Project level3_filter_cascade

Invoke with: import icecube.level3_filter_cascade

Python I3Modules


HoboTimeSplitter (Python I3Module)

Split an event into halves on the charge-weighted mean time.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param Output:

Default = '', Name of the mask in the output P frames

Param Pulses:

Default = '', Pulses to split


RateTracker (Python I3Module)


Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

I3Tray segments


CascadeL3 (I3Tray segment)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Param gcdfile:

Default = None,

Param infiles:

Default = None,

Param output_i3:

Default = None,

Param AmplitudeTable:

Default = None,

Param TimingTable:

Default = None,

Param MCbool:

Default = None,

Param MCtype:

Default = None,

Param Year:

Default = None,

Param Minimizer:

Default = 'MIGRAD',


L3_Monopod (I3Tray segment)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Param year:

Default = None,

Param Pulses:

Default = 'OfflinePulses',

Param AmplitudeTable:

Default = '/data/sim/sim-new/downloads/spline-tables/ems_mie_z20_a10.abs.fits',

Param TimingTable:

Default = '/data/sim/sim-new/downloads/spline-tables/ems_mie_z20_a10.prob.fits',

Param Minimizer:

Default = 'MIGRAD',


preparePulses (I3Tray segment)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Param Simulation:

Default = False,

Param Qified:

Default = True,

Param InIceCscd:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x10a896ca0>,


HighLevelFits (I3Tray segment)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Param pulses:

Default = None,

Param InIceCscd:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x107a2c900>,


multiCalculator (I3Tray segment)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Param pulses:

Default = None,

Param InIceCscd:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x1031c20c0>,


CascadeLlhVertexFit (I3Tray segment)

Run CscdLlhVertexFit, seeded with CLast.

Param Pulses:

Default = None,

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x10a8967a0>,


CoreRemovalFits (I3Tray segment)

Remove the cascade-like core of pulses around a reconstructed vertex from the event, and run SPEFit+CscdLlh on the core and corona separately.

Param Pulses:

Default = 'OfflinePulses',

Param Vertex:

Default = 'CredoFit',

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x10a896160>,


SPEFit (I3Tray segment)

Run SPE Fit.

Param Pulses:

Default = 'OfflinePulses',

Param Jitter:

Default = 15.0,

Param NoiseRate:

Default = 1e-08,

Param Iterations:

Default = 1,

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x10a896660>,


SplitFits (I3Tray segment)

Run SPEFit and CascadeLlh on split pulse series named thing_0 and thing_1.

Param BasePulses:

Default = None,

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x10a896520>,


TimeSplitFits (I3Tray segment)

Split the event in two time haves and run SPEFit+CscdLlh on each half separately

Param Pulses:

Default = 'OfflinePulses',

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x10a895e40>,


runVeto_Coinc (I3Tray segment)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Param pulses:

Default = None,

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x1031c14e0>,


runVeto_Singles (I3Tray segment)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Param pulses:

Default = None,

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x1031c1300>,


TopologicalCounter (I3Tray segment)

Count the number of topological clusters in a given pulse series map, using only the first HLC pulse in each DOM.

Param pulses:

Default = 'OfflinePulsesHLC',

Param InIceCscd:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x1031c11c0>,