Project vuvuzela

Invoke with: import icecube.vuvuzela

C++ I3Modules


"Inject" (C++ I3Module)

This class will add all the parameters that are used in the vuvuzela noise generator to the Calibration frame.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputNoiseFile:

Default = '$I3_SRC/vuvuzela/resources/data/parameters.txt', Name of the text file containing the vuvuzela noise parameters for the DOMs


"Vuvuzela" (C++ I3Module)

A noise generator for IceCube used to simulate both thermal noise and decay+scintillation noise.

Param DecayRate:

Default = 5.6943e-08, Constant radioactive decay rate to use.

Param DeepCoreScaleFactor:

Default = 1.0, Factor to scale noise up or down for DeepCore DOMs

Param DisableLowDTCutoff:

Default = True, Should hits with dt < 2 microseconds be added?

Param DOMsToExclude:

Default = [], List of OMKeys of DOMs we don’t want to simulate

Param EndWindow:

Default = 10000.0, Time after MC hits to be filled with noise

Param InputHitSeriesMapName:

Default = 'I3MCPESeriesMap', Name of the map to add hits to

Param InputI3EventHeaderName:

Default = 'I3EventHeader', Name of I3EventHeader

Param OMTypes:

Default = [20, 110, 120, 130], Generate noise for these types of DOMs

Param OutputHitSeriesMapName:

Default = '', Output map with noise hits

Param RandomService:

Default = None, Random Number Generator

Param RandomServiceName:

Default = 'I3RandomService', Name of RNG in the context

Param ScaleFactor:

Default = 1.0, Factor to scale noise up or down for ALL DOMs

Param ScintillationHits:

Default = 8.072, Constant Mean number of hits from the scintillation lognormal component

Param ScintillationMean:

Default = 4.395, Constant mean of the lognormal describing scintillation in Log10(dt/ns)

Param ScintillationSigma:

Default = 1.777, Constant sigma of the lognormal describing scintillation in Log10(dt/ns)

Param SimulateNewDOMs:

Default = False, Should DOMs with no calibration entry be simulated (ie, for PINGU)?

Param StartWindow:

Default = -10000.0, Time before MC hits to be filled with noise

Param ThermalRate:

Default = 1.73456e-07, Constant thermal noise rate to use.

Param UseEventHeaderTimeWindow:

Default = False, Times are typically used relative to the first and last pre-existing hit in the map. This option will force times to be relative to t=0 and last for the length of the eventheader

Param UseIndividual:

Default = True, Use the individual DOM Parameters?

Python I3Modules


PregeneratedSampler (Python I3Module)

A sampler used to include pre-defined noise behavior in simulation files.

Param EndWindow:

Default = 15000.0, The first time relative to existing physics hits to add the noise. Negative values indicate a time before the first hit, while positive values indicate after the final physics hit. Should be given in I3Units.ns!

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputPath:

Default = '/cvmfs/*.npy', The location of the noise files to be used. If this includes wildcards, then the noise file to be used will be chosen randomly from all matching files for each instance of this module.

Param ModuleType:

Default = icecube._dataclasses.ModuleType.mDOM, Which type of module should we be adding noise to? Typically, this will be mDOMs, but it could be DEggs or WOMs as well if files were generated for those.

Param OutputHitMap:

Default = None, The name of the I3MCPESeriesMap to write to the frame containing both any discovered physics hits as well as newly added noise hits. If empty or matching PhysicsHitMap, PhysicsHitMap will be overwritten in the frame.

Param PhysicsHitMap:

Default = None, The name of the I3MCPESeriesMap in the frame containing physics hits for this module type. If empty, a new map will be produced with only noise PEs.

Param RandomService:

Default = None, An instance of an I3RandomService to use for selecting which PEs to add to the frame.

Param StartWindow:

Default = -15000.0, The first time relative to existing physics hits to add the noise. Negative values indicate a time before the first hit, while positive values indicate after the final physics hit. Should be given in I3Units.ns!

I3Tray segments


AddNoise (I3Tray segment)

Module to add correlated noise. Currently uses constant parameters for each DOM, but will be updated with individual numbers soon.

Param InputName:

Default = 'I3MCPESeriesMap', Name of the I3MCHitSeriesMap to add noise. If blank, will produce a pure noise event.

Param OutputName:

Default = '', Name of the output I3MCHitSeriesMap. If blank, will replace the input hit series.

Param RandomServiceName:

Default = 'I3RandomService', The name of the I3RandomService to use for noise simulation

Param ExcludeList:

Default = [], List of OMKeys to avoid sinulating.

Param StartTime:

Default = -10000.0, The amount of time before the first hit to simulate noise

Param EndTime:

Default = 10000.0, The amount of time after the last hit to simulate noise

Param ScaleFactor:

Default = 1.0,

Param mdomNoisePath:

Default = '/cvmfs/*.npy',

Param lom16NoisePath:

Default = '/cvmfs/*.npy',

Param lom18NoisePath:

Default = '/cvmfs/*.npy',

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x106d48f40>,