icecube.radcube.modules.RadcubePlotter module¶
- class icecube.radcube.modules.RadcubePlotter.RadcubePlotter(ctx)¶
Module which can be used to quickly makes plots of a single antenna/E-Field. The user gives a list of lists where each entry includes the following five things:
Name of the object in the frame to plot, e.g., “FilteredWaveform”
The fraction of the bins to plot. Plots bins 0 to specified value
Descriptive label to put on the plots for this entry, e.g., “After Bandpass Filter”
True if quantity is in ADC units, False if not
Method to plot the frequency spectrum “lin” for linear y-axis, “dB” to put it in dBm/Hz, “raw” for electric field
- AntDataMapToPython(antDataMap, chkey)¶
Helper function which extracts the time series and frequency spectrum from the
and returns them as numpy arrays.- Parameters:
vectorMap (icecube.dataclasses.I3AntennaDataMap) – The time series map to extract the data from
- Returns:
times, hilbert amplitudes, raw amplitudes, frequencies, frequency amplitudes
- CenterPlot(ax, times, waveforms, window)¶
- Configure((I3Module)arg1) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void Configure(PythonModule<I3Module> {lvalue})
- ConvertToDBmHz(spec, df, impedance=8.010882310000003e-18)¶
Converts the frequnecy spectrum amplitudes to dBm/Hz. If values are less than -400 and thus below the typical numerical precision, entries are skipped
- GetTSAndSpec3D(vectorMap)¶
Helper function which extracts the time series and frequency spectrum from the
and returns them as numpy arrays.- Parameters:
vectorMap (icecube.dataclasses.EFieldTimeSeriesMap) – The electric field map to extract the data from
- Returns:
times, x-amplitudes, y-amplitudes, z-amplitudes, frequencies, x-freq-amplitudes, y-freq-amplitudes, z-freq-amplitudes
- MakeFreqPlot(ax, freqs, amps, plotFrac, plotColor, plotLabel, isADC)¶
Makes a plot of the frequency spectrum using the specified matplotlib axis
- Parameters:
vectorMap (matplotlib.axis) – ax
freqs (numpy.array) – the frequency corresponding to each bin
amps (numpy.array) – amplitudes of each bin
plotFrac (int) – define the last bin to plot in the time domain
plotColor – defines the color of the line. must be something that matplotlib knows how to use i.e., “r”
plotLabel (str) – label of the plot for the legend
isADC (bool) – if true, assume what is being plotted is in ADC
- MakeHilbertPlot(ax, times, amps, plotFrac, plotColor, plotLabel, isADC)¶
Makes a plot of the Hilbert envelope using the specified matplotlib axis
- Parameters:
vectorMap (matplotlib.axis) – ax
times (numpy.array) – values of the time of each bin
amps (numpy.array) – amplitudes of each bin
plotFrac (int) – define the last bin to plot in the time domain
plotColor – defines the color of the line. must be something that matplotlib knows how to use i.e., “r”
plotLabel (str) – label of the plot for the legend
isADC (bool) – if true, assume what is being plotted is in ADC
- MakeTimePlot(ax, times, amps, plotFrac, plotColor, plotLabel, isADC=False, isEField=False)¶
Makes a plot of the time series using the specified matplotlib axis
- Parameters:
vectorMap (matplotlib.axis) – ax
times (numpy.array) – values of the time of each bin
amps (numpy.array) – amplitudes of each bin
plotFrac (int) – define the last bin to plot in the time domain
plotColor – defines the color of the line. must be something that matplotlib knows how to use i.e., “r”
plotLabel (str) – label of the plot for the legend
isADC (bool) – if true, assume what is being plotted is in ADC
- MakedBmHzPlot(ax, freqs, amps, plotFrac, plotColor, plotLabel, isADC, impedance=8.010882310000003e-18)¶
- Physics((I3Module)arg1, (I3Frame)arg2) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void Physics(PythonModule<I3Module> {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<I3Frame>)
- TimeEfieldPlot(vectorMap, plotFrac, plotLabel, plotHilb)¶
- TimeFreqDbPlot(antDataMap, plotFrac, plotLabel, isADC)¶
- TimeFreqPlot(antDataMap, plotFrac, plotLabel, isADC)¶