Project rpdf

Invoke with: import icecube.rpdf

C++ ServiceFactorys


"I3RecoLLHFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param AbsorptionLength:

Default = nan, Not used: this is only included for backwards compatibility with I3GulliverIPDFPandelFactory

Param BundleRadius:

Default = 1e-07, For a truncated-cone (Devil’s Tower style) bundle hypothesis: radius of the bundle

Param EventType:

Default = 'InfiniteMuon', Not used: this is only included for backwards compatibility with I3GulliverIPDFPandelFactory

Param Gen1Fast:

Default = True, Run fast: with zero bundle radius, and no non-vertical PMT’s (Gen-1 style)

Param IceFile:

Default = '', Not used: this is only included for backwards compatibility with I3GulliverIPDFPandelFactory

Param IceModel:

Default = IceModel(98,556.7,33.29,0.8395,3.094,-3.946,4.636), Specify the the values of ice properties to use, scattering length, absorption length, etc… default is rpdf.H2

Param InputReadout:

Default = '', which I3RecoPulseSeriesMap to use

Param JitterTime:

Default = 15.0, Pandel jitter value: accounts for both PMT jitter and light model uncertainty. Default: 15ns

Param Likelihood:

Default = 'SPE1st', Specify which DOM Likelihood to combine multiple hits on the same DOM: SPE1st [default], MPE.

Param MPETimingError:

Default = nan, Not used: this is only included for backwards compatibility with I3GulliverIPDFPandelFactory

Param NoiseProbability:

Default = 1e-18, For each hit DOM a noise probability is added to the likelihood. Note that the default value (1.0e-9Hz) does not make physical sense.

Param PEProb:

Default = 'FastConvolutedPandel', Specify the method of computing the photoelectron probability options are GaussConvoluted [Default] or UnconvolutedPandel