Project topsimulator

Invoke with: import icecube.topsimulator

C++ I3Modules


"I3TopAddComponentWaveforms" (C++ I3Module)


Param AirShowerComponents:

Default = 'AirShowerComponents', Map of component names -> ID

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param Launches:

Default = 'IceTopRawData', Input

Param PESeriesMap:

Default = 'MCTopPESeriesMap', Input

Param Pulses:

Default = 'IceTopComponentPulses_', Output

Param Waveforms:

Default = 'IceTopComponentWaveforms_', Output

Param WaveformsIn:

Default = '', Input


"I3TopSimulator" (C++ I3Module)

The I3Topsimulator module handles the whole simulation and stores the results in the frame.

Param CompressPEs:

Default = 2, Merge PEs generated within hitBinWidth time window, and… 0: keep full particle source information [largest number of I3MCPE objects]. 1: keep information on air shower class (e.g.: electron, gamma, muon, hadron) [medium number of I3MCPE objects]. 2: drop particle source information completely [smallest number of I3MCPE objects].

Param CreateSFrame:

Default = True, Create an SFrame for topsimulator.

Param HitBinWidth:

Default = 1.0, Bin width for hit binning in [ns]. Must be greater than zero!

Param IceTopCherenkovHitSeriesName:

Default = '', For debugging. Name of the resulting cherenkov hit series in the frame.

Param IceTopHitSeriesName:

Default = 'IceTopMCHits', Name of the resulting IceTop hit series in the frame.

Param IceTopMCTreeName:

Default = '', Name of the I3MCTree to store IceTop particles (particles which hit an IceTop tank) in the frame. If empty IceTopMCTree is disabled.

Param IceTopPESeriesName:

Default = 'IceTopMCPEs', Name of the resulting IceTop PE series in the frame.

Param IceTopScintHitSeriesName:

Default = '', For debugging. Name of the resulting scintillator hit series in the frame.

Param IceTopScintPESeriesName:

Default = 'IceTopMCScintPEs', Name of the resulting IceTop Scint PE series in the frame.

Param IceTopTestPulsesName:

Default = '', Name of the IceTop RecoPulsesSeries (without any PMT/DOM effects). For debugging only!

Param InIceMCTreeName:

Default = 'InIceMCTree', Name of the I3MCTree to store InIce particles (muons above energy threshold) in the frame. If empty InIceMCTree is disabled.

Param InjectorServiceName:

Default = 'I3InjectorService', Name of the injector service.

Param MuonEnergyCutOff:

Default = 273.0, Muon energy threshold in [GeV] above which muons will be stored in the “InIceMCTree” (if enabled).

Param PrimaryName:

Default = 'MCPrimary', Name of the primary particle in the frame.

Param ResponseServiceName:

Default = 'I3IceTopResponseService', Name of the IceTop response service.

Param Scints:

Default = [], Only simulate the given scintillator.

Param Tanks:

Default = [], Only simulate the given tanks.

Param UseInjectorComponents:

Default = False, Use the particle class information given by the injector, as opposed to determining it here. Only valid if CompressPEs==1.

Param UseScintillator:

Default = False, Use scintillator if found in GCD.

Param WriteEventHeader:

Default = False, Create an event header to store the run and event numbers.

Python I3Modules


DummySubEventSplit (Python I3Module)

Adds a Physics frame for each DAQ frame.

C++ ServiceFactorys


"I3IceTopResponseFactory<I3ParamTankResponse>" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param RandomServiceName:

Default = '', Name of external random service.

Param SearchGridSize:

Default = 5.0, Pixel size of search grid in [m]

Param TankSamplingRadius:

Default = 25.0, TankSamplingRadius in [m]

Param TimeConstantTyvek:

Default = 42.02907599496716, Time constant in [ns] for tanks with a Tyvek liner.

Param TimeConstantZirco:

Default = 26.484989158733274, Time constant in [ns] for tanks with zirconium coating.

Param UseSnowParam:

Default = True, If True use Patricks’s parametrization (only for e+/-, mu+/- and gammas) to simulate the snow. Otherwise use Stefan’s parametrization without the snow effect.


