icecube.offline_filterscripts.icetop_L3processing.laputopRADE3_smallshower_traysegment module

Module defining the LaputopRADE3SmallShower tray segment for small shower processing.

icecube.offline_filterscripts.icetop_L3processing.laputopRADE3_smallshower_traysegment.LaputopRADE3SmallShower(tray, name, pulses='IceTopHLCSeedRTPulses', excluded='IceTopHLCSeedRTExcludedTanks', ShowerCOGSeed='ShowerCOG', ShowerPlaneSeed='ShowerPlane', If=<function <lambda>>)

“Run Laputop without timing/curvature for small showers.

With small showers, one cannot use timing/curvature as part of the likelihood. If ONLY performing a charge LDF reconstruction, then only ONE step of Laputop is necessary. Note: the “Trigger” parameter must be set to 3 (since its default is 5).

The parameters are borrowed from 1st step of the parameters in

This is copied from toprec/python/, but is modified to use the “RADE3” snow attenuation function, instead of SimpleLambda.