This projects contains a templated module, which applies a static time window cut on input DOMLaunchSeriesMaps or RecoPulseSeriesMaps. It calculates and cuts on the time differences of DOMLaunches/RecoPulses to trigger times.
Also see the doxygen docs.
The module I3StaticTWC<T> is conditional and templated. It can be used in two modes.
In the first mode (FirstTriggerOnly=false), the first and the last time of specified triggers (by TriggerConfigIDs) are used to define the limits of the cut window (extended by WindowMinus and WindowPlus).
In the second mode (FirstTriggerOnly=true) only the first of the specified triggers is used as reference and the time window specified by WindowMinus and WindowPlus is centered around it.
It requires the following parameters set properly:
InputResponse: Input response map you want to clean, i.e., a DOMLaunchSeriesMap (InIceRawData) or RecoPulseSeriesMap (OfflinePulses). Note: the type name T in the module name must match the type name of the frame object, i.e. I3StaticTWC<I3RecoPulseSeriesMap> for an I3RecoPulseSeriesMap.
OutputResponse: Name of the output response map
TriggerConfigIDs: List of the TriggerConfigIDs (integers) the module should look for, e.g. [1010] for SMT3
TriggerName: Name of TriggerHierarchy from the frame
WindowMinus: Time window from the reference trigger time backwards (positive)
WindowPlus: Time window from the reference trigger time forwards
FirstTriggerOnly: Bool to decide whether to use only the first relevant trigger time or the first and the last, see module description
A verification plot that this algorithm works:
The plot was made with IC79 Real data ( June 4 2010 ) with SMT3 trigger condition. Upper plot is delta-t distribution before the cleaning while the bottom plot is after cleaning.
Two example scripts in resources/examples further illustrates the usage. They also show if the STWC works with your I3 files.