The core execution functions for running on a node.
The fundamental design of the core is to run a task composed of trays and
modules. The general heirarchy looks like::
|- tray1
|- module1
|- module2
|- tray2
|- module3
|- module4
Parameters can be defined at every level, and each level is treated as a
scope (such that inner scopes inherit from outer scopes). This is
accomplished via an internal evironment for each scope.
Data movement should be defined at the task level.
from contextlib import contextmanager
import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import StrEnum
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterator, Optional
from iceprod.core import config
from iceprod.core.defaults import add_default_options
from iceprod.core import util
from iceprod.core import functions
import iceprod.core.parser
from iceprod.core.jsonUtil import json_encode,json_decode
class ConfigError(Exception):
class ConfigParser:
Parse things using a config and the tray/task/module environment.
Note: dataset config must be valid!
dataset: a dataset object with config
logger: a logger object, for localized logging
def __init__(self, dataset: config.Dataset, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None):
self.config = dataset.config
self.logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger()
self.parser = iceprod.core.parser.ExpParser()
def parseValue(self, value: Any, env: dict = {}) -> Any:
Parse a value from the available env and global config.
If the value is a string:
1. Use the :class:`Meta Parser <iceprod.core.parser>` to parse the string.
2. Expand any env variables in the result.
If the value is not a string, pass through the value.
value: the value to parse
env: tray/task/module env
the parsed value
if isinstance(value, str):
self.logger.debug('parse before:%r| env=%r| options=%r', value, env, self.config.get('options'))
while value != (ret := self.parser.parse(value, self.config, env)):
value = ret
if isinstance(value, str):
value = os.path.expandvars(value)
self.logger.debug('parse after:%r', value)
return value
def parseObject(self, obj: Any, env: dict) -> Any:
Recursively parse a dict or list.
Do not modify original object.
obj: object to parse
env: tray/task/module env
the parsed object
if isinstance(obj, str):
return self.parseValue(obj, env)
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
return [self.parseObject(v, env) for v in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
ret = copy.copy(obj) # use copy.copy in case it's a subclass of dict
for k in obj:
ret[k] = self.parseObject(obj[k], env)
return ret
return obj
Env = dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
def scope_env(cfg: ConfigParser, obj: dict, upperenv: Optional[Env] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None) -> Iterator[Env]:
A context manager for parsing scoped config, such as parameters.
The returned environment is a dictionary composed of several objects:
* parameters
Parameters are defined directly as an object, or as a string pointing
to another object. They can use the IceProd meta-language to be
defined in relation to other parameters specified in inherited
scopes, or as eval or sprinf functions.
* input_files
A set of Data objects (urls and local paths), for files to download before
the task starts.
* output_files
A set of Data objects (urls and local paths), for files to upload after the
task successfully completes.
`input_files` and `output_files` are global, while `parameters` is inherited
at each scope level.
cfg: ConfigParser object
obj: A partial dataset config section to operate on. The local scope.
upperenv: previous scope's env output
logger: a logger object, for localized logging
env: Env = {
'parameters': {},
'input_files': [],
'output_files': [],
'upper_input_files': [],
'upper_output_files': [],
'environment': {
if upperenv:
env['upper_input_files'] = upperenv['input_files'] + upperenv['upper_input_files']
env['upper_output_files'] = upperenv['output_files'] + upperenv['upper_output_files']
logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger()
# copy parameters
if 'parameters' in obj:
# copy new parameters to env first so local referrals work
# parse parameter values and update if necessary
for p in obj['parameters']:
newval = cfg.parseValue(obj['parameters'][p], env)
if newval != obj['parameters'][p]:
env['parameters'][p] = newval
if 'data' in obj:
# download data
for data in obj['data']:
d = cfg.parseObject(data, env)
if d['movement'] in ('input','both'):
ret = downloadData(d, cfg=cfg, logger=logger)
if ret:
if d['movement'] in ('output','both'):
ret = uploadData(d, cfg=cfg, logger=logger)
if ret:
# add input and output to parseable options
cfg.config['options']['input'] = ' '.join(d.local for d in (env['input_files'] + env['upper_input_files']))
cfg.config['options']['output'] = ' '.join(d.local for d in (env['output_files'] + env['upper_output_files']))
logging.info('input: %r', cfg.config['options']['input'])
logging.info('output: %r', cfg.config['options']['output'])
except util.NoncriticalError:
logger.warning('Noncritical error when setting up environment', exc_info=True)
except Exception:
logger.critical('Serious error when setting up environment', exc_info=True)
yield env
class Transfer(StrEnum):
TRUE = 'true'
MAYBE = 'maybe'
FALSE = 'false'
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class Data:
IceProd Data instance
url: url location
local: local filename
transfer: whether to transfer file (true | maybe | false)
url: str
local: str
transfer: Transfer
def __str__(self):
return f"Data(url='{self.url}', local='{self.local}', transfer='{str(self.transfer)}')"
def storage_location(data: dict, parser: ConfigParser) -> str:
Get data storage location from the config.
