Project phys-services

Invoke with: import icecube.phys_services

C++ I3Modules


"I3BadDOMAuditor" (C++ I3Module)


Param BadDOMList:

Default = 'BadDomsList', List of DOMs not to check

Param BadDOMsDontTrigger:

Default = True, Fail if any DOM on the bad DOM produces any pulses

Param IceTopAlwaysTriggers:

Default = True, Fail if any good IceTop DOM fails to produce any pulses

Param IgnoreOMs:

Default = [], A list of OMs that are excluded from the audit

Param Pulses:

Default = 'OfflinePulses', Name[s] of pulse series to check

Param UseGoodRunTimes:

Default = False, Use GoodRunStartTime and GoodRunEndTime from D frame if available


"I3CutsModule" (C++ I3Module)


Param DirectHitsTimeRange:

Default = [-15.0, 25.0], Time range for calculating direct hits

Param HitsName:

Default = '', Name of the hit series to be used for cut calc

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param NameTag:

Default = '', Tag to add to name of output object

Param ParticleNameList:

Default = [], List of I3Particle names to be used for cut calc

Param ParticleNames:

Default = '', Name of I3Particle to be used for cut calc

Param PulsesName:

Default = '', Name of the pulse series to be used for cut calc


"I3EventCounter" (C++ I3Module)


Param CalibrationCounterName:

Default = '', String label for calibration frame counter

Param CounterStep:

Default = 100, Only print out event number if divisible by this

Param DetectorStatusCounterName:

Default = '', String label for detector status frame counter

Param Dump:

Default = False, Whether to dump the current frame to screen

Param EventHeaderName:

Default = 'I3EventHeader', Name of event header in the frame

Param filename:

Default = 'stdout', The file we’ll write to or (‘stdout’ | ‘stderr’).

Param formatstr:

Default = '\nphysics frames: %d\ngeometry frames: %d\ncalibration frames: %d\ndetector status frames: %d', Format string for frame counts.

Param GeometryCounterName:

Default = '', String label for geometry frame counter

Param NEvents:

Default = 0, Number of events to process

Param PhysicsCounterName:

Default = 'Events', String label for physics frame counter


"I3GCDAuditor" (C++ I3Module)


Param AMANDAIsAnError:

Default = True, Fail if geometry contains TWR OMs

Param BadDOMList:

Default = 'BadDomsList', List of DOMs not to check

Param MaximumParanoia:

Default = True, Fail for nonsense quantities that are mostly only relevant for simulation (e.g. PMT discriminator thresholds) as well as things that are unreasonable but not universally fatal


"I3GeometryDecomposer" (C++ I3Module)

Splits an I3Geometry object into its components (I3OMGeoMap, I3StationGeoMap and I3Time) and stores them in the Geometry frame.

Param DeleteI3Geometry:

Default = False, Get rid of the original I3Geometry object.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t


"I3MetaSynth" (C++ I3Module)


Param CalibrationService:

Default = 'I3CalibrationService', Name of the calibration service to use

Param DetectorStatusService:

Default = 'I3DetectorStatusService', Name of the detector status service to use

Param GeometryService:

Default = 'I3GeometryService', Name of the geometry service to use


"I3NullSplitter" (C++ I3Module)


Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputPulseSeries:

Default = '', The name of the pulse series to mask (optional)

Param OutputPulseSeriesMask:

Default = '', The name of the output pulse series mask (optional)

Param SubEventStreamName:

Default = '', The name of the SubEvent stream.


"I3OrphanQDropper" (C++ I3Module)


Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t


"I3SplitTriggerSelector" (C++ I3Module)

A counterpart to I3TriggerSplitter, which generates subsets of I3TriggerHierarchies for the subevents produced by other splitters.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputHierarchy:

Default = 'I3TriggerHierarchy', The name of the full trigger hierarchy from which subsets should be constructed

Param OutputHierarchy:

Default = '', The name of the subset trigger hierarchy to generate

Param PhysicsTriggersOnly:

Default = True, If True, output only physics triggers, not throughput or merged triggers

Param SubEventStream:

Default = '', The name of the subevent stream for which to create minimal trigger hierarchies. If this parameter is left empty this module will act on all P frames.

Param SubsetPulses:

Default = '', The set of pulses which should define the time window for constructing the subset of triggers


"MultiPMTCoincify" (C++ I3Module)

Code which produces a software local coincidence for Upgrade and Gen2 mult-PMT modules.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param PulseMapName:

Default = 'I3RecoPulseSeriesMapGen2', The name of the I3RecoPulseSeriesMap to apply coincidence conditions to.

Param ResetLC:

Default = True, Should we force all LC flags to 0 before we run?

Param Span:

Default = 2, The number of modules up and down a string to check for coincidences.

Param TimeWindowBetweenModules:

Default = 250.0, How long of a time window between two separate modules before they are no longer in coincidence.

Param TimeWindowBetweenPMTs:

Default = 10.0, How long of a time window between two PMTs on the same module before they are no longer in coincidence.

