Project toprec

Invoke with: import icecube.toprec

C++ I3Modules


"I3LaputopFitter" (C++ I3Module)

Gulliver-based module to mimic “I3TopLateralFit” in the toprec project.

Param CurvFunctions:

Default = [], List of Curvature functions for steps Available: “gausspar” or (empty string)

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param LDFFunctions:

Default = [], List of LDF functions for steps Available: “dlp”

Param LogLikelihoodService:

Default = '', LogLikelihood service to use (1st iteration

Param Minimizer:

Default = '', Name of minimizer service to use

Param NSteps:

Default = 1, Number of steps (from 1 to 4)

Param Parametrization1:

Default = '', Parametrization service (1st iteration)

Param Parametrization2:

Default = '', Parametrization service (2nd iteration)

Param Parametrization3:

Default = '', Parametrization service (3rd iteration)

Param Parametrization4:

Default = '', Parametrization service (4th iteration)

Param SeedService:

Default = '', Name of seed service

Param StoragePolicy:

Default = 'OnlyBestFit', Select whether you’d like to have (1) “OnlyBestFit” (default) only a single result (the fit with the best likelihood, storing the I3Particle, I3LogLikelihoodFitParams and if relevant the nonstd part); or (2) “Intermediate” : Store result of intermediate likelihoods


"I3TopRecoCore" (C++ I3Module)

Takes station responses and calculates the core by making a COG calculation on the positions.

Param datareadout:

Default = 'ITSimData', Name of the input PulseSeriesMap

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param ntanks:

Default = -1, Number of highest charge tanks to use in COG calculation. Uses all tanks if set to a value <= 0 (default).

Param showercore:

Default = 'ShowerCOG', Label for the resulting core fit in the frame

Param verbose:

Default = False, Verbosity of core reconstruction

Param weighting_power:

Default = 0.5, power for the weighting - the weight will be PE^power


"I3TopRecoPlane" (C++ I3Module)

Takes station responses and guesses the shower front by chisquare fitting a plane.

Param datareadout:

Default = 'ITSimData', Name of the input PulseSeriesMap

Param EventHeaderName:

Default = 'I3EventHeader', Event header name

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param showerplane:

Default = 'ShowerPlane', Label of the resulting shower plane fit

Param trigger:

Default = 3, Minimum number of stations you want to require

Param verbose:

Default = False, Verbosity of planing

C++ ServiceFactorys


"I3BORSSnowAttenuationServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param EMOnly:

Default = False, Are you feeding me the EM signal only? (boolean)


"I3CurvatureParametrizationServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param FreeA:

Default = False, Let A float as a free parameter?

Param FreeD:

Default = False, Let D float as a free parameter?

Param FreeN:

Default = False, Let N float as a free parameter?

Param FreeT:

Default = False, Let T float as a free parameter?

Param MaxA:

Default = 0.001, Maximum A

Param MaxD:

Default = 200.0, Maximum D

Param MaxN:

Default = 50.0, Maximum N

Param MaxT:

Default = 50000.0, Maximum T

Param MinA:

Default = 0.0001, Minimum A

Param MinD:

Default = 10.0, Minimum D

Param MinN:

Default = 0.0, Minimum N

Param MinT:

Default = 9000.0, Minimum T

Param StepsizeA:

Default = 5e-06, Stepsize for A

Param StepsizeD:

Default = 1.0, Stepsize for D

Param StepsizeN:

Default = 1.0, Stepsize for N

Param StepsizeT:

Default = 100.0, Stepsize for T


"I3CurvatureSeedServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param A:

Default = -1.0, Parameter describing curvature parabola coefficient A

Param D:

Default = -1.0, Parameter describing curvature gaussian parameter D

Param N:

Default = -1.0, Parameter describing curvature gaussian normalization N

Param SeedTrackName:

Default = 'Laputop', Name of the seed track

Param T:

Default = -1.0, Track time T


"I3LaputopLikelihoodServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param badtanks:

Default = '', Name of the list of tanks to be ignored by the likelihood

Param CorrectEnvironment:

Default = False, Correct expected signal for pressure/temp (option not currently available)

Param curvature:

Default = 'gausspar', Use also the timing information of defined funtion to fit core & direction in one go. Available options: gausspar, kislat or an empty string to turn off the combined fit. NOTE: “kislat” is experimental. Don’t use.

Param datareadout:

Default = 'TopEvent_0', Name of the input PulseSeriesMap

Param dynamiccoretreatment:

Default = 11.0, Radius from the core, within which to perform DYNAMIC treatment of tanks in LLH calculation (use llh value as if pulse was at THIS distance, does NOT do any cut on pulses)

Param ldf:

Default = 'dlp', Desired lateral density function (dlp = Double Logarithmic Parabola, nkg = NKG function or power = Powerlaw)

Param MaxIntraStationTimeDiff:

Default = -1.0, Don’t use stations for timing likelihood when the difference in time is larger than this value, all stations used when <0.

