ST Configuration Services

The seededRT algorithm of STTools provides a specialized STConfigurationService class named I3SeededRTConfigurationService. Based on that class a seededRT configuration service class named I3DOMLinkSeededRTConfigurationService is provided.


class icecube.STTools.seededRT.configuration_services.I3DOMLinkSeededRTConfigurationService(allowSelfCoincidence=False, useDustlayerCorrection=True, dustlayerUpperZBoundary=0.0, dustlayerLowerZBoundary=-150.0, it_it_RTRadius=None, it_it_RTTime=None, it_it_RTCylinderHeight=None, ic_ic_RTRadius=150.0, ic_ic_RTTime=1000.0, ic_ic_RTCylinderHeight=None, dc_dc_RTRadius=None, dc_dc_RTTime=None, dc_dc_RTCylinderHeight=None, pingu_pingu_RTRadius=None, pingu_pingu_RTTime=None, pingu_pingu_RTCylinderHeight=None, ic_dc_RTRadius=None, ic_dc_RTTime=None, ic_dc_RTCylinderHeight=None, ic_pingu_RTRadius=None, ic_pingu_RTTime=None, ic_pingu_RTCylinderHeight=None, dc_pingu_RTRadius=None, dc_pingu_RTTime=None, dc_pingu_RTCylinderHeight=None, it_strings=None, it_oms=None, ic_strings=None, ic_oms=None, dc_strings=None, dc_oms=None, pingu_strings=None, pingu_oms=None, treat_string_36_as_deepcore=True)

The I3DOMLinkSeededRTConfigurationService class provides a seededRT ST configuration service configured with DOM link ST configurations.

Using this class, one can configure the seededRT algorithm with individual DOM-DOM-link ST configurations. For instance, two different ST configurations for IceCube and DeepCore DOMs. Additionally, a seperate ST configuration can be defined for IceCube-DeepCore DOM links. If it is not defined explicitly, the DeepCore-DeepCore DOM-link ST configuration will be used. Furthermore, DOM link ST configuration can be defined for DOM links including PINGU DOMs, i.e. IceCube-PINGU, DeepCore-PINGU, and PINGU-PINGU DOM links.

__init__(allowSelfCoincidence=False, useDustlayerCorrection=True, dustlayerUpperZBoundary=0.0, dustlayerLowerZBoundary=-150.0, it_it_RTRadius=None, it_it_RTTime=None, it_it_RTCylinderHeight=None, ic_ic_RTRadius=150.0, ic_ic_RTTime=1000.0, ic_ic_RTCylinderHeight=None, dc_dc_RTRadius=None, dc_dc_RTTime=None, dc_dc_RTCylinderHeight=None, pingu_pingu_RTRadius=None, pingu_pingu_RTTime=None, pingu_pingu_RTCylinderHeight=None, ic_dc_RTRadius=None, ic_dc_RTTime=None, ic_dc_RTCylinderHeight=None, ic_pingu_RTRadius=None, ic_pingu_RTTime=None, ic_pingu_RTCylinderHeight=None, dc_pingu_RTRadius=None, dc_pingu_RTTime=None, dc_pingu_RTCylinderHeight=None, it_strings=None, it_oms=None, ic_strings=None, ic_oms=None, dc_strings=None, dc_oms=None, pingu_strings=None, pingu_oms=None, treat_string_36_as_deepcore=True)

Constructs a new I3SeededRTConfiguration object holding ST configurations individually for IceCube, DeepCore, and PINGU DOM links.

  • allowSelfCoincidence (bool) – Switch if hits on the same OM can be in causial connection to each other (True) or not (False).

  • useDustlayerCorrection (bool) – Switch to enable (True) or disable (False) the dust layer correction.

  • dustlayerUpperZBoundary (float) – The upper bound of the z-coordinate of the dust layer. This is only used when the dust layer correction has been enabled.

  • dustlayerLowerZBoundary (float) – The lower bound of the z-coordinate of the dust layer. This is only used when the dust layer correction has been enabled.

  • it_it_RTRadius (float | None) – The RT radius for IceTop-IceTop DOM links. If set to None, the value will be set to zero.

  • it_it_RTTime (float | None) – The value of the RT time for IceTop-IceTop DOM links. If set to None, the value will be set to zero.

