Project spline-reco

Invoke with: import icecube.spline_reco

C++ ServiceFactorys


"I3SplineRecoLikelihoodFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param ChargeCalcStep:

Default = 0, Iterations between two charge calculations. ChargeCalcStep = 0 calculates the KS approved charge only once at the first GetLogLlh call, ChargeCalcStep > 0 calculates it every ChargeCalcStep minimization steps.

Param ChargeWeightedLLH:

Default = False, Use charge weighted spe llh? (Only used when NoiseModel SPEAll is selected.)

Param CutMode:

Default = 'late', There are 3 different KS models: default/normalized/late. Tests showed, that “late” with KSConfidenceLevel = 5 works best for nugen MC.

Param E_Estimators:

Default = [], Names of I3Particles containing desired energy estimation. Mean energy of all given estimators is calculated. Only used if “ModelStochastics” or “NoiseModel” != “none”.

Param EnergyDependentJitter:

Default = False, post jitter is chosen depending on energy for MPE reco

Param EnergyDependentMPE:

Default = False, Charge in MPE calculation is raised by an energy dependent exponent

Param FloorWeight:

Default = 0.01, Height of the constant noise floor (in PEs, correct?). Used if “NoiseModel” != “none”.

Param KSConfidenceLevel:

Default = 0, Confidence Level for Kolmogorov-Smirnov tested charge sum. KSConfidenceLevel should be from [0,1,2,3,4,5] where 5 = 80% CL, 4 = 85%, 3 = 90%, 2 = 95% or 1 = 99%. The total charge is compared with the KS tested charge if SPEAll or MPEAll is used. For KSConfidenceLevel = 0, the total charge is used without KS test (Default).

Param Likelihood:

Default = 'SPE1st', One of “SPE1st/SPEAll/MPE/MPEAll”. Default: “SPE1st”.

Param ModelStochastics:

Default = False, Use stochastics spline? Need to set PhotonicsService with “PhotonicsServiceStochastics”. Note: Stochastics modelling only done if “E_Estimators” are set!

Param NoiseModel:

Default = 'none', What noise modelling shall be done? One of “none/flat/HLC/SRT”. No noise modelling with “none” (default). If it is not “none”, “PhotonicsServiceRandomNoise” and “FloorWeight” must be set. Note: Noise modelling of the PDF/CDF only done if “E_Estimators” are set!

Param NoiseRate:

Default = 1e-08, Rate of noise hits in Hz. Needs to be set also if NoiseModel is “none”. Defaults to 10 Hertz.

Param PhotonicsService:

Default = None, Photonics service for level2 muon splines. This is a MUST.

Param PhotonicsServiceRandomNoise:

Default = None, Photonics service for level2 random noise spline. Is used if “NoiseModel” != “none”.

Param PhotonicsServiceStochastics:

Default = None, Photonics service for level2 stochastics spline. Activate with “ModelStochastics”.

Param PostJitter:

Default = 0.0, Jitter applied to time residual of outer hit llh (MPE/SPE), The MPE/SPE (containing PreJitter convolved PDF) is convolved over the PostJitter.

Param PreJitter:

Default = 0.0, Jitter applied directly to time residual of inner photospline PDF. The photospline PDF is convolved over this jitter.

Param Pulses:

Default = 'RecoPulseSeries', Name of pulse series to use (MUST).

I3Tray segments


SplineMPE (I3Tray segment)

Perform a SplineMPE-reconstruction Configuration==’default’ will run a default MPE reco giving the worst resolution. The options ‘fast’, ‘recommended’ and ‘max’ will activate modifications with rising accuracy and decreasing execution speed, where “fast” is faster than “default” because of quicker convergence. See for documentation as well as speed and resolution comparisons.

Param fitname:

Default = '',

Param configuration:

Default = 'default',

Param PulsesName:

Default = '',

Param TrackSeedList:

Default = [],

Param EnergyEstimators:

Default = [],

Param BareMuTimingSpline:

Default = '/cvmfs/',

Param BareMuAmplitudeSpline:

Default = '/cvmfs/',

Param StochTimingSpline:

Default = '/cvmfs/',

Param StochAmplitudeSpline:

Default = '/cvmfs/',

Param TiltTableDir:

Default = '',

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x109e47880>,