Basic Information About VEMCal Project

details about the files included in vemcal/private/vemcal, with corresponding libraries in vemcal/public/




vertical equivalent muon

  1. I3HGLGPairSelector.cxx
    1. Takes I3RecoPulseSeriesMap and returns frame object OutputPulseMask

    2. Output gives only paired DOMs for high gain and low gain comparisons

  2. I3VEMCalData.cxx
    1. Grab HG and LG chip and channel information, also charge in pe

    2. Information specific to DOM for calibration use

    3. HGLGhits and MinBiasHits

  3. I3VEMCalExtractor.cxx
    1. Pulls HG and LG information for separate frame object

    2. Also looks for local coincedence

  4. I3VEMCalHistWriter.cxx
    1. Makes histograms for HG and LG hits

    2. HG and LG charge histos

    3. Time diff histos, charge diff histos

    4. Makes muon spectrum for HG DOM that was hit

  5. I3VEMCalTreeWriter.cxx
    1. Root files for HG and LG trees, also VEM in HG DOM

    2. Includes DOM, string, charge in pe, time in ns