What’s in files made at pole in PnF?¶
PnF generates 3 files based on the online processing and filtering results.
PFRaw - File containing all raw DAQ data for every event
PFDST - File containing the SuperDST record for all events.
Additionally containing raw DAQ data for events saving these (HighQ, etc)
PFFilt - File containing SuperDST record for pole selected events
Selection based on trigger criteria (DeepCore, IceTop, SMT 12, etc)
Additionally, keeping online reconstruction results for OnlineL2, alert events,
I3DAQData - I3Vector<char> - Raw undecoded DAQ data blob for event
I3EventHeader - I3EventHeader - Decoded I3EventHeader for event
OnlineFilterMask - I3Map<string, I3FilterResult> - Results from online event selections
I3SuperDST - I3SuperDST - SuperDST encoded RecoPulses for InIce and IceTop
DSTTriggers - I3SuperDSTTriggerSeries - Compact DST trigger record
I3EventHeader - I3EventHeader - Decoded I3EventHeader for event
OnlineFilterMask - I3Map<string, I3FilterResult> - Results from online event selections
I3DAQDataIceTop - I3Vector<char> - Raw DAQ format IceTop waveforms
I3DAQDataTrimmed - I3Vector<char> - Raw DAQ format for Seatbelt failing readouts
I3DAQData - I3Vector<char> - Raw undecoded DAQ data blob for event
Optional: only if HighQ/FRT/MinBias filters request (Online Bool: KeepAllWaveforms_MinBias)
There are several options that can be returned in the PFFilt file, depending on online event selections, and objects from online InIceSplits are enumerated with an _InIceSplit<N> attached (_InIceSplit0, _InIceSplit1,…)
Events passing NO SELECTIONS contain:
I3DST22Header - I3DSTHeader16 - Header with broad timing normalization info (not in every event)
I3DST22_InIceSplit<N> - I3DST16 - Short summary info packet for an event (no hits)
I3ITSLCCalData - I3ITSLCCalData - Online IceTop SLC calibration record (only present if not empty)
I3VEMCalData - I3VEMCalData - Online IceTop VEMCal calibration record (only present if not empty)
Events passing the basic “KeepSuperDST” criteria (Online Bool:(Keep_SuperDST_23 OR KeepAllWaveforms_MinBias)
I3SuperDST - I3SuperDST - SuperDST encoded RecoPulses for InIce and IceTop
DSTTriggers - I3SuperDSTTriggerSeries - Compact DST trigger record
I3EventHeader - I3EventHeader - Decoded I3EventHeader for event
OnlineFilterMask - I3Map<string, I3FilterResult> - Results from online event selections
I3DST22Header - I3DSTHeader16 - Header with broad timing normalization info (not in every event)
I3DST22_InIceSplit<N> - I3DST16 - Short summary info packet for an event (no hits)
I3DAQDataTrimmed - I3Vector<char> - Raw DAQ format for Seatbelt failing readouts (only present if not empty)
I3DAQDataIceTop - I3Vector<char> - Raw DAQ format IceTop waveforms
Optional - only kept for “interesting IceTop events (Online Bool: KeepIceTopWaveforms)
I3DAQData - I3Vector<char> - Raw undecoded DAQ data blob for event
Optional: only if HighQ/FRT/MinBias filters request (Online Bool: KeepAllWaveforms_MinBias)
I3ITSLCCalData - I3ITSLCCalData - Online IceTop SLC calibration record (only present if not empty)
I3VEMCalData - I3VEMCalData - Online IceTop VEMCal calibration record (only present if not empty)
PFrameEncoded_InIceSplit<N> - - JSON serialized P-Frame contents from “interesting online splits” (if present)
Saved only for events passing online filters: ‘OnlineL2Filter_23’,’HESEFilter_23’,’GFUFilter_23’
SaturationWindows - - Waveform calibration saturated time range info (only present if not empty)
AlertNamesPassed_InIceSplit0<N> - I3Vector<string> - List of Alerts that this event passed (only present if not empty)
AlertShortFollowupMsg_InIceSplit<N> - I3PODHolder<string> - JSON encoded brief alert summary info message
AlertFullFollowupMsg_InIceSplit<N> - I3PODHolder<string> - JSON serialized full P-Frame content for followup reconstructions