icecube.simprod.segments.GenerateAirShowers module

icecube.simprod.segments.GenerateAirShowers.GenerateAirShowers(tray, name, Files=None, GCDFile=None, NEvents=1, OverSampling=1, LegacyOverSampling=False, SimulateIceTop=True, TankResponse='param', KeepMCHits=False, CylinderHeight=1200, CylinderRadius=600, RandomService='I3RandomService', TrimShower=True, DropEmptyShowers=True)

Read CORSIKA files, simulate IceTop response, and populate I3MCTree with penetrating components (neutrinos and muons)

  • Files – list of CORSIKA files to read

  • GCDFile – path to GCD file to read first

  • NEvents – passed to I3CORSIKAReader (and ignored for CORSIKA files >= v74000, where it is part of the run header)

  • OverSampling – Number of times each shower will be read (each with a different impact location)

  • SimulateIceTop – simulate IceTop response

  • TankResponse – how to simulate IceTop response: ‘param’ for parameterization, ‘g4’ for GEANT4

  • KeepMCHits – keep IceTop MCHits

  • RandomService – the name of a random service to be used by the tank response

  • TrimShower – remove surface particles from tree

  • DropEmptyShowers – drop showers where no particles reach the observation level