icecube.stochastics.modules module

class icecube.stochastics.modules.PlotStoch(ctx)

Bases: I3Module

Configure((I3Module)arg1) None :
C++ signature :

void Configure(PythonModule<I3Module> {lvalue})

Finish((I3Module)arg1) None :
C++ signature :

void Finish(PythonModule<I3Module> {lvalue})

Structure1) Get vectors of Particle
  1. For each vector : loop over them and store X and dE/dX in 1D hist

  2. Get fitparameters and plot fit(s) (need muonBundleEnergyLoss for that)

  3. Add EventID, Run, and other stoch calculations on plot

  4. Save nEvents to ps file (possible event selection : do in python function before this module)