icecube.simprod.jcorsika.corsika_options.thinning_option module

Copyright (c) 2005 the icecube collaboration

@version: $Revision: $ @date: $Date: $ @author: Alex Olivas <> and Javier Gonzalez <>

class icecube.simprod.jcorsika.corsika_options.thinning_option.ThinningOption(options, groups)

Bases: OptionSuite

Option to set thinning parameters in CORSIKA.

This module replicates the behavior of the older simprod ThinCorsika and AutoThinCorsika.


Derived modules should return a string that will get appended directly to the INPUTS steering file.


This method will be called after “parse_args” and is meant to be used to set defaults that depend on other user defined parameters that could potentially belong to a different policy. The result of the parse_args, ‘options’ is what’s passed here.