Param OldXYZ:

Default = False, Use the (old) way of assigning XY according to DOM, rather than tank

Param SaturationLikelihood:

Default = True, Use likelihood term for saturated signals

Param SnowServiceName:

Default = 'SimpleSnow', Name of the SnowAttenuation Service to use (Simple, RADE, etc.)

Param softwarethreshold:

Default = -1.0, Apply a software threshold to all pulses. LC is recalculated.

Param trigger:

Default = 5, Minimum number of stations you want to require


"I3LaputopParametrizationServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param BetaStepsize:

Default = 0.6, Stepsize for the beta (or age)

Param coreXYLimits:

Default = 2000.0, Maximum/minimum of X and Y of core (default = 2000)

Param fixCore:

Default = False, Fix the seed Core? (default = no, let it float)

Param fixSize:

Default = False, Fix S125 and Beta? (default = no, let them float)

Param fixTrackDir:

Default = False, Fix the seed track direction and time? (default = no, let them float)

Param FreeA:

Default = False, Let A float as a free parameter?

Param FreeD:

Default = False, Let D float as a free parameter?

Param FreeN:

Default = False, Let N float as a free parameter?

Param isBeta:

Default = True, Is it Beta? (set to false if it’s Age, but that option not currently available, so leave it true)

Param limitcoreboxsize:

Default = -1.0, Limit the core location to a square around previous core, of plus OR minus this number in X and Y.

Param MaxA:

Default = 0.001, Maximum A

Param maxBeta:

Default = 5.0, Maximum Beta (or age)

Param MaxD:

Default = 300.0, Maximum D

Param maxLogS125:

Default = 6.0, Maximum Log10(S125) (default = 6)

Param MaxN:

Default = 50.0, Maximum N

Param MinA:

Default = 0.0001, Minimum A

Param minBeta:

Default = 1.5, Minimum Beta (or age)

Param MinD:

Default = 10.0, Minimum D

Param MinN:

Default = 0.0, Minimum N

Param SStepsize:

Default = 1.0, Stepsize for the Log(S125)

Param StepsizeA:

Default = 5e-06, Stepsize for A

Param StepsizeD:

Default = 1.0, Stepsize for D

Param StepsizeN:

Default = 1.0, Stepsize for N

Param VertexStepsize:

Default = 20.0, Stepsize for the vertices


"I3LaputopSeedServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param A:

Default = -1.0, Parameter describing curvature parabola coefficient A

Param Beta:

Default = -1.0, Seed value of beta for DLP (or of age if using NKG). Default=2.6.

Param D:

Default = -1.0, Parameter describing curvature gaussian parameter D

Param InCore:

Default = 'ShowerCOG', Particle containing First Guess core position

Param InParams:

Default = '', Params (containing S125, beta, etc.) containing First Guesses for those parameters)

Param InPlane:

Default = 'ShowerPlane', Particle containing First Guess direction

Param InputPulses:

Default = '', Name of a pulseseries (will be used to estimate seed S125)

Param N:

Default = -1.0, Parameter describing curvature gaussian normalization N


"I3Rade3SnowAttenuationServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param EMOnly:

Default = False, Find the attenuation for an EM-only signal?

Param RMinimum:

Default = 11.0, Minimum radius (should match the DynamicCoreTreatment radius from Laputop)


"I3RadeBasicSnowAttenuationServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param RMinimum:

Default = 11.0, Minimum radius (should match the DynamicCoreTreatment radius from Laputop)


"I3RadeMuonSnowAttenuationServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param RMinimum:

Default = 11.0, Minimum radius (should match the DynamicCoreTreatment radius from Laputop)


"I3SimpleSnowAttenuationServiceFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param Lambda:

Default = 2.1, Snow attenuation length (lambda)

I3Tray segments


LaputopSmallShower (I3Tray segment)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Param pulses:

Default = 'IceTopHLCSeedRTPulses',

Param excluded:

Default = 'IceTopHLCSeedRTExcludedTanks',

Param snowfactor:

Default = 2.1,

Param ShowerCOGSeed:

Default = 'ShowerCOG',

Param ShowerPlaneSeed:

Default = 'ShowerPlane',

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x10c5d3ec0>,


LaputopStandard (I3Tray segment)

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Param pulses:

Default = 'IceTopHLCSeedRTPulses',

Param excluded:

Default = 'IceTopHLCSeedRTExcludedTanks',

Param ShowerCOGSeed:

Default = 'ShowerCOG',

Param ShowerPlaneSeed:

Default = 'ShowerPlane',

Param snowfactor:

Default = 2.1,

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x10c5f40e0>,