icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.greco.grecofilter module

Tray Segments for running the GRECO online selection.

icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.greco.grecofilter.GRECOOnlineFilter(tray, name, uncleaned_pulses='CleanedInIcePulses', lowen_level3_prefix='IC2018_LE_L3', cut=False, If=<function <lambda>>)

Run the GRECO selection.

Run the online GRECO selection aimed at 10-1000 GeV astronomy. If “cut” is set to True, remove events along the way.


DeepCoreFilter tray segment.

Checks whether the event has passed the online DCFilter. It returns True if the event passed the filter and False otherwise.

icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.greco.grecofilter.TestForPrefixedLevel3(frame, prefix)

Check the LE level3 boolean.

We only want to process events that pass the old LowEn L3 cuts. Here we check the decision from the LowEn L3 and return True if the event passes.

icecube.online_filterscripts.online_filters.greco.grecofilter.nchannel_cut(frame, name, hlccore_pulses='SRTTWSplitInIcePulsesDC', fillratio_name='GRECO_FillRatio')

Remove random noise events.

Checks the number of hits in two separate hit series and the fill-ratio value to identify and flag events likely to be due to random detector noise. Returns true if the event should be allowed to continue processing or false otherwise.