icecube.filterscripts.gfufilter module¶
- icecube.filterscripts.gfufilter.GammaFollowUp(tray, name, OnlineL2SegmentName='OnlineL2', BDTUpFile=None, BDTDownFile=None, KeepDetails=False, pulses='CleanedMuonPulses', angular_error=True, If=<function <lambda>>)¶
This tray segment does the 2017 Gamma-Ray Follow-Up filtering.
OnlineL2SegmentName is the prefix of the variable names from the OnlineL2 filter.
angular_error: Run improved error estimators like Paraboloid or Bootstrapping.
- class icecube.filterscripts.gfufilter.I3HistogramLLH(context)¶
Use a precalcuated S/B-likelihood histogram to calculate the likelihood ratio for each event.
- Configure((I3ConditionalModule)arg1) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void Configure(PythonModule<I3ConditionalModule> {lvalue})
- Physics((I3ConditionalModule)arg1, (I3Frame)arg2) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void Physics(PythonModule<I3ConditionalModule> {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<I3Frame>)
- class icecube.filterscripts.gfufilter.I3TimeResidualBooker(context)¶
This module stores the time residuals of a pulsemap with respect to a given fit.
Initially written by Stefan Coenders for the 7-year PS sample.
- Configure((I3ConditionalModule)arg1) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void Configure(PythonModule<I3ConditionalModule> {lvalue})
- Geometry((I3ConditionalModule)arg1, (I3Frame)arg2) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void Geometry(PythonModule<I3ConditionalModule> {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<I3Frame>)
- Physics((I3ConditionalModule)arg1, (I3Frame)arg2) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void Physics(PythonModule<I3ConditionalModule> {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<I3Frame>)
- class icecube.filterscripts.gfufilter.I3Vectorize(context)¶
Extend a given frame object to match the length of another vector-like object.
Written by Stefan Coenders for the 7-year PS sample.
- Configure((I3ConditionalModule)arg1) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void Configure(PythonModule<I3ConditionalModule> {lvalue})
- Physics((I3ConditionalModule)arg1, (I3Frame)arg2) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void Physics(PythonModule<I3ConditionalModule> {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<I3Frame>)
- class icecube.filterscripts.gfufilter.RegularGridInterpolator(points, values, method='linear', bounds_error=True, fill_value=nan)¶
Interpolation on a regular grid in arbitrary dimensions.
This code is copy-and-pasted directly from SciPy 0.16.1.
The version of SciPy at SPS is 0.7.2, which doesn’t provide n-dimensional interpolation. Should the version of Scipy at SPS be updated to at least 0.14 this code can be imported directly from the scipy.interpolate module.