Python scripting in IceTray

Generally IceTray is controlled via a python script which sets up the needed modules and services, executes the Tray and cleans things up. The best illustration of this is a simple example:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Pass 2:

import os
import sys
from os.path import expandvars
from icecube.icetray import I3Tray
from icecube import icetray, dataio

tray = I3Tray()
                Filename = "pass1.i3")

TODO Flush out these docs more fully.

Configuring modules with vectors

In a Python script, an individual OMKey is created like this: OMKey(21,7). You pass it to a module like you might expect:

tray.AddModule("FryOM", "fry",
               OM = OMKey(3,3))

Vectors of “things” are created by enclosing a comma separated list of “things” in square-brackets:

["strings", "in", "a", "row"]

and you pass these to a module like this:

tray.AddModule("ReverseTracks", "reverse",
               tracks = ["linefit", "dipolefit", "haystackfit"])

tray.AddModule("OMSelect", "select",
               oms = [OMKey(1,2), OMKey(3,4), OMKey(5,6)])

Python details for experts

There’s a gotcha. Python has lists, and it has tuples. Python will convert either to an STL vector when it configures icetray, so this syntax will work too:

  famous_numbers=(0, 1, 3.14159, 1.618034)

here you are creating a tuple: notice the parenthesis. But if you want to configure a vector with only one entry, it won’t work:


here the parenthesis is just ignored and that becomes just a double, and you get a “can’t convert parameter” error when configuring. To tell Python that this is supposed to be tuple, use this syntax:


which is a bit awkward. We recommend to use lists, where this issue does not occur:


This works, and configures with a vector of length 1 containing pi. So just use [square brackets]. They mean the same thing and they’re easier to see.

NaN and Inf creates namespace-scope variables Inf and Nan, for the special floating-point values infinity and not-a-number. These are for the occasions when one needs to pass NaN or Inf to a module parameter, or to initialize e.g. an I3Double to NaN.

NaN compared to anything (including itself) is always false. To tell if a variable is NaN, or not, use the functions isnan() and isinf(). In Python 2.6 and later, these are in module math, in earlier versions they are in module scipy:

>>> from icecube.icetray import NaN, Inf
>>> NaN
>>> Inf
>>> NaN == NaN       # You definitely *do not* want this
>>> import math
>>> math.isnan(NaN)  # You want this
>>> math.isinf(Inf)