icecube.offline_filterscripts.filter_segments.faintparticle_filter_hive module

FaintParticleFilter 2024 hive tray segment.

This segment defines the “FaintParticleFilter_24” for events for which IceHive needs to be applied. To calculate this filter, this segment:

  1. IceHive+CoincSuite are run if run_hive is in the q-frame

  2. If this results in more than 1 FPF_IceHiveSplit p-frame these are marked if they overlap with the Faint Particle Trigger trigger window

  3. Create DC and IC Maps for the split hive pulses

  4. If the FPF_IceHiveSplit p-frame overlaps with the trigger window a cut on the number of pulses and NChannel in IC is applied

  5. Remove IceHive p-frames that did not pass the filter

  6. Cleaning modules, with the SeedProcedure based on the HLC content in DC of the event, are applied

  7. SPE and MPE fits are calculated for the FPF_IceHiveSplit P frames that passed the cut

Returns: I3Bool in FPF_IceHiveSplit p-frame named “FaintParticleFilter_24”

icecube.offline_filterscripts.filter_segments.faintparticle_filter_hive.FaintParticleFilter_hive(tray, name, pulses, If=<function <lambda>>)

Define the FaintParticleFilter hive segment.

class icecube.offline_filterscripts.filter_segments.faintparticle_filter_hive.HivePframeCut(context)

Bases: I3PacketModule

Check if IceHive produced more than 1 p-frame and check if this overlaps with the FPT trigger window.


Check if IceHive produced more than 1 p-frame and check if this overlaps with the FPT trigger window.

icecube.offline_filterscripts.filter_segments.faintparticle_filter_hive.IceHiveFPF(tray, _, input_pulses, SplitName, output_pulses)

Configure and run IceHive.

class icecube.offline_filterscripts.filter_segments.faintparticle_filter_hive.RemoveHiveP(context)

Bases: I3PacketModule

Remove IceHive p-frames that did not pass the filter.


Remove IceHive p-frames that did not pass the filter.


Apply IC NChannel-HLC cut.


Check if the input is a vector_i3frame.