icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.gfu_filter module¶
Tray segment to define the “GFUFilter_23”.
To calculate this filter, this segment:
Calculates time residual variables for down-going BDT
Gathers parameters needed for BDT
Performs BDT precuts
Finds BDT score
Performs cut on BDT score
For events that pass filter, performs advanced angular error estimation
This segment will return:
I3Bool in InIceSplit P frames named “GFUFilter_23” with filter results per-split
SplineMPE reco angular error
TODO: add more detail to outputs
- icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.gfu_filter.GFUAngErrReco(tray, name, pulses='CleanedInIcePulses', L2name='', If=<function <lambda>>)¶
Find angular error for events that pass GFU filter.
- icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.gfu_filter.GFUGetBDTScore(tray, name, pulses='CleanedInIcePulses', bdt_up_file=None, bdt_down_file=None, L2name='', If=<function <lambda>>)¶
Generate BDT score and add it to frame for events.
Gets time residual LLH values for downgoing events performs BDT precuts, then gets BDT score
- class icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.gfu_filter.I3HistogramLLH(context)¶
Use a precalcuated S/B-likelihood histogram to calculate the likelihood ratio.
- Configure()¶
Make module configuration: get parameters.
- Physics(frame)¶
Find and save S/B ratio for each P frame.
- class icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.gfu_filter.I3TimeResidualBooker(context)¶
A module to store the time residuals of a pulsemap with respect to a given fit.
- Configure()¶
Make module configuration: get parameters from IceTray.
- Geometry(frame)¶
Stash a copy of G frame.
- Physics(frame)¶
Process P frame: calculate and store TimeResiduals.
- class icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.gfu_filter.I3Vectorize(context)¶
Extend a given frame object to match the length of another vector-like object.
- Configure()¶
Perform configuration: get parameters from IceTray.
- Physics(frame)¶
Create vector of frame objects to match needed length.
- icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.gfu_filter.online_gfu_filter(tray, name, pulses='CleanedInIcePulses', l2name='l2_online', If=<function <lambda>>)¶
Add pieces of GFU filter to the tray.