How to implement your own parametrization service


A parametrization service acts as a translator between the seed/likelihood services (information is an event hypothesis with physics variables) and the minimizer (information is an array of floating point numbers, the fit parameters). It also takes care of translation the seed into initial fit parameter values, setting the initial step sizes, imposing bounds on fit parameters, and performing coordinate transformations for both the fit parameters and their gradients.

Physics variables versus fit parameters

The type of event hypothesis usually determines which physics variables we would like to fit. For instance, for a typical minimum ionizing through-going muon we want to fit a position (location of the muon at some arbitrary reference time) and a direction; the fit is characterized by five variables (e.g.: \(x,y,z\), zenith, azimuth). For a high energy cascade we probably want to know the interaction time, the interaction vertex, direction, and energy: seven variables. For fitting two randomly coincident through-going muons we need to fit ten variables.

For the likelihood service, the event hypothesis is represented by an event hypothesis consisting of an I3Particle and optionally some nonstd part. This representation may be convenient for the physics calculations in the likelihood service, but the generic minimizer does not care about physics, it treats the fit parameters just as an array of numbers. The simplest way to translate from the physics representations to the numerical one is to just read the variable values (e.g. \(x\)-, \(y\)- and \(z\)-components of the vertex) and push them into a single vector. When the minimizer would like to evaluate the function-to-be-minimized with some other vector of values, then we need to translate the other way round, plugging the numbers (probably slightly different from the ones we started with) back into the event hypothesis. Some data members of the event hypothesis might remain completely unaffected during this process (e.g. the “time” data member in a typical through-going muon track fit). The thus updated event hypothesis will then probably be used by the likelihood service to compute the likelihood. This is in a nut shell what the I3SimpleParametrizationService (implemented in lilliput) does.

However, some variables that make sense for a physicist are not very practical in a numerical context. For instance, the energy variable may vary over several orders of magnitude, and numerical minimization algorithms may work more robustly if we would use the logarithm of the energy. Another example is the direction: for a physicist the zenith and azimuth angles may be very useful but these variables suffer from coordinate singularities (at the poles) and periodicity. If we are willing to constrain to just a part of the sphere, e.g. a hemisphere, then we can project that onto some flat surface and let the minimizer work with Cartesian coordinates on that surface instead of the usual polar coordinates. This is exactly what the I3HalfSphereParametrizationService (also implemented in lilliput) does.

Of course the physics user would like to specify initial step sizes and bounds in terms of the physics variables. A parametrization service which performs coordinate transformations should also take care of transforming the step sizes and bounds.


Gradients are computed (if wanted) by the likelihood service in terms of physics variables, and may be used by a minimizer to find a function minimum more efficiently. If the parametrization performs any coordinate transformations, then it needs to transform the gradients as well, i.e. it should know how to apply the chain rule.

A parametrization service may or may not support gradients. It is important that this is documented clearly for each parametrization service. Before actually performing any fit Gulliver will check if the minimizer wants to use gradients, and configures the parametrization service accordingly (see API).


Quite a bit of work is done by the base class, I3ParametrizationBase. The implementation and API is not really according to a traditional OO style, in particular the implementation of the subclasses have to access directly the following data members:


Pointer to the current event hypothesis (I3EventHypothesis, for the likelihood service)


Pointer to the current gradient (I3EventHypothesis, for the likelihood service)


The vector of fit parameter initialization specifications (I3ParameterInitSpec, for the minimizer): initial value, initial step size, name (for log messages) and bounds (if any).


The vector of fit parameter values (set by the minimizer)


Gradient w.r.t. fit parameters (for the minimizer)

The subclass constructor (or if the subclass also derives from I3ServiceBase, its Configure() method) should initialize parspecs_ and par_.

The two crucial methods to be implemented in the subclass are UpdateParameters() and UpdatePhysicsVariables().

The UpdateParameters() method should use the information from hypothesis_ to update par_. This step gets executed only at the start of the fit and serves to initialize the fit parameters with the seed; the base class will copy par_ to the initial values of parspecs_. If bounds and step sizes depend on the seed then UpdateParameters() should update those as well.

In the implementation of the UpdatePhysicsVariables() method the par_ values should be used to update hypothesis_.