Project rock_bottom

Invoke with: import icecube.rock_bottom

C++ I3Modules


"EstimateRadioRbParameters" (C++ I3Module)


Param DxStepSize:

Default = 20.0, Step size (in g/cm2) when scanning in dX, small values will take a long time

Param LgSStepSize:

Default = 0.5, Step size when scanning in lgS, small values will take a long time

Param LLHServiceName:

Default = '', Name of the LLH service that will be used to scan LLH space

Param OutputName:

Default = '', Name of the RbParameterMap to put into the frame with estimates

Param ParticleName:

Default = '', Name of the particle object in the frame to use as geometry estimate

Param SignalModel:

Default = '', Name of the I3RbSignaModel


"I3RbSeeds" (C++ I3Module)


Param DetCondition:

Default = 5, Number of required recorded hits

Param FixSigmaPlane:

Default = True, Fix sigma for plane front calculation

Param GeoName:

Default = 'ScintillatorArrayGeometry', The name of the frame object with geometry

Param InputName:

Default = 'ScintillatorPulses', The name of the frame object to add noise to

Param MapName:

Default = '', The name of the output parameter map

Param ModelName:

Default = '', The name of the model for which to calculate seeds

Param Multiplicity:

Default = True, Type of lgSref seed, true for multiplicity, false for mean

Param OutputName:

Default = 'Framename', The output frame name

Param PowerCOG:

Default = 0.5, Weighting power for COG

Param PowerPlane:

Default = 1.0, Weighting power for plane front, valid if FixSigmaPlane is false

Param RhoRange:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Min and max lateral distance at which take pulses for mean lgSref calculation. Only meaningful if multi_=false

Param SigmaPlane:

Default = 0.04, Sigma for plane front, valid if FixSigmaPlane is true

Python I3Modules


IgnoreFrame (Python I3Module)

I3Module to drop frame objects.

Param Streams:

Default = [], Will ignore a given event stream

Param SubStreams:

Default = [], Will ignore a given sub-event stream


SeedLogS125 (Python I3Module)

I3Module to write I3Particle seed similar to ShowerCOG for uncontained events

Param BetaSeedValue:

Default = 2.6, Seed Beta Value

Param GCDName:

Default = <Unprintable>, OM Map from GCD (om_map)

Param OutputName:

Default = <Unprintable>, Output I3RbParameterMap name

Param PulseMapName:

Default = <Unprintable>, IceTop Pulse Series (rpsm)

Param SeedName:

Default = <Unprintable>, Seed Particle Name (seedPart)


WriteSeed (Python I3Module)

I3Module to write I3Particle from ShowerCOG and ShowerPlane seeds This is for backwards compatibility with laputop

Param OutputName:

Default = <Unprintable>, Output I3Particle name

Param ShowerCOG:

Default = 'ShowerCOG', Input ShowerCOG name

Param ShowerPlane:

Default = 'ShowerPlane', Input ShowerPlane name

C++ ServiceFactorys


"FrontRadioModel" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param BoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param BoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param ParameterNames:

Default = [], List of parameter names you want to change

Param ParameterValues:

Default = [], List of parameter values for corresponding names

Param RelBoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param RelBoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param StepNames:

Default = [], List of step names you want to define

Param StepValues:

Default = [], List of step values for corresponding names

Param TimeFcn:

Default = '', Shower curvature service to use


"FrontScintModel" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param BoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param BoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param ParameterNames:

Default = [], List of parameter names you want to change

Param ParameterValues:

Default = [], List of parameter values for corresponding names

Param RelBoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param RelBoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param StepNames:

Default = [], List of step names you want to define

Param StepValues:

Default = [], List of step values for corresponding names

Param TimeFcn:

Default = '', Shower curvature service to use


"GaussCurveModel" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param BoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param BoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param ParameterNames:

Default = [], List of parameter names you want to change

Param ParameterValues:

Default = [], List of parameter values for corresponding names

Param RelBoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param RelBoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param StepNames:

Default = [], List of step names you want to define

Param StepValues:

Default = [], List of step values for corresponding names

Param TimeFcn:

Default = '', Shower curvature service to use


"I3MultiSurfaceParametrizationFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param SeedService:

Default = '', Seed service to use


"I3MultiSurfaceSeedServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param FirstGuesses:

