or direction) nonzero. Then the start point is computed from the stop point, the length and the direction, while the stop point remains the same as the stop point of the seed. To select the start point, or for non- ContainedTrack fits, use the default (empty string or “Default”).


"TauMillipedeParametrizationFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param BoundsAzimuth:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the azimuth angle Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsAzimuth

Param BoundsLinE:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the energy (linear parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLinE

Param BoundsLinL:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the length (linear parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLinL

Param BoundsLogE:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the log10(energy/GeV) (logarithmic parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLogE

Param BoundsLogL:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the log10(length) (logarithmic parametrization) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsLogL

Param BoundsSpeed:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the Speed (e.g. for relativistic monopoles) Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsSpeed

Param BoundsT:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the vertex time Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsT

Param BoundsX:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the X coordinate of the vertex position Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsX

Param BoundsY:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the Y coordinate of the vertex position Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsY

Param BoundsZ:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the Z coordinate of the vertex position Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsZ

Param BoundsZenith:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (absolute) limits for the zenith angle Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify relative bounds) See also: RelativeBoundsZenith

Param ParticleTrace:

Default = False, If enabled, store the seed particle and the list of all I3Particle objects created during a fit (converted from parameter values generated by the minimizer) and make this available as ‘Diagnostics’ information. The generic fitter modules I3SimpleFitter and I3IterativeFitter will store this information. See resources/examples/ for an example. This functionality is complementary to gulliver’s lower level tracing.

Param RelativeBoundsAzimuth:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for azimuth angle, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsAzimuth) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-10*,+10*] here, and for some event the seed value is 135*, then the fit boundaries will be [125*,145*], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsLinE:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for energy (linear parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLinE) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-10*I3Units.TeV,+10*I3Units.TeV] here, and for some event the seed value is 25*I3Units.TeV, then the fit boundaries will be [15*I3Units.TeV,35*I3Units.TeV], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsLinL:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for length (linear parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLinL) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-100*I3Units.m,+100*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 250*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [150*I3Units.m,350*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsLogE:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for log10(energy/GeV) (logarithmic parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLogE) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-0.5,+0.5] here, and for some event the seed value is 3, then the fit boundaries will be [2.5,3.5], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsLogL:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for log10(length) (logarithmic parametrization), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsLogL) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-0.5,+0.5] here, and for some event the seed value is 2, then the fit boundaries will be [1.5,2.5], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsSpeed:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for Speed (e.g. for relativistic monopoles), relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsSpeed) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-0.0299792*I3Units.m/ns,+0.0299792*I3Units.m/ns] here, and for some event the seed value is 0.239834*I3Units.m/ns, then the fit boundaries will be [0.209855*I3Units.m/ns,0.269813*I3Units.m/ns], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsT:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for vertex time, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsT) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.ns,+200*I3Units.ns] here, and for some event the seed value is 10000*I3Units.ns, then the fit boundaries will be [9800*I3Units.ns,10200*I3Units.ns], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsX:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for X coordinate of the vertex position, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsX) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.m,+200*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 300*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [100*I3Units.m,500*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsY:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for Y coordinate of the vertex position, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsY) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.m,+200*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 300*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [100*I3Units.m,500*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsZ:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for Z coordinate of the vertex position, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsZ) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-200*I3Units.m,+200*I3Units.m] here, and for some event the seed value is 300*I3Units.m, then the fit boundaries will be [100*I3Units.m,500*I3Units.m], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param RelativeBoundsZenith:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Lower&upper (relative) limits for zenith angle, relative to the seed value. Leaving this empty or setting lower=upper means: no bounds (unless you specify absolute bounds, see BoundsZenith) The lower/upper limit should be negative/positive, respectively. For instance, if you specify [-10*,+10*] here, and for some event the seed value is 75*, then the fit boundaries will be [65*,85*], If you specify both absolute and relative boundaries then the the overlap of relative and absolute bounds will be used; if for a particular event this yields lower and upper limits that are less than two stepsizes apart then the relative boundaries will be stretched (only for that event) to force a range of at least two stepsizes.

