Maintainer: Alex Olivas
The Modules¶
- This selection module rejects all responses (I3RecoHit, I3RecoPulse, I3MCHit or I3DOMLaunch, see I3OMSelection) which are temporal and/or spatially isolated.I3FirstPulsifier
- This module takes a regular pulse series map as input and returns a pulse series map that has only the first pulses in it.I3LCCleaning
- This module splits an I3DOMLaunchSeriesMap into two maps. One of which contains only HLC launches, the other of which contains only SLC launches.I3DOMLaunchCleaning
- Cleans out launches according to user define input like “CleanedKeys” and “CleanedKeysList” which are lists of OMKeys (the latter being a frame object). This is mostly for cleaning out bad DOMs.I3TimeWindowCleaning
- For a user defined time window this module maximizes the number of hits in that time window and cleans out any outside hits.I3OMSelection
- Seems to perform a similar task to I3DOMLaunchCleaning except it has instantiatons for both I3DOMLaunches and I3RecoPulses, though it’s not used for I3DOMLaunches.I3Coincify
- This module applies Hard Local Coincidence to all time-like responses : I3RecoPulse, I3RecoHit, I3MCHit, and I3DOMLaunch.
- Creates a vector of squared distances between each OM. Useful for optimizing CPU at the expense of memory.I3ResponseIter
- Template class which allows for the iteration over map::<OMKey, vecotr<T>> of various response types: I3RecoHit, I3RecoPulse, I3DOMLaunch, I3MCHit.
The following function overloads are implemented for use in templates to provide a uniform interface between the “signal types” I3RecoHit, I3RecoPulse, I3DOMLaunch, I3MCHit. * GetTime * GetWidth * GetAmplitude