icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.I3DirectHitsCalculator module

This python module contains the I3DirectHitsCalculator icetray module.

class icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.I3DirectHitsCalculator.I3DirectHitsCalculator(context)

Bases: I3ConditionalModule

This icetray module calculates the common event variables for direct hits. A hit is considered direct when the time residual falls within a specified time window. The time residual is defined as the observed time of a hit minus the expected time, based on a track emitting light at the Cherenkov angle.

This module calculates many information about the direct hits of a particular direct hits time window. See the icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.I3DirectHitsValues class for the documentation of each variable.

The default time windows, which will be used when no time windows have been specified explicitly through the module parameter DirectHitsDefinitionSeries, will be determined through the function icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.get_default_definitions().

For each I3DirectHitsDefinition object inside the DirectHitsDefinitionSeries, the module puts an icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.I3DirectHitsValues I3FrameObject into the frame having a frame object key name of the following structure: {OutputI3DirectHitsValuesBaseName}{}.

Configure((I3ConditionalModule)arg1) None :
C++ signature :

void Configure(PythonModule<I3ConditionalModule> {lvalue})

property DirectHitsDefinitionSeries

An I3DirectHitsDefinitionSeries object or a Python list of I3DirectHitsDefinition objects defining the time windows for the direct hits calculation.

property OutputI3DirectHitsValuesBaseName

The base name of the output I3DirectHitsValues frame objects.

property ParticleName

The frame object name of the reconstructed particle used as track in the direct hits calculation.

Physics((I3ConditionalModule)arg1, (I3Frame)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void Physics(PythonModule<I3ConditionalModule> {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<I3Frame>)

property PulseSeriesMapName

The frame object name of the pulse series map used to identify the hits.

property PyLogLevel

The Python logging module log level for this module.