Project SLOPtools

Invoke with: import icecube.SLOPtools

Python I3Modules


MPCleaner (Python I3Module)


Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param MaxTimeBetweenPulses:

Default = 300000, Maximum time between two pulses in one DOM

Param MinNumberOfPulses:

Default = 3, Minimum number of pulses in one DOM

Param MinTimeBetweenPulses:

Default = 10000, Minimum time between two pulses in one DOM

Param PulseMapName:

Default = 'SLOPPulseMask', Name of the input pulse map


TupleTagger (Python I3Module)


Param alpha_min:

Default = 140, Minimum opening angle for tuples

Param ConstrainToTriggerTime:

Default = False, Only evaluate hits from within the trigger window

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param LaunchMapName:

Default = 'InIceRawData', Name of the DOMLaunch map

Param max_event_length:

Default = 5000000, Maximum event length

Param min_tuples:

Default = 5, Minimum number of tuples

Param PulseMapName:

Default = 'SLOPPulseMask', Name of the pulse map or mask

Param rel_v:

Default = 0.5, Relative velocity inside a tuple

Param RunOnLaunches:

Default = False, Tag tuples from launches

Param RunOnPulses:

Default = True, Tag tuples from pulses

Param t_max:

Default = 500000, Maximum time difference inside a tuple

Param t_min:

Default = 0, Minimum time difference inside a tuple

Param t_proximity:

Default = 2500, Muon cleaning time