Param StepAzimuth:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for azimuth angle

Param StepLinE:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for energy (linear parametrization)

Param StepLinL:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for length (linear parametrization)

Param StepLogE:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for log10(energy/GeV) (logarithmic parametrization)

Param StepLogL:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for log10(length) (logarithmic parametrization)

Param StepSpeed:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for Speed (e.g. for relativistic monopoles)

Param StepT:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for vertex time

Param StepX:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for X coordinate of the vertex position

Param StepY:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for Y coordinate of the vertex position

Param StepZ:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for Z coordinate of the vertex position

Param StepZenith:

Default = 0.0, Stepsize for zenith angle

Param VertexMode:

Default = '', For contained tracks, the xyz parameters are by default associated with the starting point position, but in some cases you might want to prefer that it is the stopping position. One use case is is to fit the length (and/or direction) with a fixed stop point (rather than a fixed start point). In that case you would configure “Stop” here, and choose the xyz stepsizes zero and the stepsize of length (and/or direction) nonzero. Then the start point is computed from the stop point, the length and the direction, while the stop point remains the same as the stop point of the seed. To select the start point, or for non- ContainedTrack fits, use the default (empty string or “Default”).

I3Tray segments


AtmCscdEnergyReco (I3Tray segment)

Uses the Monopod module to emulate the behavior of ACER

Param PhotonicsServiceName:

Default = 'I3PhotonicsService',

Param CascadeVertex:

Default = '',

Param InputRecoPulses:

Default = 'RecoPulseSeries',

Param Output:

Default = '',


HighEnergyExclusions (I3Tray segment)

Work around systematic errors in the modelling of the detector response by removing certain classes of DOMs from consideration that would otherwise over-contribute to Millipede likelihoods for events above a few hundred TeV.

Param Pulses:

Default = None, the name of the pulse map to be used for reconstruction

Param ExcludeDeepCore:

Default = 'DeepCoreDOMs', remove DeepCore strings from consideration

Param ExcludeSaturatedDOMs:

Default = 'SaturatedDOMs', exclude saturated DOMs entirely, not just during the times when their output current is above the linearity limit

Param ExcludeBrightDOMs:

Default = 'BrightDOMs', exclude DOMs that collect a total charge a factor greater than the mean charge

Param BrightDOMThreshold:

Default = 10,

Param SaturationWindows:

Default = 'SaturationWindows', times during which PMTs were nonlinear

Param BadDomsList:

Default = 'BadDomsList', list of DOMs that can’t produce useful data

Param CalibrationErrata:

Default = 'CalibrationErrata',


MonopodFit (I3Tray segment)

Perform a Gulliver likelihood fit for the position, time, direction, and energy of a single cascade.

Param Pulses:

Default = None, the I3RecoPulseSeriesMap to run on. The data should have no hit cleaning applied.

Param Seed:

Default = None, a good first guess. For amplitude-only fits (PhotonsPerBin=-1) this may be the output of a rough reconstruction like CscdLlhVertexFit; for fits with timing it is better to first run one iteration of this fit without timing and use its output as the seed.

Param Iterations:

Default = 1, if > 1, perform in iterative fit by seeding with this number of directions.

Param Photonics:

Default = 'I3PhotonicsService', the I3PhotonicsService to query for cascade light yields. This can be either a name-in-the-context of an instance.

Param Minimizer:

Default = 'MIGRAD', the algorithm to use, either SIMPLEX or MIGRAD. The default is recommended, as it can use analytic gradients to converge more quickly.

Param BadDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList'], DOMs to exclude from the fit.

Param Parametrization:

Default = 'Simple', the type of parametrization to use. The Simple parametrization is a brain-dead pass-through of x,y,z,t,zenith,azimuth and has singularities at the poles; the HalfSphere parametrization avoids these at the expense of only covering one hemisphere, and is thus better suited for iterative fits.

