icecube.fill_ratio.FillRatio module¶
- icecube.fill_ratio.FillRatio.FillRatioModule(tray, name='FillRatioSegment', VertexName='CFirst', ResultName='FillRatioInfo', MapName='FillRatioMap', RecoPulseName='RecoPulses', SphericalRadiusRMS=3.0, SphericalRadiusMean=2.0, SphericalRadiusMeanPlusRMS=1.3, SphericalRadiusNCh=1.3, AmplitudeWeightingPower=0.0, If=<function <lambda>>)¶
Algorithm to look for the fraction of hit DOMs to unhit DOMs within some distance to a given vertex.
- Parameters:
VertexName – Name of the previous vertex reconstruction
ResultName – The name that the resulting I3FillRatioInfo object will take in the frame”
MapName – The name that the I3MapStringDouble object will take in the frame”
RecoPulseName – The name of the recopulses to be used
SphericalRadiusRMS – The radius (in units of the RMS) of the sphere to be used to calculate the fill ratio.
SphericalRadiusMean – The radius (in units of the mean) of the sphere used to calculate the fill ratio.
SphericalRadiusMeanPlusRMS – The radius (in units of the mean plus rms) of the sphere used to calculate the fill ratio.
SphericalRadiusNCh – The radius (in units of the SPE Radius) of the sphere used to define the fill-ratio
AmplitudeWeightingPower – The means and RMSs can be weighted by the charge of the hit. This parameter sets the power for the exponential wieghting.
If – the usual python function, makes the segment run conditionally frame by frame.