data: data config object
parser: config parser
storage location
config = parser.config
type_ = data['type'].lower()
if type_ not in ['permanent', 'job_temp', 'dataset_temp', 'site_temp']:
raise ConfigError('data movement "type" is unknown')
if 'options' in config and type_ in config['options']:
return parser.parseValue(config['options'][type_])
elif type_ == 'permanent':
if 'options' in config and 'data_url' in config['options']:
return parser.parseValue(config['options']['data_url'])
raise ConfigError('"data_url" not defined in config["options"]')
raise ConfigError(f'{type_} not defined in config["options"]')
def do_transfer(data: dict) -> Transfer:
Test if we should actually transfer the file.
data: data config object
ret = Transfer.TRUE
if isinstance(data['transfer'], bool):
ret = Transfer.TRUE if data['transfer'] else Transfer.FALSE
elif isinstance(data['transfer'], str):
t = data['transfer'].lower()
if t in ('n', 'no', 'not', 'f', 'false'):
ret = Transfer.FALSE
elif t in ('y', 'yes', 't', 'true'):
ret = Transfer.TRUE
elif t in ('maybe', 'exists'):
ret = Transfer.MAYBE
raise Exception('unknown transfer type')
elif isinstance(data['transfer'], (int, float)):
ret = Transfer.FALSE if data['transfer'] == 0 else Transfer.TRUE
return ret
def downloadData(data: dict, cfg: ConfigParser, logger=None) -> Optional[Data]:
Parse download url and local filename.
data: data config object
cfg: config parser
either None or a Data object
if not logger:
logger = logging
remote_base = storage_location(data, cfg)
logger.debug('downloadData(): remote_base: %r', remote_base)
remote = str(data['remote']) if data['remote'] is not None else ''
local = str(data['local']) if data['local'] is not None else ''
if not remote and not local:
raise ConfigError('need either "remote" or "local" defined for data')
if not remote:
url = os.path.join(remote_base, local)
elif functions.isurl(remote):
url = remote
url = os.path.join(remote_base, remote)
transfer = do_transfer(data)
if transfer == Transfer.FALSE:
logger.info('not transferring file %s', url)
if not local:
local = os.path.basename(remote)
return Data(url, local, transfer)
def uploadData(data: dict, cfg: ConfigParser, logger=None) -> Optional[Data]:
Parse download url and local filename.
data: data config object
cfg: config parser
either None or a Data object
if not logger:
logger = logging
remote_base = storage_location(data, cfg)
logger.debug('uploadData(): remote_base: %r', remote_base)
remote = str(data['remote']) if data['remote'] is not None else ''
local = str(data['local']) if data['local'] is not None else ''
if not remote and not local:
raise ConfigError('need either "remote" or "local" defined for data')
if not remote:
url = os.path.join(remote_base, local)
elif not functions.isurl(remote):
url = os.path.join(remote_base, remote)
url = remote
if not local:
local = os.path.basename(remote)
transfer = do_transfer(data)
if transfer == Transfer.FALSE:
logger.info('not transferring file %s', local)
return Data(url, local, transfer)
# Run Functions #
class WriteToScript:
Write a task to a Bash script, to execute manually.