Param StepT:

Default = 15, step size in t in nanoseconds. Set to zero for amplitude-only fits (PhotonsPerBin=-1).

Param StepD:

Default = 5, step size in x, y, z in meters.

Param StepZenith:

Default = 5, step size in zenith in degree (only for simple parametrization).

Param StepAzimuth:

Default = 5, step size in azimuth in degree (only for simple parametrization).

Param StepDir:

Default = 0.3, step size in direction in radian (only for halfsphere parametrization).


MuMillipedeFit (I3Tray segment)

Perform a Gulliver likelihood fit for the positions, times, directions, and energies of a string of equally spaced cascades and tracks.

Param Pulses:

Default = None, the I3RecoPulseSeriesMap to run on. The data should have no hit cleaning applied.

Param Seed:

Default = None, a good first guess. For amplitude-only fits (PhotonsPerBin=-1) this may be the output of a rough reconstruction like CscdLlhVertexFit; for fits with timing it is better to first run one iteration of this fit without timing and use its output as the seed.

Param Iterations:

Default = 1, if > 1, perform in iterative fit by seeding with this number of directions.

Param Photonics:

Default = 'I3PhotonicsService', the I3PhotonicsService to query for cascade light yields. This can be either a name-in-the-context of an instance.

Param Minimizer:

Default = 'MIGRAD', the algorithm to use, either SIMPLEX or MIGRAD. The default is recommended, as it can use analytic gradients to converge more quickly.

Param BadDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList'], DOMs to exclude from the fit.

Param MuonSpacing:

Default = 0, spacing between track segments.

Param ShowerSpacing:

Default = 15,

Param StepT:

Default = 15, step size in t in nanoseconds. Set to zero for amplitude-only fits (PhotonsPerBin=-1).

Param StepD:

Default = 5, step size in x, y, z in meters.

Param StepZenith:

Default = 5, step size in zenith in degree

Param StepAzimuth:

Default = 5, step size in azimuth in degree

Param Boundary:

Default = 600,


TaupedeFit (I3Tray segment)

Perform a Gulliver likelihood fit for the position, time, direction, decay length, and energies of a tau double-bang event.

Param Pulses:

Default = None, the I3RecoPulseSeriesMap to run on. The data should have no hit cleaning applied.

Param Seed:

Default = None, a good first guess. For amplitude-only fits (PhotonsPerBin=-1) this may be the output of a rough reconstruction like CscdLlhVertexFit; for fits with timing it is better to first run one iteration of this fit without timing and use its output as the seed.

Param Iterations:

Default = 1, if > 1, perform in iterative fit by seeding with this number of directions.

Param Photonics:

Default = 'I3PhotonicsService', the I3PhotonicsService to query for cascade light yields. This can be either a name-in-the-context of an instance.

Param Minimizer:

Default = 'MIGRAD', the algorithm to use, either SIMPLEX or MIGRAD. The default is recommended, as it can use analytic gradients to converge more quickly.

Param BadDOMs:

Default = ['BadDomsList'], DOMs to exclude from the fit.

Param StepT:

Default = 15, step size in t in nanoseconds. Set to zero for amplitude-only fits (PhotonsPerBin=-1).

Param StepD:

Default = 5, step size in x, y, z in meters.

Param StepZenith:

Default = 5, step size in zenith in degree

Param StepAzimuth:

Default = 5, step size in azimuth in degree

Param StepL:

Default = 10, step size in tau track length in meters.

Param LengthBounds:

Default = [0, 2000], boundary for tau track length in meters.


photorec (I3Tray segment)

Uses the Monopod module to emulate the behavior of I3PhotorecEnergyEstimator

Param PhotonicsService:

Default = 'I3PhotonicsService',

Param RecoParticleName:

Default = '',

Param RecoPulsesName:

Default = 'RecoPulseSeries',

Param ResultParticleName:

Default = '',