  • it_it_RTCylinderHeight (float | None) – If set to a non-None value, the RT coordinate system for IceTop-IceTop DOM link RT hit condition calculations is set to a cylindrical coordinate system instead of a spherical one. Then, this value specifies the height of the RT cylinder for IceTop-IceTop DOM links.

  • ic_ic_RTRadius (float) – The RT radius for IceCube-IceCube DOM links.

  • ic_ic_RTTime (float) – The RT time for IceCube-IceCube DOM links.

  • ic_ic_RTCylinderHeight (float | None) – If set to a non-None value, the RT coordinate system for IceCube-IceCube DOM link RT hit condition calculations is to a cylindrical coordinate system instead of a spherical one. Then, this value specifies the height of the RT cylinder for IceCube-IceCube DOM links.

  • dc_dc_RTRadius (float | None) – The value of the RT radius for DeepCore-DeepCore DOM links. If dc_dc_RTTime is set to None, this value will be set to the value of ic_ic_RTRadius.

  • dc_dc_RTTime (float | None) – The value of the RT time for DeepCore-DeepCore DOM links. If set to None, it will be set to the value of ic_ic_RTTime.

  • dc_dc_RTCylinderHeight (float | None) – If set to a non-None value, the RT coordinate system for DeepCore-DeepCore DOM link RT hit condition calculations is to a cylindrical coordinate system instead of a spherical one. Then, this value specifies the height of the RT cylinder for DeepCore-DeepCore DOM links. If dc_dc_RTTime is set to None, this value will be set to the value of ic_ic_RTCylinderHeight.

  • pingu_pingu_RTRadius (float | None) – The value of the RT radius for PINGU-PINGU DOM links. If pingu_pingu_RTTime is set to None, this value will be set to the value of dc_dc_RTRadius.

  • pingu_pingu_RTTime (float | None) – The value of the RT time for PINGU-PINGU DOM links. If set to None, it will be set to the value of dc_dc_RTTime.

  • pingu_pingu_RTCylinderHeight (float | None) – If set to a non-None value, the RT coordinate system for PINGU-PINGU DOM link RT hit condition calculations is to a cylindrical coordinate system instead of a spherical one. Then, this value specifies the height of the RT cylinder for PINGU-PINGU DOM links. If pingu_pingu_RTTime is set to None, this value will be set to the value of dc_dc_RTCylinderHeight.

  • ic_dc_RTRadius (float | None) – The value of the RT radius for IceCube-DeepCore DOM links. If ic_dc_RTTime is set to None, this value will be set to the value of dc_dc_RTRadius.

  • ic_dc_RTTime (float | None) – The value of the RT time for IceCube-DeepCore DOM links. If set to None, it will be set to the value of dc_dc_RTTime.

  • ic_dc_RTCylinderHeight (float | None) – If set to a non-None value, the RT coordinate system for IceCube-DeepCore DOM link RT hit condition calculations is to a cylindrical coordinate system instead of a spherical one. Then, this value specifies the height of the RT cylinder for IceCube-DeepCore DOM links. If ic_dc_RTTime is set to None, this value will be set to the value of dc_dc_RTCylinderHeight.

  • ic_pingu_RTRadius (float | None) – The value of the RT radius for IceCube-PINGU DOM links. If ic_pingu_RTTime is set to None, this value will be set to the value of pingu_pingu_RTRadius.

  • ic_pingu_RTTime (float | None) – The value of the RT time for IceCube-PINGU DOM links. If set to None, it will be set to the value of pingu_pingu_RTTime.

  • ic_pingu_RTCylinderHeight (float | None) – If set to a non-None value, the RT coordinate system for IceCube-PINGU DOM link RT hit condition calculations is to a cylindrical coordinate system instead of a spherical one. Then, this value specifies the height of the RT cylinder for IceCube-PINGU DOM links. If ic_pingu_RTTime is set to None, this value will be set to the value of pingu_pingu_RTCylinderHeight.

  • dc_pingu_RTRadius (float | None) – The value of the RT radius for DeepCore-PINGU DOM links. If dc_pingu_RTTime is set to None, this value will be set to the value of pingu_pingu_RTRadius.

  • dc_pingu_RTTime (float | None) – The value of the RT time for DeepCore-PINGU DOM links. If set to None, it will be set to the value of pingu_pingu_RTTime.