"I3InjectorFactory<I3CorsikaGridInjector>" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param FileNameList:

Default = [], List of CORSIKA file names.

Param GridSize:

Default = 10.0, Size of the sampling grid in [m].

Param RandomServiceName:

Default = '', Name of the random service in the context. If empty default random service will be used.

Param Stations:

Default = [], List of station numbers (need to exist in the GCD file). Sampling grid squares will be centered on these stations. Either tanks or stations can be specified at the same time!

Param Tanks:

Default = [], List of tank keys in the form [“1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, …”] (need to exist in the GCD file). Sampling grid squares will be centered on these tanks. Either tanks or stations can be specified at the same time!


"I3InjectorFactory<I3CorsikaInjector>" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param CorrectObservationLevel:

Default = False, Automatically adjust the z-coordinate of the observation level so it is above the snow at all tanks. Default is false.

Param FileNameList:

Default = [], List of CORSIKA file names.

Param HpTMuonTotalMomentum:

Default = 1000.0, Total momentum of high pT muons in [GeV/c].

Param HpTMuonTransverseMomentum:

Default = 8.0, Transverse momentum of high pT muons in [GeV/c] (must be smaller than total momentum).

Param IgnoreParticleTypes:

Default = [], List of particle types to skip over (for instance, muons are 5 and 6)

Param ImportanceSampling:

Default = False, Relocate showers centered at a location radomly sampled from shower particle distribution. If set to a value > 0, RelocationX and RelocationY parameters are set to a randomly sampled location from shower particle distribution.

Param ManualArrang:

Default = 0.0, Sets the manual arrang value to a given Corsika showers

Param NumHpTMuons:

Default = 0, Number of high pT muons to be inserted at the end of the simulation.

Param NumSamples:

Default = 1, Number of samples per shower.

Param OnRegionArea:

Default = 25.0, Area of the ON regions. Used only when ImportanceSampling==True.

Param RaiseObservationLevel:

Default = 0.0, Adjust the z-coordinate of the observation level upward by this many meters. Only for correcting observation level problems after-the-fact. Default=0. This is overridden if CorrectObservationLevel==true

Param RandomServiceName:

Default = '', Name of the random service in the context. This has to be specified or you’ll get fatal error

Param RelocationR:

Default = 0.0, Relocation radius in [m]. If zero, shower core(s) will be exactly at (relocationX, relocationY).

Param RelocationStation:

Default = -1, Relocate showers centered on given station. If set to a value > 0, RelocationX and RelocationY parameters are ignored.

Param RelocationX:

Default = 0.0, X center of relocation area in [m].

Param RelocationY:

Default = 0.0, Y center of relocation area in [m].

Param SamplingArea:

Default = 256000000.0, Total area over which to place the showers. For now, used only when ImportanceSampling==True.

Param Tanks:

Default = [], Relocate showers around given tanks.

Param TankSampleDistance:

Default = 0.0, Margin around each tank. All particles within this distance are added to the MCTree. Used only when ImportanceSampling==True.

Param UnThinRadius:

Default = 25.0, Sampling radius in [m] around the tanks used for the un-thinning. Must be smaller or equal than the tank sampling radius


"I3InjectorFactory<I3CorsikaThinnedInjector>" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param CorrectObservationLevel:

Default = False, Automatically adjust the z-coordinate of the observation level so it is above the snow at all tanks. Default is false.

Param FileNameList:

Default = [], List of CORSIKA file names.

Param IgnoreParticleTypes:

Default = [], List of particle types to skip over (for instance, muons are 5 and 6)

Param ManualArrang:

Default = 0.0, Sets the manual arrang value to a given Corsika showers

Param NumSamples:

Default = 1, Number of samples per shower.

Param RaiseObservationLevel:

Default = 0.0, Adjust the z-coordinate of the observation level upward by this many meters. Only for correcting observation level problems after-the-fact. Default=0.

