Project TopologicalSplitter

Invoke with: import icecube.TopologicalSplitter

C++ I3Modules


"I3TopologicalSplitter" (C++ I3Module)

The main splitter module.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputName:

Default = '', Name of the pulses to split

Param Multiplicity:

Default = 4, Required number of connected hits to form a subevent

Param OutputName:

Default = '', Name of the pulses to put in the split frames

Param SaveSplitCount:

Default = False, Whether to save an integer in the frame indicating the number of subevents generated

Param SubEventStreamName:

Default = '', The name of the SubEvent stream.

Param TimeCone:

Default = 1000.0, Maximum deviation from speed of light travel time which will allow a pair of hits to be considered connected

Param TimeWindow:

Default = 4000.0, Time span within which the multiplicity requirement must be met

Param XYDist:

Default = 500.0, Maximum horizontal distance within which hits will be considered connected

Param ZDomDist:

Default = 30, Maximum vertical distance within which hits on the same string will be considered connected, expressed as a number of DOM spacings (unitless)


"TTriggerSplitter" (C++ I3Module)

A module with the same interface as the TTriggerSplitter module provided by the ttrigger project.

Param CBWindow:

Default = 0.0, DEPRECATED

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputName:

Default = '', Name of the pulses to split

Param LCSpan:

Default = -1, DEPRECATED

Param LCWindow:

Default = 0.0, DEPRECATED

Param Multiplicity:

Default = 4, Required number of connected hits to form a subevent

Param OutputName:

Default = '', Name of the pulses to put in the split frames

Param SaveSplitCount:

Default = False, Whether to save an integer in the frame indicating the number of subevents generated

Param SubEventStreamName:

Default = '', The name of the SubEvent stream.

Param TimeCone:

Default = 1000.0, Maximum deviation from speed of light travel time which will allow a pair of hits to be considered connected

Param TimeWindow:

Default = 4000.0, Time span within which the multiplicity requirement must be met

Param Topo:

Default = 1, DEPRECATED

Param XYDist:

Default = 500.0, Maximum horizontal distance within which hits will be considered connected

Param ZDomDist:

Default = 30, Maximum vertical distance within which hits on the same string will be considered connected, expressed as a number of DOM spacings (unitless)


"ttrigger<I3RecoPulse>" (C++ I3Module)


Param CBWindow:

Default = 0.0, DEPRECATED

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputName:

Default = '', Name of the pulses to split

Param InputNames:

Default = [], DEPRECATED

Param LCSpan:

Default = -1, DEPRECATED

Param LCWindow:

Default = 0.0, DEPRECATED

Param Multiplicity:

Default = 4, Required number of connected hits to form a subevent

Param OutputName:

Default = '', Name of the pulses to put in the split frames

Param SaveSplitCount:

Default = False, Whether to save an integer in the frame indicating the number of subevents generated

Param SubEventStreamName:

Default = '', The name of the SubEvent stream.

Param TimeCone:

Default = 1000.0, Maximum deviation from speed of light travel time which will allow a pair of hits to be considered connected

Param TimeWindow:

Default = 4000.0, Time span within which the multiplicity requirement must be met

Param Topo:

Default = 1, DEPRECATED

Param XYDist:

Default = 500.0, Maximum horizontal distance within which hits will be considered connected

Param ZDomDist:

Default = 30, Maximum vertical distance within which hits on the same string will be considered connected, expressed as a number of DOM spacings (unitless)