C++ API Reference
class ANFlux : public nuflux::FluxFunction
Public Functions
ANFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
virtual double getFlux(ParticleType type, double energy, double cosZenith) const
Computes the expected flux for neutrinos of the given type, energy, and zenith angle.
virtual double getMinEnergy() const
virtual double getMaxEnergy() const
Public Static Functions
static boost::shared_ptr<FluxFunction> makeFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
Private Members
double emin_
double emax_
std::map<ParticleType, boost::shared_ptr<Evaluator>> fluxes_
ANFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
class component
Public Functions
double getFlux(double energy, double cosZenith) const
void adjustPionKaonRatio(double pionAdjust, double kaonAdjust)
Private Functions
double inclination(double cosZenith) const
A correction for the mean interaction length of mesons at production altitude The form of this correction is derived in a report by D. Chirkin.
double transitionEnergy(double cosZenith) const
Private Members
double lowECoeffs[15]
These are the coefficients for the degree 5 polynomial in cos(zenith) and log10(energy) used for low energies
double lowECutoffs[4]
These are the maximum energies for which the low energy polynomial is to be used.
progenitorComponent directComponents[2]
These are (usually?) the contributions form pions and kaons.
progenitorComponent modifiedComponents[3]
Like the ‘direct’ components, but multiplied by the ‘modification’.
double highEIndex
Base powerlaw index at high energies.
double norm
Overall normalization factor.
double inclinationCoeffs[5]
The coefficients for the inclination correction to the cos(zenith)
double normTweaks[6]
Slight modifications to the normalization of the high energy calculation These correspond to the predefined cos(zenith) ranges: [0,.1), [.1,.2), [.2,.4), [.4,.8), [.8,1)
double modificationNorm
The normalization for the ‘modification’ term.
double modificationScale
The scale log10(energy) for the ‘modification’ term.
double pionAdjust
the factor by which to boost the pion decay contribution
double kaonAdjust
the factor by which to boost the kaon decay contribution
double pionKaonNorm
the additional normalization factor necessary to maintain the same total flux over all angles and energies after adjusting the pion/kaon ratio
double getFlux(double energy, double cosZenith) const
class component
Public Functions
double getFlux(double energy, double cosZenith) const
Public Members
double eMin
Private Members
double coeffs[15]
These are the coefficients for the degree 5 polynomial in cos(zenith) and log10(energy)
double getFlux(double energy, double cosZenith) const
class CubicSpline
Public Functions
inline CubicSpline()
inline CubicSpline(const std::vector<double> &x, const std::vector<double> &y)
inline double operator()(double x)
inline double derivative(double x) const
Private Functions
inline const splineSegment &findSegment(double x) const
- Pre:
x is within the domain of the spline
inline CubicSpline()
struct dumbHistogram
A really simple histogram. Must be filled from left to right.
Public Functions
inline explicit dumbHistogram(double firstEdge)
Construct a histogram initialized with the lower edge of its first bin.
inline void push_back(double edge, double value)
Append the upper edge of the next bin and the value contained in that bin.
- Pre:
edge > all edges previously added
inline double binWidth(unsigned int i) const
- Returns:
the width of bin i
inline double value(unsigned int i) const
- Returns:
the value in bin i
inline std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>> accumulate() const
Compute the integral of the histogram
- Returns:
a pair of vectors, which contain coordinates (bin edges) and accumulated values, respectively
inline explicit dumbHistogram(double firstEdge)
class Evaluator
Public Functions
Evaluator(const std::string&)
inline size_t GetNDim() const
std::pair<double, double> GetExtents(size_t dim) const
double operator()(double energy, double cosZenith) const
Private Members
photospline::splinetable data
Evaluator(const std::string&)
struct FluxFactory
Public Members
boost::shared_ptr<FluxFunction> (*factoryFn)(const std::string&)
std::string deprecationReason
boost::shared_ptr<FluxFunction> (*factoryFn)(const std::string&)
class FluxFunction
- #include <FluxFunction.h>
The interface for all neutrino fluxes.
Subclassed by nuflux::ANFlux, nuflux::IntegralPreservingFlux, nuflux::LegacyConventionalFlux, nuflux::LegacyPromptFlux, nuflux::SimpleSplineFlux, nuflux::SplineFlux2
Public Functions
inline FluxFunction(std::string name)
inline virtual ~FluxFunction()
inline std::string getName() const
virtual double getFlux(ParticleType type, double energy, double cosZenith) const = 0
Computes the expected flux for neutrinos of the given type, energy, and zenith angle.
inline virtual double getFlux(ParticleType type, double energy, double azimuth, double cosZenith) const
Computes the expected flux for neutrinos of the given type, energy, azimuth, and zenith angle If the derived classes do not have a specific azimuth dependence then just use the normal flux call.