  • dc_pingu_RTCylinderHeight (float | None) – If set to a non-None value, the RT coordinate system for DeepCore-PINGU DOM link RT hit condition calculations is to a cylindrical coordinate system instead of a spherical one. Then, this value specifies the height of the RT cylinder for DeepCore-PINGU DOM links. If dc_pingu_RTTime is set to None, this value will be set to the value of pingu_pingu_RTCylinderHeight.

  • it_strings (list of str | None) –

    The list of str objects defining the IceTop string/station numbers. Together with the it_oms option, it defines the set of OMKeys for IceTope OMs. Each str element can contain a single number, e.g. "12" or a range of numbers, e.g. "2-6". If it_strings and it_oms is set to None, it will be set to ["0", "1-11",  "12",    "13-61", "62",    "63-86"]. (OMs 65 and 66 for string 12 and 62 are required for scintillators. String 0, OM 1 is IceAct. To use only IceTop tanks, set it_strings to [“1-81”], it_oms to [“61-64”].)


    The it_strings and it_oms lists must be of the same length.

  • it_oms (list of str | None) –

    The list of str objects defining the IceTop OM numbers. Together with the it_strings option, it defines the set of OMKeys for IceCube OMs. Each str element can contain a single number, e.g. "12" or a range of numbers, e.g. "2-6". If it_oms and it_strings is set to None, it will be set to ["1", "61-64", "61-66", "61-64", "61-66", "61-64"].


    The it_oms and it_strings lists must be of the same length.

  • ic_strings (list of str | None) –

    The list of str objects defining the IceCube string numbers. Together with the ic_oms option, it defines the set of OMKeys for IceCube OMs. Each str element can contain a single number, e.g. "12" or a range of numbers, e.g. "2-6". If ic_strings and ic_oms is set to None, it will be set to ["1-78"]. But if treat_string_36_as_deepcore is set to True, it will be set to ["1-35", "36", "36", "37-78"].


    The ic_strings and ic_oms lists must be of the same length.

  • ic_oms (list of str | None) –

    The list of str objects defining the IceCube OM numbers. Together with the ic_strings option, it defines the set of OMKeys for IceCube OMs. Each str element can contain a single number, e.g. "12" or a range of numbers, e.g. "2-6". If ic_oms and ic_strings is set to None, it will be set to ["1-60"]. But if treat_string_36_as_deepcore is set to True, it will be set to ["1-60", "1-19", "25-39", "1-60"].


    The ic_oms and ic_strings lists must be of the same length.

  • dc_strings (list of str | None) –

    The list of str objects defining the DeepCore string numbers. Together with the dc_oms option, it defines the set of OMKeys for DeepCore OMs. Each str element can contain a single number, e.g. "12" or a range of numbers, e.g. "2-6". If dc_strings and dc_oms is set to None, it will be set to ["79-86"]. But if treat_string_36_as_deepcore is set to True, it will be set to ["36", "36", "79-86"].


    The dc_strings and dc_oms lists must be of the same length.

  • dc_oms (list of str | None) –

    The list of str objects defining the DeepCore OM numbers. Together with the dc_strings option, it defines the set of OMKeys for DeepCore OMs. Each str element can contain a single number, e.g. "12" or a range of numbers, e.g. "2-6". If dc_oms and dc_strings is set to None, it will be set to ["1-60"]. But if treat_string_36_as_deepcore is set to True, it will be set to ["20-24", "40-60", "1-60"].


    The dc_oms and dc_strings lists must be of the same length.

  • pingu_strings (list of str | None) –

    The list of str objects defining the PINGU string numbers. Together with the pingu_oms option, it defines the set of OMKeys for PINGU OMs. Each str element can contain a single number, e.g. "12" or a range of numbers, e.g. "2-6". If set to None, no PINGU ST configuration will be set.


    The pingu_strings and pingu_oms lists must be of the same length.

  • pingu_oms (list of str | None) –

    The list of str objects defining the PINGU OM numbers. Together with the pingu_strings option, it defines the set of OMKeys for PINGU OMs. Each str element can contain a single number, e.g. "12" or a range of numbers, e.g. "2-6". If set to None, no PINGU ST configuration will be set.


    The pingu_oms and pingu_strings lists must be of the same length.

  • treat_string_36_as_deepcore (bool) – Switch, if string 36 should be treated as a DeepCore string in the configuration (True) or not False. If set to True, OMs 20-24 and 40-60 on string 36 will be treated as DeepCore OMs.