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Here are all changes since Version 1.0 PROPOSAL.
V.3.0 - 12.12.17
+ stau cross section
+ add SetMass, so one is able to change the mass of a particle
* fix implementation bug for the real photon assumption parametrizations
in the inelastic nuclear scattering cross section
* fix hard component bug
* use modern constants from particle data group
+ add python wrapper pyPROPOSAL
+ put the the whole project into a namespace called PROPOSAL
+ add particle enums
+ add cross section enums
+ add medium enums
V.2.0 - 21.11.13
- Removed some experiment specific code from the project
+ Added these release notes
V.1.9 - 21.11.13
+ Added the licence text file Lizenz.txt
+ Added the INSTALL.txt
V.1.8 - 18.11.13
+ Added ASCII Output as choosable output
V.1.7 - 06.11.13
* Fixed a bug in ContinuouseRandomization that crashed when the initial and final energy
were identical.
V.1.6 - 22.10.13
- Removed the StandardNormal class and replaced it with the boost::erfinv function
* Changed ContinuouseRandomization and Scattering classes that they draw the random
number using the erfinv function
V.1.5 - 22.10.13
+ Added a new scattering routine which draws the scattering angle from the moliere
distribution and not from the gaussian distribution
+ Added a hierarchy variable so you can now have geometrys which "cross" each other
V.1.4 - 05.09.13
* Fixed a bug in the scattering routine where the radiation length was calculated for
leptons seperately but should be used for electrons in the formulae.
* Changed the way scattering algorithms can be choosen.
+ Added copper as a new Medium
V.1.3 - 30.07.13
+ Added root support
+ Added some root plotting examples
+ Added log4cplus as logger
* Fixed a Bug in Particle constructor
V.1.2 - 09.07.13
+ Added the reading of the configuration file
* Changed the layout of the scattering routines
+ Added a binary output for interpolation tables
+ Added << operators to every function
V.1.1 - 13.06.13
* Integration and Interpolation routines use now boost::function boost::bind
+ Added gtest to the framework
- Removed FunctionInt and FunctionInt2 classes
+ Added RootFinder class
+ Added Geometry class
+ Added ProcessCollection class