Project SiPMResponseSimulator

Invoke with: import icecube.SiPMResponseSimulator

C++ I3Modules


"SiPMResponseSimulator" (C++ I3Module)


Param AfterPulseProbability:

Default = 0.005, The probability that a pulse produces an accompanying afterpulse

Param CrosstalkProbability:

Default = 0.084, The probability that a pulse produces an accompanying crosstalk pulse

Param IceActPulseShapeFile:

Default = '', Specify which file to read in for the SiPM pulse shape.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param Input:

Default = 'I3MCPESeriesMap', The name of the I3MCPESeriesMap to process.

Param NoiseWindow:

Default = 500, The noise window in ns around the MCHits(plus and minus)

Param NSBNoise:

Default = 39062500.0, NSB noise rate in Hz

Param NumberOfCells:

Default = 57600.0, Number of SiPM GAPD cells

Param Output:

Default = 'I3MCSiPMPulseSeriesMap', The name of the I3MCPESeriesMap to be produced

Param OutputWaveform:

Default = 'I3WaveformMap', The name of the I3WaveformMap to be produced

Param RandomServiceName:

Default = 'I3RandomService', Name of the random service in the context.

Param SiPMAmp:

Default = 0.5, The pulse amplitude of the SiPM in mV

Param SiPMBaseline:

Default = 0.2, The voltage baseline of the SiPM in mV

Param SiPMGainJitter:

Default = 0.1, The gain fluctuations of the SiPM

Param SiPMWhiteNoise:

Default = 0.001, The baseline white noise in %

Param ThermalNoise:

Default = 106667.0, Thermal noise rate in Hz

Param UseIceAct:

Default = False, Whether to use IceAct PE maps

Param UseSiPMJitter:

Default = False, Whether the times of pulses should be randomly perturbed

Python I3Modules


ScintTrigger (Python I3Module)


Param MCSiPMSeriesMap:

Default = 'MCSiPMPESeriesMap_Pulses', Name of pulse series map to write from

Param SiPMRecoPulses:

Default = 'SiPMRecoPulses', Name of pulse series map to write to

Param TimeWindow:

Default = 36.0, Trigger window in ns

Param VEMCalibScint:

Default = 43.0, Calibration value for scintillators