inline virtual double getMinEnergy() const
inline virtual double getMaxEnergy() const
inline virtual double readExtents(ParticleType type) const
inline virtual void setKneeReweightingModel(std::string reweightModel)
inline std::string getKneeReweightingModel() const
inline FluxFunction(std::string name)
struct FluxRegisterererer
Public Functions
class IntegralPreservingFlux : public nuflux::FluxFunction
Public Functions
IntegralPreservingFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
virtual ~IntegralPreservingFlux()
virtual double getMinEnergy() const
virtual double getMaxEnergy() const
virtual double getFlux(ParticleType type, double energy, double cosZenith) const
Computes the expected flux for neutrinos of the given type, energy, and zenith angle.
virtual double getFlux(ParticleType type, double energy, double azimuth, double cosZenith) const
Computes the expected flux for neutrinos of the given type, energy, azimuth, and zenith angle If the derived classes do not have a specific azimuth dependence then just use the normal flux call.
Public Members
bool SetSubGeV
Public Static Functions
static boost::shared_ptr<FluxFunction> makeFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
Private Functions
void loadTables(const std::string &fluxName, ParticleType type)
double evaluate2D(ParticleType type, double energy, double cosZenith) const
double InterpolateAzimuth(ParticleType type, double energy, double azimuth, double cosZenith) const
double InterpolateCZFlux(ParticleType type, double energy, double azimuth, double cosZenith) const
Private Members
std::map<ParticleType, std::map<double, CubicSpline>> energySplines2D
std::map<ParticleType, std::map<std::pair<double, double>, CubicSpline>> energySplines3D
IntegralPreservingFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
class kneeFunction
friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream&, kneeFunction&)
friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream&, kneeFunction&)
struct KneeRegisterererer
Public Functions
inline KneeRegisterererer(const std::string baseModel, const std::string name)
inline KneeRegisterererer(const std::string baseModel, const std::string name)
class kneeSpline
Public Functions
Constructs a kneeSpline whose value is 1 for all energies.
double operator()(double energy) const
Computes the correction factor for this knee model, relative to the base model
- Parameters:
energy – the neutrino energy in GeV
Private Members
std::vector<double> x
std::vector<double> y
std::vector<double> b
std::vector<double> c
std::vector<double> d
friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream&, kneeSpline&)
class LegacyConventionalFlux : public nuflux::FluxFunction
Public Functions
LegacyConventionalFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
virtual double getFlux(ParticleType type, double energy, double cosZenith) const
Computes the expected flux for neutrinos of the given type, energy, and zenith angle.
virtual double getMinEnergy() const
virtual double getMaxEnergy() const
void setRelativePionContribution(double adjust)
boosts the contribution from pion decays
- Parameters:
adjust – the factor by which to increase the pion contribution
inline double getRelativePionContribution() const
void setRelativeKaonContribution(double adjust)
boosts the contribution from kaon decays
- Parameters:
adjust – the factor by which to increase the kaon contribution
inline double getRelativeKaonContribution() const
virtual void setKneeReweightingModel(std::string reweightModel)
Public Static Functions
static boost::shared_ptr<FluxFunction> makeFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
Private Members
std::map<ParticleType, component> components
kneeSpline kneeCorrection
double pionAdjust
the factor by which to boost the pion decay contribution
double kaonAdjust
the factor by which to boost the kaon decay contribution
LegacyConventionalFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
class LegacyPromptFlux : public nuflux::FluxFunction
Public Functions
virtual double getMinEnergy() const
virtual double getMaxEnergy() const
LegacyPromptFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
virtual double getFlux(ParticleType type, double energy, double cosZenith) const
Computes the expected flux for neutrinos of the given type, energy, and zenith angle.
virtual void setKneeReweightingModel(std::string reweightModel)
Public Static Functions
static boost::shared_ptr<FluxFunction> makeFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
virtual double getMinEnergy() const
struct progenitorComponent
- #include <LegacyConventionalFlux.h>
A component for an equation like Gaisser 6.7 or 7.5.
