icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.HESE_filter module¶
HESE filter tray segment.
This segment defines the “HESEFilter_23”
To calculate this filter, this segment:
Calculates Qtot, does pulse cleaning and applies the selfveto
Performs the filter cut based on the veto and causal Qtot min
For events that pass cut,
performs track recos and CascadeLLH to calculate LLHratio
This segment will return:
I3Bool in InIceSplit P frames named “HESEFilter_23” with filter results per-split
I3Double HESE_llhratio
HESE_qtot_total, HESE_CausalQTot, and HESE_selfveto
Recos: HESE_CascadeLlh, HESE_MuonImprovedLineFit, HESE_SPEFitSingle, HESE_SPEFit2
- icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.HESE_filter.CalcHeseLLHratio(tray, name, pulses='CleanedInIcePulses', If=<function <lambda>>)¶
Calculate the LLH ratio for HESE filter.
- icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.HESE_filter.HESE_filter(tray, name, pulses='CleanedInIcePulses', If=<function <lambda>>)¶
Traysegment for online HESE filter.
- icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.HESE_filter.HeseCalcChargeVeto(tray, name, pulses='CleanedInIcePulses', If=<function <lambda>>)¶
Calculate the Homegenized Qtot, and veto calculations used by HESE.