Default = '', Name of I3Particle(s) to use as seed

Param ParticleAziStep:

Default = 0.0, Step for Particle azimuth

Param ParticleTBounds:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Minimization bounds for name

Param ParticleTRelBounds:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Relative bounds for name

Param ParticleTStep:

Default = 0.0, Minimization step size for name

Param ParticleXBounds:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Minimization bounds for name

Param ParticleXRelBounds:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Relative bounds for name

Param ParticleXStep:

Default = 0.0, Minimization step size for name

Param ParticleYBounds:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Minimization bounds for name

Param ParticleYRelBounds:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Relative bounds for name

Param ParticleYStep:

Default = 0.0, Minimization step size for name

Param ParticleZBounds:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Minimization bounds for name

Param ParticleZenStep:

Default = 0.0, Step for Particle zenith

Param ParticleZRelBounds:

Default = [0.0, 0.0], Relative bounds for name

Param ParticleZStep:

Default = 0.0, Minimization step size for name

Param SeedsMap:

Default = '', ParameterMap with seeds

Param SignalModels:

Default = '', SignalModel service(s) to use


"I3RbLDFLikelihoodFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param DetectorResponseName:

Default = '', Service for radio’s antenna pattern

Param DetectorType:

Default = icecube._rock_bottom.DetectorTypes.NDetectorTypes, Which detector type this LDF should be associated with

Param IgnoreDetectors:

Default = '', List of detector keys. These detectors will be completely ignored, as if they did not exist.

Param MinSignal:

Default = 0.1657, Minimum signal (in VEM) required to calculate the tank’s signal probability (for smaller signals, the CDF is used instead)

Param MinSignal2:

Default = 0.1657, Minimum signal (in VEM) required to calculate the tank’s signal probability (for smaller signals, the CDF is used instead)

Param Model:

Default = '', Signal model to use

Param Pulses1:

Default = '', HLC reco pulse map vector

Param Pulses2:

Default = '', SLC reco pulse map vector

Param SaturatedDetectors:

Default = '', List of detector keys. These detectors are saturated.

Param UseLLHPenalty:

Default = False, Flag to tell it to use LLH penalty term

Param UseSaturated:

Default = False, Flag to tell it to use saturated pulses

Param UseSilent:

Default = False, Flag to tell it to use silent tanks


"I3RbTimingLikelihoodFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param DetectorResponseName:

Default = '', Service for radio’s antenna pattern

Param DetectorType:

Default = icecube._rock_bottom.DetectorTypes.NDetectorTypes, Which detector type this LDF should be associated with

Param IgnoreDetectors:

Default = '', List of detector keys. These detectors will be completely ignored, as if they did not exist.

Param MinSignal:

Default = 0.1657, Minimum signal (in VEM) required to calculate the tank’s signal probability (for smaller signals, the CDF is used instead)

Param MinSignal2:

Default = 0.1657, Minimum signal (in VEM) required to calculate the tank’s signal probability (for smaller signals, the CDF is used instead)

Param Model:

Default = '', Signal model to use

Param Pulses1:

Default = '', HLC reco pulse map vector

Param Pulses2:

Default = '', SLC reco pulse map vector

Param SaturatedDetectors:

Default = '', List of detector keys. These detectors are saturated.

Param UseLLHPenalty:

Default = False, Flag to tell it to use LLH penalty term

Param UseSaturated:

Default = False, Flag to tell it to use saturated pulses

Param UseSilent:

Default = False, Flag to tell it to use silent tanks


"LaputopSignalModel" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param BoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param BoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param LDF:

Default = '', LDF service to use

Param ParameterNames:

Default = [], List of parameter names you want to change

Param ParameterValues:

Default = [], List of parameter values for corresponding names

Param RelBoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param RelBoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param SnowService:

Default = '', Name of snow service

Param StepNames:

Default = [], List of step names you want to define

Param StepValues:

Default = [], List of step values for corresponding names


"RadioSignalModel" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param BoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param BoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param LDF:

Default = '', LDF service to use

Param MeanParFilename:

Default = '/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/build/rock_bottom/resources/data/radio_signal_param/Pars_Mean_70-350MHz_Cane_70ns.txt', Name of the file containing mean signal parameters

Param ParameterNames:

Default = [], List of parameter names you want to change

Param ParameterValues:

Default = [], List of parameter values for corresponding names

Param RelBoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param RelBoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param SigmaParFilename:

Default = '/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/build/rock_bottom/resources/data/radio_signal_param/Pars_Sigma_70-350MHz_Cane_70ns.txt', Name of the file containing rms signal parameters

Param StepNames:

Default = [], List of step names you want to define

Param StepValues:

Default = [], List of step values for corresponding names


"ScintSignalModel" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param BoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param BoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param LDF:

Default = '', LDF service to use

Param ParameterNames:

Default = [], List of parameter names you want to change

Param ParameterValues:

Default = [], List of parameter values for corresponding names

Param RelBoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param RelBoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param StepNames:

Default = [], List of step names you want to define

Param StepValues:

Default = [], List of step values for corresponding names


"TwoLDFSignalModel" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param BoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param BoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param emLDF:

Default = '', LDF service to use for e.m. part

Param muLDF:

Default = '', LDF service to use for muon part

Param ParameterNames:

Default = [], List of parameter names you want to change

Param ParameterValues:

Default = [], List of parameter values for corresponding names

Param RelBoundNames:

Default = [], List of bound names you want to define

Param RelBoundValues:

Default = [], List of bound values for corresponding names

Param SnowService:

Default = '', Name of snow service

Param StepNames:

Default = [], List of step names you want to define

Param StepValues:

Default = [], List of step values for corresponding names

Param TankResponseTablesDir:

Default = '/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/icetray/rock_bottom/resources/data/tank_response', Directory containing whetever files are required for tank response

Param UpTime:

Default = 0.995, Fraction of the time a tank is ready to launch.

Param ZenithDependence:

Default = True, Enable zenith dependent muon LDF

I3Tray segments


RockBottomLaputopCoinc (I3Tray segment)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Param HLCPulses:

Default = 'SRTCleanedHLCPulses',

Param InIcePulses:

Default = 'SRTCoincPulses',

Param InIceSeed:

Default = '',

Param InIceLLH:

Default = 'SPE1st',

Param NIterations:

Default = 1,

Param OutputName:

Default = 'RockBottomLaputopCoinc',

Param SnowService:

Default = 'SimpleSnow',


RockBottomLaputopRedo (I3Tray segment)

Tray segment to run the RockBottom air shower reconstruction which replicates steps in the Laputop reconstruction algorithm

Param HLCPulses:

Default = 'SRTCleanedHLCPulses',

Param OutputName:

Default = 'RockBottomLaputopRedo',

Param SnowService:

Default = 'SimpleSnow',


RockBottomTwoLDF (I3Tray segment)

Tray segment to run the RockBottom air shower reconstruction with the muon + EM LDFs, fit to the IceTop information

Param SLCPulses:

Default = 'SRTCleanedSLCPulses',

Param HLCPulses:

Default = 'SRTCleanedHLCPulses',

Param NIterations:

Default = 1,

Param emLDF:

Default = 'dlp',

Param OutputName:

Default = 'RockBottomTwoLDF',

Param SnowService:

Default = 'SimpleSnow',


RockBottomTwoLDFCoinc (I3Tray segment)

Tray segment to run the RockBottom air shower reconstruction with two LDFs and curvature fit, using IceTop and in-ice detector information.

Param SLCPulses:

Default = 'SRTCleanedSLCPulses',

Param HLCPulses:

Default = 'SRTCleanedHLCPulses',

Param IgnoreTanks:

Default = '',

Param InIcePulses:

Default = 'SRTCoincPulses',

Param Seed:

Default = 'CoincMuonReco_SPEFit2',

Param InIceLLH:

Default = 'SPE1st',

Param LDF:

Default = 'dlp',

Param Fitter:

Default = 'simple',

Param NIterations:

Default = 1.0,

Param ZenithDependence:

Default = True,

Param FlexiCurvature:

Default = False,

Param FixCore:

Default = False,

Param OutputName:

Default = 'RockBottomTwoLDFCoinc',

TableIO converters


icecube.rock_bottom.I3RbParameterMapConverter (TableIO converter)

This class converts the I3RbParameter map into a table for writing hdf5 conversion the formatting has been chosen such that it matches that of Laputop’s table converter