icecube.filterscripts.icehive_splitter module¶
- icecube.filterscripts.icehive_splitter.Split_and_Recombine(tray, name, OriginalPulses='OfflinePulses', SplitName='IceHiveSplit', SplitPulses='MaskedOfflinePulses', TriggerHierarchyName='I3TriggerHierarchy', LineFitName='LineFit', AddTimeWindow=True, Clean=False)¶
A tray-segment to perform event-splitting and event-recombination at low-level in data processing
- Parameters:
OriginalPulses – Name of the original pulse in the Q-frame that will be split
SplitName – Name of the splitter and therefore the subevent-stream that is delivered
SplitPulses – Name of the SplitPulses in the P-frame
TriggerHierarchyName – Name of the TriggerHierarchy in the Q-frame
LineFitName – Name of that the (improved)LineFit reconstruction will be given
AddTimeWindow – Set to True if a time window should be added (needed for EHE filter, I3TriggerSplitter does this too)
Clean – Choose if a round of HiveCleaning (similar to RT-Cleaning) should commence on the output-pulses; improves reconstructability
Recover – try to recover lost pulses, by tracing back the track
The Output are Q-frames containing: -[SplitNameSplitCount]: The number of created P-frames (SplitFrames) by the splitter -[SplitNameReducedCount]: The number of removed splits by means of recombinations; [SplitNameSplitCount]-[SplitNameReducedCount] is the effective remaining number of SplitFrames -[SplitPulses_Physics]: All clustered Pulses in the OriginalPulseSeries; identical to the union of all SplitPulses in the SubFrames -[SplitPulses_Noise]: All not clustered Pulses in the OriginalPulseSeries; identical to the inversion of SplitPulses_Physics and P-frames containing: -[SplitPulses]: The split PulseSeriesMapMask, which contains the clustered Pulses as selected by the Splitter -[HCSplitPulses]: The split PulseSeriesMapMask after the application of HiveCleaning, if the ‘Clean’-option has been chosen -[SplitPulsesTimeRange]: The time range of the PulseSeriesMapMask equal to [first-pulse.time, last-pulse.time] -[SplitPulses_Noised]: The SplitPulses plus all noise in the feasible time-range; might be helpful for native reconstructions which do not depend on hit/pulse-cleaning or which explicitly require noised pulses, because they assume a noise-probability -[I3TriggerHierarchy]: The SubTrigger Hierarchy containing only Triggers participating in this event -[LineFitName]: A LineFit reconstruction