task: a task object, with dataset config
workdir: a directory to write the task and any related files
options: extra dataset config options
logger: a logger object, for localized logging
def __init__(self, task: config.Task, workdir: Path, options: Optional[dict] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None):
self.task = task
self.workdir = workdir
self.logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger()
# default config setup
self.options = self.task.dataset.config['options']
if options:
self.cfgparser = ConfigParser(self.task.dataset, logger=self.logger)
# set up script
self.infiles: set[Data] = set()
self.outfiles: set[Data] = set()
def _fill_options(self):
self.options['dataset_id'] = self.task.dataset.dataset_id
self.options['dataset'] = self.task.dataset.dataset_num
self.options['job'] = self.task.job.job_index
self.options['jobs_submitted'] = self.task.dataset.jobs_submitted
self.options['task_id'] = self.task.task_id
self.options['task'] = self.task.name
self.options['debug'] = self.task.dataset.debug
def _add_input_files(self, files, f=None):
if f:
for data in files:
if data.transfer is Transfer.FALSE:
if data.url.startswith('gsiftp://'):
python_cmd = f'from iceprod.core.gridftp import GridFTP\nGridFTP.get("{data.url}", filename="$PWD/{data.local}")'
cmd = [
'python', '-', "<<____HERE\n" + python_cmd + '\n____HERE\n',
print(f'# Input: {data}', file=f)
print(' '.join(cmd), file=f)
print('', file=f)
def _add_output_files(self, files, f=None):
if f:
for data in files:
if data.transfer is Transfer.FALSE:
if data.url.startswith('gsiftp://'):
python_cmd = f'from iceprod.core.gridftp import GridFTP\nGridFTP.put("{data.url}", filename="$PWD/{data.local}")'
cmd_core = [
'python', '-', "<<____HERE\n" + python_cmd + '\n____HERE\n',
if data.transfer is Transfer.MAYBE:
cmd = [f'if [ -f {data.local} ]; then\n']
cmd += ['fi']
cmd = cmd_core
print(f'# Output: {data}', file=f)
print(' '.join(cmd), file=f)
print('', file=f)
async def convert(self, transfer=False):
Convert to bash script.
transfer: embed the file transfer into the script (default False)
scriptname = self.workdir / 'task_runner.sh'
with open(scriptname, 'w') as f:
print('#!/bin/sh', file=f)
print('set -e', file=f)
print('# Options:', file=f)
for field in self.options:
print(f'# {field}={self.options[field]}', file=f)
print('', file=f)
print('# set some env vars for expansion', file=f)
print('OS_ARCH=$(/cvmfs/icecube.opensciencegrid.org/py3-v4.3.0/os_arch.sh)', file=f)
print('', file=f)
with scope_env(self.cfgparser, self.task.dataset.config['steering'], logger=self.logger) as globalenv:
task = self.task.get_task_config()
if self.task.task_files:
self._add_input_files(globalenv['input_files'], f=(f if transfer else None))
self.logger.debug('converting task %s', self.task.name)
with scope_env(self.cfgparser, task, globalenv, logger=self.logger) as taskenv:
self._add_input_files(taskenv['input_files'], f=(f if transfer else None))
for i, tray in enumerate(task['trays']):
trayname = tray['name'] if tray.get('name', '') else i
for iteration in range(tray['iterations']):
self.options['iter'] = iteration
self.logger.debug('converting tray %r iter %d', trayname, iteration)
print(f'# running tray {trayname}, iter {iteration}', file=f)
with scope_env(self.cfgparser, tray, taskenv, logger=self.logger) as trayenv:
self._add_input_files(trayenv['input_files'], f=(f if transfer else None))
for j, module in enumerate(tray['modules']):
modulename = module['name'] if module.get('name', '') else j
self.logger.debug('converting module %r', modulename)
print(f'# running module {modulename}', file=f)
with scope_env(self.cfgparser, module, trayenv, logger=self.logger) as moduleenv:
self._add_input_files(moduleenv['input_files'], f=(f if transfer else None))
await self._write_module(module, moduleenv, file=f)
self._add_output_files(moduleenv['output_files'], f=(f if transfer else None))