Python I3Modules


CountEventID (Python I3Module)

Convenience module, similar ‘Dump’, which automatically prints out comprehensive info of passed-by frames

Param ToLogging:

Default = False, use the Log_info-stream for user output


GCD_inserter (Python I3Module)

inserts the GCD-frames before each event that is seen. gets the GCD-files from the goodrunlist-info. NOTE: can only be used for experimental data (use the ‘If’-option in the tray)

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param IgnoreFrameTypes:

Default = [], Ignore this list of frametypes from the read GCD file

Param Pass2:

Default = False, Use pass2 good run list?


I3SPEFitInjector (Python I3Module)


Param Filename:

Default = '', Uncompressed JSON file with SPE fit data

Param KeepGcdATWD:

Default = False, Keep mean_atwd_charge from GCD file, i.e. do not overwrite with value from JSON file (only for new style json) [default False]

Param KeepGcdFADC:

Default = False, Keep mean_fadc_charge from GCD file, i.e. do not overwrite with value from JSON file (only for new style json) [default False]

C++ ServiceFactorys


"I3FileOMKey2MBIDFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param Infile:

Default = '', The file to read the OMKey to MBID conversions


"I3GCDFileServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param GCDFileName:

Default = '',


"I3GSLRandomServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)

This class installs a I3GSLRandomService.

Param InstallServiceAs:

Default = 'I3RandomService', Install the random service at the following location

Param Seed:

Default = 0, Seed for random number generator

Param TrackState:

Default = True, If true, count calls to the random number generator so that its state can be saved and restored. This imposes a small run-time overhead.


"I3GeometrySelectorServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)

IceTray module that selects the strings to use.

Param GeoSelectorName:

Default = 'I3GeometrySelectorServiceFactory', Name of the new geometry service. The muxer needs this name.

Param GeoServiceName:

Default = 'I3GeometryService', Name of the previous geometry service.

Param ShiftToCenter:

Default = False, Shift Detector to the center in X-Y

Param ShiftX:

Default = 0.0, Distance to shift the entire detector

Param ShiftY:

Default = 0.0, Distance to shift the entire detector

Param ShiftZ:

Default = 0.0, Distance to shift the entire detector

Param StationsToExclude:

Default = '', The strings that should be excluded

Param StationsToUse:

Default = '-19:80', The strings that should be included

Param StringsToExclude:

Default = '', The strings that should be excluded

Param StringsToUse:

Default = '-19:80', The strings that should be included


"I3MTRandomServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)

This class installs a I3MTRandomService in the context.

Param InstallServiceAs:

Default = 'I3RandomService', Install the random service at the following location

Param Seed:

Default = [], Seed vector to generate the initial state for the random number generator, Must be a vector of unsigned ints


"I3SPRNGRandomServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)

This class installs a I3SPRNGRandomService.

Param InstallServiceAs:

Default = 'I3RandomService', Install the random service at the following location

Param inStateFile:

Default = '', If set, load saved state from file

Param NStreams:

Default = 1, Number of streams (i.e. N jobs) used in cluster

Param outStateFile:

Default = '', If set, save state to file

Param Seed:

Default = 0, Seed for random number generator. NB : Use the same seed for different jobs.

Param StreamNum:

Default = 0, Thread number for this generator (i.e. job number)


"I3StringAdderServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)

IceTray module that selects the strings to use.

Param Area:

Default = 0.0444, Effective Collection Area of the DOM

Param AziAngle:

Default = 0.0, Relative rotation angle of DOM in azimuth

Param Depth:

Default = 500.0, Z position of the top most layer of DOMs

Param DOMOrientation:

Default = -1, Orientation of the DOM(Up = 1, Down = -1)

Param DOMSpacing:

Default = 17.0, Distance between DOMs

Param DOMsPerString:

Default = 60, Number of DOMs per String

Param DOMType:

Default = 20, Type (AMANDA = 10, IceCube = 20, IceTop = 30)

Param GeoSelectorName:

Default = 'I3StringAdderServiceFactory', Name of the new geometry service. The muxer needs this name.

Param GeoServiceName:

Default = 'I3GeometryService', Name of the previous geometry service.

Param XPositions:

Default = [], List of x positions

Param YPositions:

Default = [], List of y positions


"I3TextFileGeometryServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param AmandaGeoFile:

Default = '',

Param IceCubeGeoFile:

Default = '',


"I3VEMCalManipulatorFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param Directory:

Default = '', Location of the VEMCal XML-files.

Param File:

Default = '', Path to an individual VEMCal file.

Param ForceFile:

Default = True, Enforce usage of file disregarding the calibration validity period.

Param InputCalibrationService:

Default = 'I3CalibrationService', Name of the input calibration service.

Param OutputCalibrationService:

Default = 'CalibrationWithVEMCal', Name of the output calibration service.

Param UseDefaults:

Default = False, Replace missing calibrations by default values.


"I3XMLOMKey2MBIDFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)

This class installs an I3XMLOMKey2MBID service.

Param Infile:

Default = '', The name of the file to get the mainboard ID list from

Param InstallServiceAs:

Default = 'I3OMKey2MBID', Install the service at the following location