Project icetray

Invoke with: import icecube.icetray

C++ I3Modules


"AddNulls" (C++ I3Module)


Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param where:

Default = [], vector of keys: null pointer gets added to each


"AllParametersModule" (C++ I3Module)


Param bool_param:

Default = True, description of bool

Param double_param:

Default = 3.141592653589793, description of double

Param doublevec_param:

Default = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9], vector of doubles

Param int_param:

Default = 2147483647, description of int

Param intvec_param:

Default = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], vector of ints

Param long_param:

Default = 9223372036854775807, description of long

Param omkey_param:

Default = OMKey(-666,666,0), OMKey!

Param omkeyvec_param:

Default = [OMKey(0,0,0), OMKey(-1,1,0), OMKey(-2,2,0), OMKey(-3,3,0)], OMG a vector of omkeys lol

Param service_ptr_param:

Default = None, pointer to service.

Param string_param:

Default = "We can't stop here.  This is Bat Country!", description of string

Param stringvec_param:

Default = ['one', 'two', 'three'], vector of strings

Param uchar_param:

Default = 255, description of uchar


"BottomlessSource" (C++ I3Module)


Param Stream:

Default = icetray.I3Frame.Physics, Frame type to generate


"ContextFreeServiceTestModule" (C++ I3Module)


Param service_ptr_param:

Default = None, pointer to service.


"Copy" (C++ I3Module)


Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param Keys:

Default = [], pairs of keys [src_1, dst_1, src_2, dst_2,… src_n, dst_n]


"CountFrames" (C++ I3Module)

An icetray module which will check whether a configurable set of frame elements is (or is not) present on each stream.

Param Calibration:

Default = 0, Ensure stream Calibration occurs this many times

Param DAQ:

Default = 0, Ensure stream DAQ occurs this many times

Param DetectorStatus:

Default = 0, Ensure stream DetectorStatus occurs this many times

Param Geometry:

Default = 0, Ensure stream Geometry occurs this many times

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param Physics:

Default = 0, Ensure stream Physics occurs this many times


"CountObject" (C++ I3Module)

An icetray module which will count the number of frame objects at some location and verify against some expected number passed as an argument.

Param expected:

Default = 0, expected count of objects at this location

Param where:

Default = '', where to count frame objects


"CreateBlobs" (C++ I3Module)


Param DropMemoryData:

Default = False, Drop the in-memory shared_ptr after creating the blob.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t


"Delete" (C++ I3Module)


Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param Keys:

Default = [], Delete objects with these names or…

Param KeyStarts:

Default = [], …objects with names that start with any of these strings


"Dump" (C++ I3Module)


Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t


"Fork" (C++ I3Module)


Param Outboxes:

Default = [], List of outboxes


"FrameCheck" (C++ I3Module)

An icetray module which will check whether a configurable set of frame elements is (or is not) present on each stream.

Param Ensure_Calibration_Has:

Default = [], Ensure stream Calibration has these keys

Param Ensure_Calibration_Hasnt:

Default = [], Ensure stream Calibration does not have these keys

Param Ensure_DAQ_Has:

Default = [], Ensure stream DAQ has these keys

Param Ensure_DAQ_Hasnt:

Default = [], Ensure stream DAQ does not have these keys

Param Ensure_DetectorStatus_Has:

Default = [], Ensure stream DetectorStatus has these keys

Param Ensure_DetectorStatus_Hasnt:

Default = [], Ensure stream DetectorStatus does not have these keys

Param Ensure_Geometry_Has:

Default = [], Ensure stream Geometry has these keys

Param Ensure_Geometry_Hasnt:

Default = [], Ensure stream Geometry does not have these keys

Param Ensure_Physics_Has:

Default = [], Ensure stream Physics has these keys

Param Ensure_Physics_Hasnt:

Default = [], Ensure stream Physics does not have these keys


"Get" (C++ I3Module)


Param Keys:

Default = [], Keys to Get<I3FrameObject> on. If not specified, get all.

Param Streams:

Default = [], vector of I3Frame::Streams to do the Gets on. If not specified, do it on Geometry, Calibration, DetectorStatus, and Physics


"IntGenerator" (C++ I3Module)



"Keep" (C++ I3Module)


Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param Keys:

Default = ['I3Calibration', 'I3DetectorStatus', 'I3Geometry', 'DrivingTime', 'I3EventHeader'], Keep frame objects with names that match any of these strings

Param KeyStarts:

Default = [], Keep frame objects with names that start with any of these strings

Param Streams:

Default = [icetray.I3Frame.DAQ, icetray.I3Frame.Physics], A list of frame types which this function should fire on. By default runs only on DAQ and physics frames


"LoggingExampleModule" (C++ I3Module)



"MaintainInitialValuesModule" (C++ I3Module)


Param bool_param:

Default = True, description of bool

Param double_param:

Default = 3.141592653589793, description of double

Param int_param:

Default = 2147483647, description of int

Param long_param:

Default = 9223372036854775807, description of long

Param omkey_param:

Default = OMKey(-666,666,0), OMKey!

Param service_ptr_param:

Default = <icecube._icetray.MyService object at 0x104801d90>, pointer to service.

Param string_param:

Default = "We can't stop here.  This is Bat Country!", description of string

Param uchar_param:

Default = 255, description of uchar


"ManyStreamsSource" (C++ I3Module)



"PhysicsBuffer" (C++ I3Module)


Param batchpush:

Default = 13, batch-push every N events

Param buffersize:

Default = 0, number frames to buffer


"Rename" (C++ I3Module)


Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param Keys:

Default = [], Rename objects in frame by name: [From1, To1, From2, To2 … FromN, ToN]


"TrashCan" (C++ I3Module)


Python I3Modules


RoundRobinStreams (Python I3Module)

Module creates and pushes frames of different types.

Param Streams:

Default = [icetray.I3Frame.Physics], Which frame types should we issue