print('', file=f)
self._add_output_files(trayenv['output_files'], f=(f if transfer else None))
self._add_output_files(taskenv['output_files'], f=(f if transfer else None))
self._add_output_files(globalenv['output_files'], f=(f if transfer else None))
scriptname.chmod(scriptname.stat().st_mode | 0o700)
return scriptname
async def _write_module(self, module, env, file):
module = module.copy()
if module['src']:
module_src = self.cfgparser.parseValue(module['src'], env)
if functions.isurl(module_src):
path = os.path.basename(module_src).split('?', 0)[0].split('#', 0)[0]
module_src = path
self.logger.info('running module %r with src %s', module['name'], module_src)
elif module['running_class']:
module_src = None
module_class = self.cfgparser.parseValue(module['running_class'], env)
self.logger.info('running module %r with class %s', module['name'], module_class)
self.logger.error('module is missing src')
raise ConfigError('error running module - need "src"')
if module['args']:
module['args'] = self.cfgparser.parseObject(module['args'], env)
if module['env_shell']:
module['env_shell'] = self.cfgparser.parseValue(module['env_shell'], env)
if module['configs']:
# parse twice to make sure it's parsed, even if it starts as a string
module['configs'] = self.cfgparser.parseObject(module['configs'], env)
module['configs'] = self.cfgparser.parseObject(module['configs'], env)
# set up env_shell
env_shell = []
if module['env_shell']:
env_shell = module['env_shell'].split()
if functions.isurl(env_shell[0]):
path = os.path.basename(env_shell[0]).split('?', 0)[0].split('#', 0)[0]
env_shell[0] = f'./{path}'
# set up the args
args = module['args']
if module_src:
if args is not None and args != '':
self.logger.warning('args=%s', args)
if args and isinstance(args, str) and args[0] in ('{', '['):
args = json_decode(args)
if args and isinstance(args, dict) and set(args) == {'args', 'kwargs'}:
args = self.cfgparser.parseObject(args, env)
elif isinstance(args, str):
args = {"args": [self.cfgparser.parseValue(x, env) for x in args.split()], "kwargs": {}}
elif isinstance(args, list):
args = {"args": [self.cfgparser.parseValue(x, env) for x in args], "kwargs": {}}
elif isinstance(args, dict):
args = {"args": [], "kwargs": self.cfgparser.parseObject(args, env)}
args = {"args": [str(args)], "kwargs": {}}
# convert to cmdline args
def splitter(a,b):
ret = ('-%s' if len(str(a)) <= 1 else '--%s')%str(a)
if b is None:
return ret
return ret+'='+str(b)
args = args['args'] + [splitter(a, args['kwargs'][a]) for a in args['kwargs']]
# force args to string
def toStr(a):
if isinstance(a,(bytes,str)):
return a
return str(a)
args = [toStr(a) for a in args]
args = []
# construct a python file to call the class
parsed_args = self.cfgparser.parseObject(args, env)
pymodule, class_ = module_class.rsplit('.', 1)
args = f"""import json
from {pymodule} import {class_}
args = json.loads('''{json_encode(parsed_args)}''')
obj = {class_}()
for k,v in args.items():
obj.SetParameter(k, v)
# set up the environment
cmd = []
if env_shell:
# set up configs
if module['configs']:
for filename in module['configs']:
self.logger.info('creating config %r', filename)
with open(self.workdir / filename, 'w') as f:
data = Data(
url=str(self.workdir / filename),
# run the module
if (not module_src):
cmd.extend(['python', '-', "<<____HERE\n" + args + '\n____HERE\n'])
elif module_src[-3:] == '.py':
# call as python script
cmd.extend(['python', module_src] + args)
elif module_src[-3:] == '.sh':
# call as shell script
cmd.extend(['/bin/sh', module_src] + args)
# call as regular executable
if module_src[0] != '/':
module_src = f'./{module_src}'
cmd.extend([module_src] + args)
if module['env_clear']:
# must be on cvmfs-like environ for this to apply
envstr = 'env -i PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1 '
envstr += f'{k}=${k} '
cmd = envstr.split()+cmd
print(' '.join(cmd), file=file)