Param RandomServiceName:

Default = '', Name of the random service in the context. This has to be specified or you’ll get fatal error.

Param RelocationR:

Default = 0.0, Relocation radius in [m]. If zero, shower core(s) will be exactly at (relocationX, relocationY).

Param RelocationX:

Default = 0.0, X center of relocation area in [m].

Param RelocationY:

Default = 0.0, Y center of relocation area in [m].

Param SmartUnthinning:

Default = True, If true (default), particles with weight 1 are not unthinned and simply passed through. If false, all particles are unthinned, whatever their weight.


"I3InjectorFactory<I3ParticleInjector>" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param AllTanks:

Default = False, Set this to True if all tanks of the given geometry (GCD-file) should be used.

Param AzimuthRange:

Default = [0.0], Azimuth range [0, 360] deg

Param EnergyRange:

Default = [1.0], Energy range in [GeV]

Param NumEvents:

Default = 1, Number of events to be generated

Param NumParticles:

Default = 1, Number of particles to be generated per event and per tank

Param ParticleType:

Default = 'mu-', Type of particle. Valid types the string version of I3Particle::ParticleType enumeration (MuPlus, MuMinus, EPlus, EMinus, Gamma, KPlus, etc). Also the following values are allowed for backward compatibility: “mu+, mu-, e+, e-, gamma, p+, p-, n”.

Param PhiRange:

Default = [0.0], Phi range [0, 360] deg

Param RadiusRange:

Default = [0.0], Radius range in [m]

Param RandomServiceName:

Default = '', Name of the random service in the context. If empty default random service will be used.

Param SpectralIndex:

Default = 0.0, Spectral index of energy spectrum (O: flat)

Param StartHeight:

Default = 5.0, Height above tank lid at which particle track starts (if zero –> starts on tank lid)

Param TankKeys:

Default = [], List of tank keys in the form [“1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, …”]. Tanks need to exist in the GCD file!

Param ZenithPower:

Default = 2.0, Power of the cos(zenith) (0: Isotropic, 2: atmospheric muon zenith distribution).

Param ZenithRange:

Default = [0.0], Zenith range [0, 90] deg


"topsim::MCTreeShimInjectorFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


I3Tray segments


CalibrateAndExtract (I3Tray segment)

Generates calibrated charges and waveforms.

Param Launches:

Default = None,

Param tag:

Default = '',


SimIceTop (I3Tray segment)

Simulate IceTop response.

Param input:

Default = None,

Param output:

Default = None,

Param gcd:

Default = None,

Param log_level:

Default = 2,

Param samples:

Default = 1,

Param tanks:

Default = [],

Param x:

Default = 0.0,

Param y:

Default = 0.0,

Param r:

Default = 0.0,

Param seed:

Default = 0,

Param rng:

Default = 'gsl',

Param injector:

Default = 'normal',

Param response:

Default = 'g4',

Param new:

Default = True,

Param pecompress:

Default = 2,

Param weighted:

Default = False,

Param calibrate:

Default = False,

Param trigger:

Default = False,

Param raise_obs_level:

Default = 0.0,

Param correct_obs_level:

Default = False,

Param event_id:

Default = 0,

Param run_id:

Default = 0,


SimulateNew (I3Tray segment)

Runs the main simulation modules using DOMLauncher. It has not been tested.

Param InjectorServiceName:

Default = None,

Param ResponseServiceName:

Default = None,

Param RandomServiceName:

Default = None,

Param PrimaryName:

Default = 'MCPrimary',

Param InIceMCTreeName:

Default = 'I3MCTree',

Param IceTopMCTreeName:

Default = 'I3MCTreeIT',

Param IceTopHitSeriesName:

Default = 'MCTopHitSeriesMap',

Param IceTopPESeriesName:

Default = 'MCTopPESeriesMap',

Param IceTopTestPulsesName:

Default = '',

Param IceTopCherenkovHitSeriesName:

Default = 'MCTopCherenkovPulses',

Param CompressPEs:

Default = 2,

Param Tanks:

Default = [],

Param SuperNovaMode:

Default = False,