Public Functions
double operator()(double energy, double inclination) const
double operator()(double energy, double inclination) const
class SimpleSplineFlux : public nuflux::FluxFunction
Public Functions
SimpleSplineFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
virtual double getFlux(ParticleType type, double energy, double cosZenith) const
Computes the expected flux for neutrinos of the given type, energy, and zenith angle.
virtual double getMinEnergy() const
virtual double getMaxEnergy() const
virtual double readExtents(ParticleType type) const
Public Static Functions
static boost::shared_ptr<FluxFunction> makeFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
Private Members
boost::shared_ptr<photospline::splinetable<>> spline
SimpleSplineFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
class SplineFlux2 : public nuflux::FluxFunction
Public Functions
SplineFlux2(const std::string &fluxName)
virtual double getFlux(ParticleType type, double energy, double cosZenith) const
Computes the expected flux for neutrinos of the given type, energy, and zenith angle.
virtual double readExtents(ParticleType type) const
inline bool PathExist(const std::string &name)
virtual double getMinEnergy() const
virtual double getMaxEnergy() const
Public Static Functions
static boost::shared_ptr<FluxFunction> makeFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
Private Members
std::map<ParticleType, boost::shared_ptr<photospline::splinetable<>>> components
SplineFlux2(const std::string &fluxName)
struct splineSegment
namespace nuflux
bool isNeutrino(ParticleType pdgid)
Determines if particle type is a neutrino.
boost::shared_ptr<FluxFunction> makeFlux(const std::string &fluxName)
Constructs a FluxFunction object for the named flux \fluxName the name of the flux being requested
- Throws:
std::invalid_argument – if fluxName does not correspond to a known flux
std::vector<std::string> availableFluxes()
Returns a list of the names of the supported flux models (which may be used when calling makeFlux)
std::vector<std::string> kneesForFlux(std::string fluxName)
Returns a list of the names of the supported cosmic ray knee reweighting models for the given base neutrino flux
- Parameters:
fluxName – the base neutrino flux
void printModels()
Print an listing of all supported models.
std::string getVersion()
Return the current nuflux version.
LegacyConventionalFlux::component readConvComponent(const std::string &fname)
bool classifyCriticalEnergy(double E_c)
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, LegacyConventionalFlux::component::progenitorComponent &c)
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, LegacyConventionalFlux::component &c)
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, LegacyConventionalFlux::kneeSpline &s)
LegacyPromptFlux::component readPromptComponent(const std::string &path)
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, LegacyPromptFlux::component &c)
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, LegacyPromptFlux::kneeFunction &kf)
bool isNeutrino(ParticleType pdgid)
namespace detail
Things which are useful or necessary internally for the library but which aren’t useful for users.
Add a flux to the registry.
Add a flux to the registry with a warning that it is deprecated.
std::string getDataPath(std::string fname)
void registerKneeModel(const std::string baseModel, const std::string name)
const char *getBaseDir()
std::map<std::string, FluxFactory> *registry = NULL
std::multimap<std::string, std::string> *kneeRegistry = NULL
- file ANFlux.h
- #include <photospline/splinetable.h>#include <nuflux/nuflux.h>
- file Fluxes.h
- #include <nuflux/LegacyConventionalFlux.h>#include <nuflux/LegacyPromptFlux.h>#include <nuflux/SplineFlux.h>#include <nuflux/SplineFlux2.h>
- file FluxFunction.h
- #include <cmath>#include <string>#include <stdexcept>#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>#include <nuflux/nuflux.h>
- file IPLEFlux.h
- #include <nuflux/nuflux.h>
- file LegacyConventionalFlux.h
- #include <nuflux/nuflux.h>#include <iosfwd>#include <map>
- file LegacyPromptFlux.h
- #include <nuflux/nuflux.h>#include <iosfwd>#include <map>
- file nuflux.h
- #include <vector>#include <nuflux/FluxFunction.h>#include <nuflux/Fluxes.h>
std::string getDataPath(std::string fname)
std::string getDataPath(std::string fname)
- file SplineFlux.h
- #include <photospline/splinetable.h>#include <nuflux/nuflux.h>
- file SplineFlux2.h
- #include <photospline/splinetable.h>#include <nuflux/nuflux.h>
- file ANFlux.cpp
- #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>#include “nuflux/ANFlux.h”
- file detail.cpp
- #include <string>#include “config.h”
- file FluxFunction.cpp
- #include <nuflux/nuflux.h>#include <iostream>#include “config.h”
- file IPLEFlux.cpp
- #include <iostream>#include <cmath>#include <fstream>#include <vector>#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>#include <nuflux/IPLEFlux.h>
- file LegacyConventionalFlux.cpp
- #include <fstream>#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>#include “nuflux/LegacyConventionalFlux.h”
- file LegacyPromptFlux.cpp
- #include <fstream>#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>#include <nuflux/LegacyPromptFlux.h>
const float eMax = 1e10
const float eMax = 1e10
- file SplineFlux.cpp
- #include <fstream>#include <iostream>#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>#include <nuflux/SplineFlux.h>
- file SplineFlux2.cpp
- #include <fstream>#include <iostream>#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>#include <nuflux/SplineFlux2.h>
- dir /home/runner/work/nuflux/nuflux/src/include
- dir /home/runner/work/nuflux/nuflux/src/library
- dir /home/runner/work/nuflux/nuflux/src/include/nuflux
- dir /home/runner/work/nuflux/nuflux/src