icecube.IceHive.segments module¶
Segments are guide-lines no absolutes; Parameter settings for the contained modules might not be optimal for your specific analysis please review the the parameter settings, before use If not sure, look at the documentation or contact me:
- icecube.IceHive.segments.Split_and_Recombine(tray, name, LineFitName='LineFit', SplitName='IceHiveSplit', OriginalPulses='InIcePulses', SplitPulses='SplitInIcePulses', CleanedSplitPulsesName='CleanSplitInIcePulses', DesignatedPulsesName='RecoInIcePulses', TriggerHierarchyName='QTriggerHierarchy', InIceTriggerIDs=[1006, 1007, 1011, 21001], AddTimeWindow=True, Clean=True, LineFitReco=True, Recombine=True, Recover=False)¶
A tray-segment to perform event-splitting and event-recombination at low-level in data processing
- Parameters:
DesignatedPulsesName – The end product pulses will be written to this key
LineFitName – The end produce LineFit will be written to this key
OriginalPulses – Name of the original pulse in the Q-frame that will be split
SplitName – Name of the splitter and therefore the subevent-stream that is delivered
SplitPulses – Name of the SplitPulses in the P-frame
TriggerHierarchyName – Name of the TriggerHierarchy in the Q-frame
LineFitName – Name of that the LineFit reconstruction will be given
AddTimeWindow – Set to True if a time window should be added (needed for EHE filter, I3TriggerSplitter does this too)
CleanedSplitPulsesName – Name of the Cleaned Pulses if option ‘Clean’ is enabled
Clean – Choose if a round of HiveCleaning (similar to RT-Cleaning) should commence on the output-pulses; improves reconstructability
LineFitReco – make a importvedLineFit reconstruction; needed for Recombine and Recover option
Recombine – recombine wrongly split events with CoincSuite
Recover – try to recover lost pulses, by tracing back the track
The Output are Q-frames containing: -[SplitNameSplitCount]: The number of created P-frames (SplitFrames) by the splitter -[SplitNameReducedCount]: The number of removed splits by means of recombinations; [SplitNameSplitCount]-[SplitNameReducedCount] is the effective remaining number of SplitFrames -[SplitPulses_Physics]: All clustered Pulses in the OriginalPulseSeries; identical to the union of all SplitPulses in the SubFrames -[SplitPulses_Noise]: All not clustered Pulses in the OriginalPulseSeries; identical to the inversion of SplitPulses_Physics and P-frames containing: -[SplitPulses]: The split PulseSeriesMapMask, which contains the clustered Pulses as selected by the Splitter -[HCSplitPulses]: The split PulseSeriesMapMask after the application of HiveCleaning, if the ‘Clean’-option has been chosen -[SplitPulsesTimeRange]: The time range of the PulseSeriesMapMask equal to [first-pulse.time, last-pulse.time] -[SplitPulses_Noised]: The SplitPulses plus all noise in the feasible time-range; might be helpful for native reconstructions which do not depend on hit/pulse-cleaning or which explicitly require noised pulses, because they assume a noise-probability -[I3TriggerHierarchy]: The SubTrigger Hierarchy containing only Triggers participating in this event -[LineFitName]: A LineFit reconstruction