Project NuRadioMCInterface

Invoke with: import icecube.NuRadioMCInterface

Python I3Modules


EventFilterModule (Python I3Module)

IceTray module which is a wrapper around the class EventFilter.

Param excludedOMtypes:

Default = None, excludedOMtypes

Param GDCFile:

Default = '/cvmfs/', GDCFile

Param onlyTracks:

Default = False, onlyTracks

Param padding:

Default = 300.0, padding


NuRadioMCReader (Python I3Module)

This module reads NuRadioMC’s hdf5 files and injects particles to simulated the optical counter part of radio-producing neutrino events. It only injects the primary neutrino and particles produced in the primary neutrino interaction: A secondary lepton and a hadron bundle. Any secondary particle interaction which might have been simulated with NuRadioMC using PROPOSAL is ignored! So far only neutral- and charge- current interactions are supported.

Param FilenameList:

Default = [], Inputfile list

Param RelativePosition:

Default = array([-11760.25,   3354.67]), Relative position of coordinate origin in NuRadioMC (only x, y) in meter. Run scripts/blob/gen2-tdr-2021/gen2-tdr-2021/detector/ to get the numbers for the different tdr array layouts. The default is for the baseline array.

Param SelectMuonsAndTaus:

Default = False, By default all possible neutrino flavors and interaction types found in the input files are processed. If this parameter is set, select only CC-interactions of muon and tau neutrinos which are most relevant for concidence studies.

Param UseRadioTrigger:

Default = False, Select only _showers_ which have a trigger simulated by NuRadioMC/Reco. Be aware that although the shower of the first interaction might not have triggered, the event could be triggered…. Typically only triggered events are stored …. A correct check if the event triggered is not implemented yet.


ParticleTypeRecover (Python I3Module)

This module sets the particle type of particles (of events) for which the type was not stored and set to “UNKNOWN” by the reader [#]_. The particle type for the primary neutrino and daughter lepton is only set if it can be determine unambiguously from “NuRadioMC_GeneratorInfo” (omitting the difference between (anti)neutrino as it does not matter at radio energies ~> 10 PeV).