Project StartingTrackVeto¶
Invoke with: import icecube.StartingTrackVeto
C++ I3Modules¶
- StartingTrackVeto¶
(C++ I3Module)Estimates an events startingness using photon tables,.
- Param BadDOMs:
Default =
, Name of BadDOMs object to use (I assume there is a corresponding SLC list)- Param Cascade:
Default =
, Run calculation assuming the event is a cascade?- Param Distance_Along_Track_Type:
Default =
, cher_dat: Distance along track from Cherenkov angle cad_dat: Distance along track from closest approach position contrib_dat: Distance along track from Cherenkov Angles contributing from segments- Param Fit:
Default =
, Name of the fit to use- Param Geometry:
Default =
, Name of geometry object to use- Param IcePickServiceKey:
Default =
, Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.- Param If:
Default =
, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t- Param Min_CAD_Dist:
Default =
, Minimum closest approach distance considered for calculation- Param Miss_Prob_Thresh:
Default =
, Miss probability threshold for rejection- Param Particle_Segments:
Default =
, Name of the particle segments to use- Param Photonics_Service:
Default =
, Photon service to use- Param Pulses:
Default =
, Name of pulse series to use- Param Standard_Deviation_Spacing:
Default =
, How many standard deviations wide is the muon->veto region border- Param Supress_Stochastics:
Default =
, Apply stochastic supression?- Param Time_Edge_Max:
Default =
, Maximum of the time edges- Param Time_Edge_Min:
Default =
, Minimum of the time edges- Param Time_Edge_NSteps:
Default =
, Number of steps for the time edges