

The aim of the Cascade L3 processing is to reduce the size of the dataset (at least by factor of 30) while maintaining the atmospheric and extraterrestrial signals efficiency as high as possible, in order to have a fast processing and no storage problems.

The idea is to use Toplological Splitter module first and identify coincident events: number of output splits maps corresponds to number of sub-events found. Detailed description of the Topological Splitter method for identifying coincident events can be found here.

After identifying event “multiplicity” we run VetoModule from CascadeVariables project and separate events

The general flowchart of L3 cuts for IC86 2011 - present is shown below:


Detailed Cascade L3 flow chars is shown below:



Keys that are created at Cascade Level3 are listed in the table below



Function used


number of sub-events found by Topological Splitter module

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_TopoSplitter.TopologicalCounter


Containment info for Single Events

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_RunVeto.runVeto_Singles

Veto_CscdL2_Topo_HLC0 Veto_CscdL2_Topo_HLC1

Containment info for Double Events

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_RunVeto.runVeto_Coinc


Indicates which branch from the flowchart this event belong to

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_Cuts.tagBranches

NCh_OfflinePulsesHLC NCh_OfflinePulsesHLC_noDC NCh_OfflinePulsesHLC_DCOnly NCh_OfflinePulses NCh_OfflinePulses_noDC NCh_OfflinePulses_DCOnly NCh_SRTOfflinePulses NCh_SRTOfflinePulses_noDC NCh_SRTOfflinePulses_DCOnly Nstinrg_OfflinePulsesHLC Nstring_OfflinePulsesHLC_noDC Nstring_OfflinePulsesHLC_DCOnly Nstring_OfflinePulses Nstring_OfflinePulses_noDC Nstring_OfflinePulses_DCOnly Nstring_SRTOfflinePulses Nstring_SRTOfflinePulses_noDC Nstring_SRTOfflinePulses_DCOnly

NChannel and NString calculated using different pulses with deep core exclusion or only deep core. NString_OfflinePulsesHLC_noDC is used for single contain branch cutting. NCh_OfflinePulses is used for single uncontained branch cutting

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_MultiCalculator.multiCalculator

NCh_CscdL2_Topo_HLC0 NCh_CscdL2_Topo_HLC0_noDC NCh_CscdL2_Topo_HLC0_DCOnly NCh_CscdL2_Topo_HLC1 NCh_CscdL2_Topo_HLC1_noDC NCh_CscdL2_Topo_HLC1_DCOnly NString_CscdL2_Topo_HLC0 NString_CscdL2_Topo_HLC0_noDC NString_CscdL2_Topo_HLC0_DCOnly NString_CscdL2_Topo_HLC1 NString_CscdL2_Topo_HLC1_noDC NString_CscdL2_Topo_HLC1_DCOnly

NChannel and NString calculated using the splitted pulses for double events with deep core exclusion or only deep core

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_MultiCalculator.multiCalculator


General Cascade llh w/o DC,used for single contain branch cutting

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_Recos.CascadeLlhVertexFit

CascadeLlhVertexFit_IC _Coincidence0Params CascadeLlhVertexFit_IC _Coincidence1Params

Two CscdLlhVertexFits w/o DC for doubles contained branch cutting

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_Recos.CascadeLlhVertexFit


Track Fit

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_HighLevelFits.HighLevelFits


Cascade LLH reconstruction

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_HighLevelFits.HighLevelFits


Bayesian Track LLH reconstruction

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_HighLevelFits.HighLevelFits


Credo 1 iteration reconstruction

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_HighLevelFits.CredoReco


Monopod 4 iteration reconstruction

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. L3_monopod.L3_Monopod

TimeSplit_SPEFit_0 TimeSplit_SPEFit_1 TimeSplit_CascadeLlhVertexFit_0 TimeSplit_CascadeLlhVertexFit_1 TimeSplit_DipoleFit_0 TimeSplit_DipoleFit_1

Split an event into halves on the charge-weighted mean time, run SPEFit, CascadeLlFit and DipoleFit on each half

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_Recos.TimeSplitFits

CoreRemoval_SPEFit_0 CoreRemoval_SPEFit_1 CoreRemoval _CascadeLlhVertexFit_0 CoreRemoval _CascadeLlhVertexFit_1 CoreRemoval_DipoleFit_0 CoreRemoval_DipoleFit_1 _CascadeLlhVertexFit_0

Remove the cascade-like core of pulses around a reconstructed vertex from the event, and run SPEFit, CascadeLlFit and DipoleFit on the core and corona separately

icecube.level3_filter_cascade. level3_Recos.CoreRemovalFits

Argument Setting

level3-filter-cascade/python/level3_Master.py is the excitable script used for running Cascade Level3 processing. Below is a list of arguments you can and should set when running this script.






the full name and location of the input file



the full name and location of the GCD file



the full name and location of the output file



Use False when processing data, otherwise use True


/cvmfs/icecube.opensciencegrid.org/ data/photon-tables/splines/ ems_mie_z20_a10.abs.fits

AmplitudeTable used by Credo and Monopod


/cvmfs/icecube.opensciencegrid.org/ data/photon-tables/splines/ ems_mie_z20_a10.prob.fits

TimingTable used by Credo and Monopod



Don’t need to set unless you only want to process certain number of frames



Detector year of the data or mc you are processing