icecube.simprod.segments.Polyplopia module

icecube.simprod.segments.Polyplopia.PolyplopiaMergePEs(tray, name, mctype='CORSIKA', RandomService=None, mctree_name='I3MCTree', separate_coincident_mctree_name='', bgfile=None, timewindow=40000.0, rate=nan, If=<function <lambda>>)

This segment can be used to merge background that already contains I3MCPEs. We are reading background MC from a separate file and injecting events to signal (or weighted background) based on a Poisson distribution within the given time window.

  • mctype – type of signal that we are injecting backgroun onto. Needed to avoid overcounting background.

  • RandomService – the name of a random service to be used by the tank response

  • mctree_name – Name of I3MCTree in background file

  • separate_coincident_mctree_name – Name of output bg tree. If empty, background will be added to main tree.

  • bgfile – Name of file containing background with I3MCPEs.

  • mctype – type of signal that we are injecting backgroun onto. Needed to avoid overcounting background.

  • timewindow – coincidence time window.

  • rate – rate of background muons cointained in file.

icecube.simprod.segments.Polyplopia.PolyplopiaPhotons(tray, name, mctype='CORSIKA', RandomService=None, RandomServiceForPropagators=None, mctree_name='I3MCTree', bgfile=None, GCDFile=None, IceModel='SpiceLea', IceModelLocation='/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/build/clsim/resources/ice', timewindow=40000.0, rate=nan, GPU=None, UseGPUs=True, DOMOversizeFactor=5, HoleIceParameterization='/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/icetray/ice-models/resources/models/ANGSENS/angsens/as.h2-50cm', Efficiency=1.0, PhotonSeriesName='I3MCPESeriesMap', PROPOSALParams={}, UsePPC=False, If=<function <lambda>>)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

icecube.simprod.segments.Polyplopia.PolyplopiaSegment(tray, name, mctype='CORSIKA', RandomService=None, mctree_name='I3MCTree_preMuonProp', separate_coincident_mctree_name='', bgfile=None, timewindow=40000.0, rate=nan, If=<function <lambda>>)
There are three scenarios for polyplopia:

1. bgfile: We are reading background MC from a separate file and injecting events to signal (or weighted background) based on a Poisson distribution within the given time window.

2. we are generating MuonGun bundles and injecting events to signal (or weighted background) based on a Poisson distribution within the given time window.

icecube.simprod.segments.Polyplopia.SetMultiplicity(frame, mctreelist=[], weightmap='CorsikaWeightMap')